Legend Of Chaos Thunder God/C41 Princess tianye
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Legend Of Chaos Thunder God/C41 Princess tianye
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C41 Princess tianye

Suddenly, Long Tianhao thought of an important matter, "Ah, I forgot to ask Master what that ball of thundercloud in my Dantian is."

Long Tianhao could not help but laugh bitterly as he shook his head. He stood up and said to the Tian Bao brothers: "Help me protect me again, I want to check on the situation this time."

"Yes, Master." Regarding Long Tianhao's orders, the two of them would not reject it, and would only unwaveringly carry it out.

Long Tianhao crossed his legs and sat down, entering his inner vision. At this time, the blood colored Essential Infant had undergone a huge change within Long Tianhao's dantian, it was no longer blood-red, but had become a faint gold and silver, both gold and silver intertwining.

Long Tianhao's Essential Infant looked rather strange, and at the same time, his Essential Infant had grown by a lot as well. Long Tianhao tried to drag his Essential Infant out of his body slowly, and sure enough, his Essential Infant appeared in the space outside.

Essential Infant being able to leave the body, at this time, the Tian Bao brothers were also very surprised to see Long Tianhao's Essential Infant.

Because Long Tianhao's Essential Infant was too different from the others, how could there be so many colors? Long Tianhao's Essential Infant looked around, and even blinked his eyes at Tian Bao and, making them very uncomfortable.

After circling the Essential Infant once outside, Long Tianhao returned into Long Tianhao's body. Long Tianhao attached the Spiritual Consciousness onto the Essential Infant, and checked the condition of the Essential Infant. Actually, he mainly wanted to see about the situation of the ball of thundercloud in the Essential Infant.

However, Long Tianhao realized that there was still no change in that ball of thundercloud. Long Tianhao was also relieved.

After inspecting his own condition, Long Tianhao knew that he had now reached the second level's initial stage, and it was even the middle stage.

Of course, all of this was thanks to the mysterious state that Long Tianhao maintained when he entered the inheritance space. Although Long Tianhao was only at the Exemplary Realm, relying on the mysteries of the Thunder God Spell meant that ?

Moreover, Long Tianhao's body had been baptized by the heavenly tribulation, so his strength had increased by another level and he was now at the level of a High Rank Spiritual Artifact. Thinking about it, every part of his body was equivalent to a High Rank Spiritual Artifact.

Of course, he was referring to his abilities being about the same as's. If the difference in realm was too great, others could still deal with him.

Long Tianhao took a look at the contents of the inheritance and saw that it was complete. All the cultivation techniques on the ninth level of the? Eternal Thunder God Spell? had appeared.

All sorts of array formations, pill refining, tool refining, unusual techniques, Spiritual Beast s, herbs, ancient anecdotes, introduction of many dangerous grounds, etc. were all imprinted on Long Tianhao's soul. As long as Long Tianhao wanted to see, he could look at it at any time.

Long Tianhao did not plan to take care of other things at the moment, because these things could not be learnt overnight. What he needed the most right now was to raise his own strength, so Long Tianhao was more concerned about the cultivation of the Thunder God Spell.

Now that the cultivation technique was complete, he could be at ease with his cultivation. With the foundation of the first layer of Thunder God Spell, he had started to absorb and refine various types of spiritual energy from the second layer, and then cultivate it to the highest layer, where he could produce thunder and lightning.

This was a long process, and required a large amount of heaven and earth treasures. Although Long Tianhao was currently in the middle stages of the realm, without any fortuitous encounters, it would be difficult for him to improve.

Long Tianhao knew that it was useless to cultivate in seclusion, so he did not plan to cultivate anymore.

He was currently using the highest quality Spiritual Artifact, but his realm was still too low, and using the highest quality Spiritual Artifact was too ostentatious. Long Tianhao decided to research the refining technique himself, and use it to refine ordinary artifacts for himself.

There were a lot of ways to refine treasures as well, and each Master Refiner had his own unique refining methods. Long Tianhao saw that all of these methods were collected by the Thunder Monarch.

Any technique that the Thunder Monarch saw in his eyes would cause a bloody storm if it were to spread out. Long Tianhao chose to do it for half a day.

And lastly, he saw a method of artifact forging which was called soul refining. The reason he chose soul refining was because this name was rather special, and was even placed last by the Thunder Monarch.

Soul Refining was different from other refining methods, as it was created by the Thunder Monarch, and the current Cultivation Realm, as well as the Divine Realm, did not exist. It could be said to be unique, and the so-called Soul Refining was to invade one's own Soul Power during refining.

Compared to blood refining, it was more compatible, and at the same time, it was more dangerous to refine it. Blood refinement was forged using one's own Blood Essence, so it was a treasure that was connected to one's own blood vessels.

These two refining methods were only suitable to refine your own magic treasure. If you refined them for someone else, it would be much more difficult and at the same time, the danger would increase. Especially soul refining.

Long Tianhao had the experience and techniques of the Thunder Monarch, so as long as he was careful, there would not be any problems.

This meant that the refined artifacts could evolve. This was a magical equipment that could grow by leaps and bounds, much more powerful than ordinary treasures. Long Tianhao not only chose soul tempering, he also chose to learn it.

After all, in order to strengthen the Lightning Faction, it was necessary to recruit disciples in the future. Therefore, it was best to learn some refining techniques so that he could forge magic treasures for his disciple in the future.

It had already been a month since Long Tianhao's last tribulation, and during this period of time, Long Tianhao did not notice anything. Time slowly flowed by as Long Tianhao trained in soul refinement and mental cultivation, and Long Tianhao also felt that he gained a lot.

Just as he was about to study these two refining methods, at this moment, Long Tianhao suddenly felt a palpitation in his heart. It felt as if something was about to happen, and Long Tianhao released the Spiritual Consciousness s to inspect the area within a hundred kilometers.

In the northwest direction, 50 kilometers away from here, Long Tianhao discovered a few Essential Infant cultivators chasing and killing a few people. Amongst these people, there were two in the Essential Infant realm as well, and they were currently protecting a little girl who was only thirteen or fourteen years old.

Looking at the little girl, Long Tianhao felt his heart jump, "Could it be that there is something wrong with that little girl? Was that throbbing because of her? " Long Tianhao was very suspicious, but in the end, he decided to check it out.

He wanted to see who that person was and what kind of relationship he had with her. Long Tianhao immediately stood up and called for the two of them.

Long Tianhao flew very fast and quickly reached the place where the two cultivators protecting the little girl had reached their limits. They were in a precarious situation and just as the three cultivators were about to give chase and kill them, Long Tianhao suddenly stopped.

A voice suddenly rang out, "A few cultivators are actually chasing after a little girl. You guys have really lost all your face as a cultivator."

Everyone looked towards the source of the voice. They saw a young man floating in the air with a mocking expression on his face. He was staring coldly down below. This person was of course Long Tianhao, and at the last moment, Long Tianhao finally chose to make his move.

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