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Sky Blue Star was not very famous in Cultivation Realm. This was merely a middle level cultivation planet, and Sky Blue Star's biggest specialty was Sky Blue Stones. It was a blue crystal stone, and was the best material to refine water type magical equipment.

As a result, Blue Star was quite famous in the nearby galaxies. Every year, there would be an endless stream of people who came here to collect Blue Stone.

At this time, in a primeval forest on Heavenly Blue Star, a shabby looking Transfer Array suddenly lit up, and following that, a young figure miserably appeared within the Transfer Array.

This person was Long Tianhao, who came to Cultivation Realm through the Transfer Array.

Long Tianhao was in a very sorry state. If he knew earlier, he would have put on the snow. Long Tianhao took out a set of clothes he prepared from the Sky Dragon Ring. This was what he prepared when he left Earth.

There were hundreds of different sets, and there were also a lot of good wine in them. Although Long Tianhao didn't like to drink alcohol, but if he brought some with him, he can also ease his worries when he misses his hometown.

Long Tianhao was quickly dressed before he finally got out of the Transfer Array. Once he got out, Long Tianhao couldn't help but curse: "Damn." Long Tianhao found himself in a forest, he did not know who built Transfer Array in this kind of place.

Long Tianhao was extremely depressed. However, Long Tianhao felt that the spiritual energy here was more than ten times stronger than on Earth. That cultivation speed would definitely be very fast here.

He actually appeared in such a place, it was great that he couldn't even see a shadow. Long Tianhao's first thought was to see how big this forest was.

Long Tianhao quickly rose into the sky. When he saw this scene, he was disappointed. This forest was so vast that he couldn't even see the end of it. It seemed like this was really a primitive forest.

This was not just a primitive forest. What Long Tianhao didn't know was that this forest was a forbidden area on Blue Sky Star, known as the "Demonic Beast Forest". As the name implied, there were countless Demonic Beast here.

It was even said that there were Divine Beast in the middle of the forest, so this place had always been a forbidden area for cultivators.

Long Tianhao did not know about this. He was currently troubled over how to leave this forest. Long Tianhao couldn't come up with any good ideas, so he had no choice but to choose a direction and keep flying forward.

It was boring to be alone in this kind of place, so Long Tianhao called the three kids over. The moment the three kids appeared, they all cheered. They also felt the rich spiritual energy here and they greedily absorbed it.

But now, other than the Sky Spirit, the other two Jin Ling s could not fly, so they could only stay on Long Tianhao's shoulder. The Sky Spirit continuously flew around Long Tianhao as if it was showing off, making the other two fellows very unhappy, but there was nothing they could do.

What Long Tianhao did not know was that the direction he chose was the center of the chilling Demonic Beast forest. If he continued flying like this, it wouldn't be long before Long Tianhao entered the center of the forest.

That place was filled with danger. However, what made Long Tianhao curious was that on his journey, he didn't even see a single bird. This made him feel that this place wasn't right. Actually, that was because he had two super Divine Beast by his side.

Although it was still in its infancy, the Demonic Beast still did not dare to appear in front of them due to King's presence.

Long Tianhao had been flying for an entire day, but he still hadn't seen the edge of the forest. This made Long Tianhao feel extremely depressed. What the hell was this place? Long Tianhao was helpless and could only continue to fly forward. Other than that, he had no other choice as he couldn't just keep flying back.

At this moment, Long Tianhao had already entered the central region. Long Tianhao continued to fly forward and he had already stored the three little guys into his body. It was too boring to let the three little guys cultivate inside his body.

He was the only one who would suffer this kind of punishment. Since the last time when the Heavenly Spirit had grown up eating Spiritual Stone, Long Tianhao knew that Spiritual Stone were very helpful to the growth of Divine Beast.

He gave each of them a piece of the best quality Spiritual Stone. Since this was left behind by the mother of the Sky Spirit, it must be for the growth of the Sky Spirit.

The three little fellows fell into a deep slumber after devouring the Spiritual Stone. It was probably because the spirit energy contained within the Spiritual Stone was too huge, so they needed to enter a deep slumber to be able to store and convert it into their own strength.

Just when Long Tianhao felt bored, an extremely powerful aura came pressing down on him from all directions.

Long Tianhao was under a lot of pressure and almost kneeled down. However, Long Tianhao was Thunder Monarch's successor, how could he give in so easily. He relied on his own willpower to resist the pressure.

Facing that pressure, Long Tianhao felt how minuscule he was. Under that pressure, it was even difficult for him to have any thoughts of resisting. Long Tianhao's heart was terrified. What exactly could give off such strong pressure? He was definitely a powerful person.

"Ao!" A burst of tiger roars pulled Long Tianhao back from his stupor. This tiger roar was too powerful and actually shook Long Tianhao until there were traces of blood on his seven orifices. Long Tianhao was extremely terrified, "What exactly is that thing?

The sound just now was like the cry of a tiger, but how could a tiger let out such a powerful roar? It actually made me bleed from my seven orifices. What kind of monster is this? " Long Tianhao said in shock.

Long Tianhao looked around and did not find anything. He released the Spiritual Consciousness and searched for a while, but still failed to find anything. This made Long Tianhao feel very strange, as his Spiritual Consciousness could already cover an area of 5000 meters.

He still couldn't find anyone to rely on like this. Could it be that the thing that released that terrifying pressure and roar was even further away? Heavens, just how much strength was needed?

Long Tianhao felt his heart beating very quickly. Sweat had already soaked his clothes. He was scared now. Even when he was facing the Octadic Snake back then, he had never felt this way.

But now, Long Tianhao was scared. He felt that this was an opponent that he couldn't fight at all, and the opponent could kill him as easily as killing an ant. Long Tianhao wasn't afraid of death, but he couldn't bear to have the three little guys die with him.

However, they had no choice. From the moment they signed the contract, their fates were linked together. Long Tianhao bitterly smiled.

He thought gloomily, "Am I going to die here?" I just came to the Cultivation Realm, I haven't experienced anything, and I haven't fulfilled the expectations of master and master Thunder Monarch. Am I going to die like this?

I can't accept it! " Thinking about that, Long Tianhao couldn't help but yell out. Yes, he was unwilling, he wasn't willing to die without any results. However, would that mysterious expert let him go because of his unwillingness?

Just as Long Tianhao shouted his unwillingness, a white shadow instantly appeared in front of him. It was high up in the sky, overlooking the world. Here, he was the emperor.

Looking at the white silhouette that appeared in front of him, Long Tianhao said with great difficulty: "Divine Beast and White Tiger!"

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