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Soon, Long Tianhao brought Brother Tian Bao to stay in a tavern called Pleasing House. At the same time, Long Tianhao told the owner to buy some clothes for him.

As soon as they entered the room, Long Tianhao said angrily to Brother Tian Bao, "Your performance today really disappointed me. You couldn't hold it in at all. How can this be a big matter?"

"Master, Tian Bao knows he's wrong. Tian Bao was reckless, but they actually said they were selling Demonic Beast. This …"

"I don't care what the reason is, could it be that your impulsive actions are already useful? Cultivation Realm is the law of the jungle after all. Don't Treat Tian Bao

With that, Long Tianhao said angrily.

"I do not wish for something like today to happen again. The Bai Ling wanted you to follow me to help me, not to create trouble for me. If you do not listen to me, then go back to the forest of Demonic Beast." Long Tianhao said with a straight face.

"Master, please don't chase us brothers away. From today onwards, we will definitely listen to Master's orders and will definitely not cause any trouble for him."

The two brothers immediately kowtowed at Long Tianhao. The Demonic Beast were proud to be able to act like this, it showed how scared they were of Long Tianhao driving them back. If they were driven back, the Bai Ling would definitely skin them alive.

Long Tianhao couldn't bear to blame them anymore after seeing this scene. Originally, Long Tianhao didn't plan to treat them too much. After all, they were angry for their comrades, so Long Tianhao understood very well.

Seeing that they understood, Long Tianhao stopped getting angry, "Get up. Just listen to me and don't act recklessly. Alright, accompany me out to eat later."

"Eh, eating?" This was enough for Brother Tian Bao. Under their influence, there was no such thing as eating. Furthermore, with Long Tianhao's ability, did he even need to eat?

Long Tianhao didn't care about the shocked expression of the Wu brothers and walked straight into the room inside. The Wu brothers also reacted immediately and became guards.

Soon, it was already one day of lunch time. On this planet, it was different from Earth. Here, every day was 24 hours, and they wanted to be twice as fast as Earth.

At this moment, Long Tianhao had already put on the clothes that the shop owner bought. The clothes that the shop owner bought were all gorgeous.

Therefore, Long Tianhao looked really handsome when he put it on. He was just a typical pretty boy. Long Tianhao couldn't do anything about it. At this moment, a waiter came to greet him.

"Sir, what would you like to eat? Do we have everything here? " The waiter introduced the dishes enthusiastically.

"Oh, you really have everything? "Then give me coiling dragon meat to eat." Long Tianhao said to the waiter with a smile.

"Customer, you sure know how to joke around. How could we have such a godly item in our store? Even if we did, we wouldn't dare to eat it."

"Hehe, your waiter really is something. Forget it, bring me all the signature dishes in your restaurant. Don't worry, I won't be able to afford it. Here, take these, it's enough, right?"

As he said that, Long Tianhao threw out a bag of gold. No matter what, it was worth a hundred and eighty silvers.

"As soon as the waiter received the purse, he immediately burst into laughter." Enough, enough. There's too much. "

"If there's so much, I'll give it to you as a reward. Go on, hurry up and serve the food."

"Thank you, sir. Thank you, sir. The food will be served soon. Please wait a moment." The waiter changed his form of address and called him 'sir'.

Long Tianhao had never seen these dishes before, and they all looked pretty good, "Uncle, your dishes are all here, please enjoy, if you need anything, just tell me." En, you can go now. Bring me some of your good wine. "

"Come, Black Panther Tian Bao, have a taste of these dishes? They cost me quite a bit of gold!" Long Tianhao called over the Wu brothers for a meal.

The Wu brothers had no choice but to pick up their chopsticks and eat with a few chopsticks. They didn't notice how much they liked the dishes, but Long Tianhao ate with relish and occasionally made praising sounds. Soon, the waiter came over with two jars of good wine.

Long Tianhao didn't say anything more. He took the wine jar and opened the lid. Immediately, the fragrance of wine wafted out. Long Tianhao immediately poured a bowl for himself. At the same time, he poured a bowl for each of the two brothers and picked up the wine bowl.

After drinking it, he immediately felt comfortable. Seeing that Brother Tian Bao did not move, Long Tianhao said, "Come, come. What are you two doing? Eating and drinking. Do you want me to teach you?"

Only then did the Tian Bao brothers start to move. They picked up their wine bowls and drank as well, and before long, the two jars of wine had reached Long Tianhao and the other two. "Waiter, give me a few more bottles of good wine." Long Tianhao shouted.

Hearing Long Tianhao's shout, the waiter quickly brought two more jars over. "Uncle, the aftereffects of this wine are very strong. Please be careful. Please enjoy." The waiter kindly reminded them.

Long Tianhao obviously didn't care about this. As a cultivator, how could he be afraid of getting drunk? He immediately started drinking with the Wu brothers again. Of course, Long Tianhao was tasting this wine this time, and this place was different from Earth's.

The people on earth were all quite spicy, and here, they all felt very pure, together, it was very soft, and it was very refreshing to drink.

However, just as Long Tianhao was drinking, an incongruous voice sounded, "This is the exclusive seat of our Young Master Fang. It's not something any cat or dog can stay. All of you, scram."

Hearing this, Long Tianhao's face changed. The Wu brothers' faces also became ugly. If it wasn't for Long Tianhao, they would have listened to Long Tianhao's orders and flown away.

Long Tianhao was in a bad mood. People came to stir up trouble even after eating. He didn't want to cause trouble, but someone came riding on top of his head.

He truly thought that he, Long Tianhao, was someone that was easy to mess with. Since trouble had come looking for him, Long Tianhao definitely wouldn't run away.

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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