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A year's time had already passed and Long Tianhao acted according to the promise to bring Tian Ye away. When Tian Ye was about to leave, the mother and daughter hugged each other and the pain flowed through their hearts. In the end, Long Tianhao pulled Tian Ye up to the sky.

Under the unwilling eyes of Tian Ye's parents, they flew out of the palace. All the way, Tian Ye sobbed softly. However, Long Tianhao didn't say anything.

He knew that the little girl was sad, so he treated her even more with tears. Then, when the little girl was tired from crying, she fell asleep while hugging Long Tianhao.

Looking at the little girl's face full of tears, Long Tianhao could not help but feel sorry for her. He wondered if he was being too unreasonable, being just a child in a field. She should be enjoying happiness with her parents.

Was it really the right thing to break up someone else just like that? Long Tianhao could not help but become a bit disturbed. His brows were tightly locked, and only after a moment did he relax and sigh, "Sigh, cultivators are people that are abandoned in the beginning.

This is all fated. Why should I think so much? Having thought through all of this, Long Tianhao was no longer annoyed. He flew towards an uninhabited mountain range.

After flying for a long time in the sky, Long Tianhao was also a bit tired and stopped. At this moment, Tian Ye had also woken up, but the little girl's eyes were all red and crying.

He didn't want his master to worry about him, so he stopped crying and smiled coquettishly at Long Tianhao. Long Tianhao obviously knew what Ye Tian Ye was thinking, so he was very pleased with Ye Tian's actions. He couldn't help but tell himself that he must take good care of Ye Tian.

Long Tianhao told the two of them to find a place in the mountains to temporarily stay. At the same time, he also gathered some game meat and came back with some fruits.

Although Long Tianhao didn't need to eat anymore, Sky Night needed something to satisfy his hunger. At the same time, he also needed a good rest. Since Long Tianhao wasn't in a hurry, let Sky Night get used to it.

Very soon, Tian Bao brought Long Tianhao and Tian Ye to a cave. The cave that had the ability of a fierce tiger had been taken over by Tian Bao. Of course, Wu Tie had cleaned this place up.

Otherwise, he wouldn't dare to let Long Tianhao in. Long Tianhao and Tian Ye both went into the human cave to rest. Long Tianhao even took out a quilt from his ring. Long Tianhao had prepared these for Tian Ye. After all, Tian Ye was still a princess.

The reason was that she was no longer a princess and she wanted to learn how to live her own life. Seeing how Ye Tian Ye was so sensible, Long Tianhao was also very pleased, so he didn't force her.

At the same time, Tian Bao and Wang Wei started a fire outside of the cave and started to roast the wild game. To the two of them, roasted wild game was a type of torture. After all, they were also beasts.

However, they understood the logic of the law of the jungle, so they didn't feel anything. Besides, the beasts that died at their hands were many, and this was the way of survival.

It had to be said that Tian Bao and Tian Bao's grilling skills were quite good. They had been eating with endless praise all day long, and a young wild boar had its leg forcefully eaten by Tian Ye.

Perhaps this was the true nature of Tian Ye. In the past, she was suppressed by the royal family's rules, but now her nature was finally released.

After eating, Long Tianhao didn't ask for Tian Ye to cultivate, but to let her have a good rest. Long Tianhao knew that Tian Ye just left home today, so he wasn't very calm.

Although her expression was very cheerful, Long Tianhao knew that Tianyue wasn't in a good mood. So, he decided to let her have a good night's sleep. There was no need to rush for cultivation.

Seeing that Tian Ye was asleep, Long Tianhao also entered the cultivation state. Meanwhile, Tian Bao and Black Panther were guarding the entrance to the cave, protecting Long Tianhao and Tian Ye's safety.

The night was very quiet, and in the forest, it was as if all the living creatures had fallen asleep. The night was very quiet, and in the forest, it was as if all the living creatures had fallen asleep.

Long Tianhao's cave was currently surrounded by a large number of cultivators. Judging from their clothing, they were the ones who were chasing after Princess Tian Ye's Thunder Cloud Sect a year ago. It was likely that they were here for revenge.

At this time, Tian Bao and Black Panther also noticed the abnormality in their surroundings. Just as they were about to make their move, Long Tianhao's voice sounded in their ears, "Ignore them.

It won't be too late for us to act then. " When Tian Bao and Wu Hao heard Long Tianhao's words, they no longer paid attention to those people and continued to carry out their duties.

Actually, Long Tianhao already felt that someone was following them when he left the palace, but he did not care about it. He was not a person who liked to cause trouble, otherwise, he would not have allowed the three Thunder Cloud Sect disciples to leave last time.

Instead, they came to find trouble with him once again. At first, Long Tianhao was curious as to why these people hadn't come to find him for the past year, but now they appeared. He soon understood that there were people from the Lan Yun Sect in the palace after all, since the incident last time.

They didn't want to have too much conflict with the school, so they waited for Long Tianhao to come out. However, they were patient and waited for Long Tianhao for a whole year.

Seeing that Long Tianhao and the rest did not make any movements, the people from Thunder Cloud Sect did not want to wait any longer. The group of people flew out and surrounded the entire cave, blocking Long Tianhao and the others' way out.

Two elderly men walked out from the crowd. One of the elderly men said to the cave: "I am Yun He, an elder of Thunder Cloud Sect, and this is my junior brother, Cloud Leopard. The two of us have received orders from the Sect Master to bring back Princess Tian Ye.

At the same time, I'm here to ask you about what happened last time. Please show yourself. " These two old fellows were elders of Thunder Cloud Sect, and their strengths were not small.

They were both middle stage Cultivation Level, so when they saw Tian Bao and Cao Zhu, they did not have any fear and still dared to speak loudly.

Long Tianhao's brows furrowed together. This Thunder Cloud Sect was really shameless, he had already let off their people last time, and this time he even sent out a large group of experts. Long Tianhao had already checked, and amongst the people, other than Yun He and Yun Bao, who were Body Fusion experts.

The other people were all above Essential Infant realm, and many of them were Exemplary Stage and Soul Division experts. This was also why Long Tianhao told the Wu Iron duo not to act rashly in the beginning.

He didn't want to let Tian Ye see these fights and killings. Long Tianhao added a layer of protection around Tian Ye to protect Tian Ye's safety. After doing all this, Long Tianhao got up and walked outside.

When they saw Long Tianhao come out, Yunhe and Yunjie both revealed a look of disdain. They could see that Long Tianhao had an Acupoint Charging Cultivation Level, and it seemed that the Sect Master was being too careful.

"To actually have them bring so many people here," he said, "You are the one who destroyed the great matter at our Thunder Cloud Sect, you sure are bold, to even dare to snatch our Thunder Cloud Sect's people, what sect and sect are you from?"

"I don't have any sects, I'm just a rogue cultivator, I just can't stand the tyranny of your Thunder Cloud Sect. Last time, I didn't make things difficult for your Thunder Cloud Sect's disciple, what about it? Do you want to deal with me today? " Long Tianhao also disdainfully said to Yun He and Yun Bao.

Hearing that Long Tianhao was a rogue cultivator, the smile on the two's face deepened. Long Tianhao was just a kid without any background, and they didn't have any worries anymore. However, they didn't know why Long Tianhao brought two Body Fusion experts with him.

"Brat, it's not your turn to interfere in my Thunder Cloud Sect's business. If you're sensible, hand over that girl and we'll all go together. There's still a way for you to survive. Otherwise, hmph hmph."

"Or what?"

"Otherwise, if anyone else leaves this place, they will all die." Yun He said with a sneer.

"Is that so? "What a big tone. Tonight, I want to see who can't leave." Long Tianhao also sneered. He really did not care about these people. It was impossible for them to force him to submit.

The two sides faced off against each other with swords drawn and crossbows drawn. A great battle was about to break out!

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