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Long Tianhao couldn't help but choke when he saw what appeared in front of him. Oh my god, Long Tianhao was about to despair. Long Tianhao couldn't understand how he could be so unlucky to encounter this kind of evil star in a new world.

Amongst all the Divine Beast, the White Tiger was the main culprit. Every time the White Tiger appeared, there would be a massacre, the fierce and fiendish aura of the White Tiger was too powerful, it could be said that no one was not afraid of the White Tiger, and the White Tiger Long Tianhao was facing was the White Tiger.

It was actually at the mature stage, equivalent to the realm of god. Long Tianhao was just a small cultivator. Even if he was Thunder Monarch's descendant and his means were stronger than the average person, he would definitely not be able to defeat the White Tiger.

Long Tianhao was scared and angry at the same time. He was the successor of Thunder Monarch, the one who created the world, yet he was killed so quickly. Why did he have to face this kind of situation?

Long Tianhao did not want to give up just like that. That white tiger looked at Long Tianhao with murderous eyes, seemingly treating Long Tianhao as his lunch. Long Tianhao was unwilling to give up so he took the initiative to attack.

His strongest move was the first one. The two lightning dragons pounced towards the white tiger. However, the white tiger waved its claws in disdain, and the two lightning dragons disappeared into nothingness.

Seeing that the Thunder Dragon had been destroyed, Long Tianhao, who was connected to it, couldn't help but spit out a mouthful of blood. Long Tianhao, who was connected to the Thunder Dragon had spat out a mouthful of blood.

He wanted to kill the White Tiger so he could live on. He still had too many things to do, and he couldn't die yet. Long Tianhao bit his tongue and spat out a mouthful of blood, hovering in front of him as the Seal in his hands continuously changed.

Long Tianhao was going to fight with his life on the line. He used his most powerful secret skill to trigger the Terminator Profound Bomb. He wasn't sure if it would work, but he was prepared to put everything on the line.

Just as Long Tianhao's handprint was completed and a huge lightning dragon rose into the sky, the white tiger that had been watching the show moved. In a flash, it appeared above the lightning dragon and with a swing of its claws, the giant lightning dragon disappeared into nothingness.

Long Tianhao spat out another blood arrow and suffered another heavy injury. He was no longer able to attack again and felt dizzy.

Long Tianhao fell backwards. The moment he fell, he vaguely saw the White Tiger baring its sharp fangs and pouncing towards him. Long Tianhao only had one thought, he was finished this time.

Just as Long Tianhao fell to the ground and the White Tiger pounced over, just as the White Tiger was about to devour the human that had invaded his territory, a flickering black light suddenly came out from Long Tianhao's body. To be exact, it was the eruption of the Sea of Consciousness.

That made the White Tiger very angry, and at the same time, it was deeply shocked. The White Tiger was not stupid, and the intelligence it had was even higher than humans. It knew that the things that could harm it were not ordinary.

However, the White Tiger would not let Long Tianhao get away with this. The White Tiger shot out a ray of white light towards Long Tianhao. However, before Long Tianhao's body could get close to it, it was hit and dissipated by the black object.

The White Tiger did not dare to be careless, it had already suffered a little just now. As the Divine Beast, the White Tiger, how could it have suffered such humiliation? The White Tiger slowly approached Long Tianhao, but just when it was 10 meters away from Long Tianhao.

The pitch-black object emitted lightning that enveloped the White Tiger. At that moment, the White Tiger clearly saw what was preventing it from killing the human over and over again. It was a small pitch-black sword wrapped with black lightning.

The White Tiger immediately cried out mournfully. It let out a human's roar: "Impossible, this can't be the Sword of Thunder Punishment. Thunder Monarch had disappeared for many years and even heard that he had fallen, why did he appear on this young man?"

The White Tiger continued to struggle, but could not free itself. Although it was the main culprit, it was still nothing in front of the Sword of Thunder Punishment, who was not afraid of this Sword of Thunder Punishment, it had killed countless gods and devils in the ancient times, and was considered a top tier weapon that only Thunder Monarch could use.

After struggling for a long time, the White Tiger also stopped resisting. It was as if it accepted its fate. The White Tiger pondered for a moment, then a drop of dark red blood suddenly rose from the top of the White Tiger's head.

He then flew towards Long Tianhao, and when he got close to Long Tianhao, he instantly entered Long Tianhao's body. Immediately, the light enveloping the White Tiger disappeared.

After a long while, Long Tianhao woke up and coughed, "I didn't expect I was still alive. What luck. Why did that White Tiger let me go?" Just when Long Tianhao was wondering why he escaped, he suddenly felt like he was being stared at.

Long Tianhao immediately wanted to launch an attack, but who knew that at this moment, the White Tiger would suddenly transform into a beautiful woman, "Master, take action."

The woman actually called him master. Facing such a sudden turn of events, Long Tianhao could not help but feel a little dizzy, "Who are you? Is the master you're talking about me? "

"Master, allow me to introduce myself. I am the daughter of the White Tiger clan's patriarch, Bai Ling. As for you, you are my only master."

"The lady, the Bai Ling, introduced Long Tianhao very politely." But didn't you just want to kill me? "Why now?" Long Tianhao asked curiously.

"Master, I'm sorry, the Bai Ling was being unreasonable just now, I hope Master can punish me." The Bai Ling said and actually knelt down.

Long Tianhao's previous anger disappeared in an instant and he gently helped the Bai Ling up, "I don't blame you, so don't worry about it. Now tell me why you want me to be your master."

"Master, it's like this," Then, the Bai Ling told Long Tianhao what happened just now, which made Long Tianhao sigh endlessly. At this moment, he finally understood that the Divine Sword that he couldn't use until now had saved his life.

Saying that, the White Tiger could not help but ask: "Master, if Bai Ling guessed right, you should be Thunder Monarch's descendant, right?" Hearing the Bai Ling's question, Long Tianhao did not hide anything, since the Bai Ling is his pet now, so he honestly said: "That's right, I am Thunder Monarch's descendant, and I also cultivate the《 Eternal Thunder Divine Spell》."

Hearing Long Tianhao's affirmation, Bai Ling kneeled down once again, "Bai Ling once again requests Master to punish them. As for my White Tiger clan, we have received kindness from Thunder Monarch in the first place.

We have always regarded Thunder Monarch as our benefactor. Today, due to the reckless actions of the Bai Ling, we nearly killed Thunder Monarch's descendant. The Bai Ling really deserves to die a thousand deaths. "

Long Tianhao quickly helped the Bai Ling up, "Those who don't know are not guilty. Besides, I was in the wrong today. I trespassed into your territory, so you don't have to blame yourself. Besides, didn't you cure me too? We're even now. " Long Tianhao comforted the Bai Ling.

Bai Ling also stopped talking, and quietly stood to the side. "Oh right, Bai Ling, you said that you're a princess of the White Tiger Family, but why are you in the Cultivation Realm?" Long Tianhao asked his own question.

The Bai Ling could not help but say with a tinge of sadness: "I could only blame myself for being too mischievous back then. After falling into the spatial crack, and then entering the Cultivation Realm, even though I have also entered my adulthood, I was still unable to tear apart the void to return to the Divine Realm.

I think my parents are worried about me. " As he said that, he started crying. Who would have thought that the Bai Ling that was brimming with killing intent would be crying right now.

"You don't have to be sad either, now you have to recognize me as your master. In the future, I will definitely bring you back to the Divine Realm to reunite with your family." Long Tianhao made a promise to the Bai Ling.

"Thank you master, from now on, Bai Ling will use all of her strength to assist master in repaying him for his great kindness." As he spoke, the Bai Ling wanted to kneel down, but was stopped by Long Tianhao. The reason the Bai Ling had so much confidence in Long Tianhao was because he was Thunder Monarch's successor.

Thunder Monarch even gave his own life treasure, Sword of Thunder Punishment, to Long Tianhao, presumably, Long Tianhao was definitely someone with a great fortuitous encounter. If Long Tianhao followed him in the future to return to the Divine Realm, it might actually be possible.

Libre Baskerville
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