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Long Tianhao slowly flew up, maintaining the same height as Yun He and Yun Bao. His whole body was releasing a strong fighting intent, a heroic aura soared up into the sky, completely ignoring Yun He and Yun Bao.

Long Tianhao's attitude completely exceeded Yun He and Yun Bao's expectations. At this moment, they were completely angered by Long Tianhao's attitude and the killing intent all over their bodies was released without restraint. The two of them stared coldly at Long Tianhao.

"Kid, since you do not know what's good for you, then don't blame this old man for not showing mercy. Disciple of Thunder Cloud Sect, listen up.

As Yun He's voice fell, the Thunder Cloud Sect disciples all released their imposing auras, firmly locking onto Long Tianhao and the other two. Facing this scene, Long Tianhao actually started laughing loudly, "Hahahaha, Thunder Cloud Sect is powerful indeed.

You want to kill me? Hmph, Tian Bao, Black Panther, kill these two shameless old men. Leave the rest to me, you don't have to worry about anything else.

I just need to get rid of these two old fellows. I want to see, just what ability does Thunder Cloud Sect have? You dare call yourself Lei Yun, I shall test their lightning attribute magic's strength. "

Long Tianhao laughed and assigned the tasks. Although he couldn't beat these two old fellows right now, with the ingenuity of the mystical arts he cultivated, as well as his powerful physical body, it was no problem for him to deal with the other fish.

Receiving Long Tianhao's order, Tian Bao and Tian Bao did not stop and directly attacked the duo. The duo did not expect Long Tianhao and the others to dare to make the first move.

Then, the two brothers, Tian Bao and Wu Tie, left this place and went to the distant sky. Only the Thunder Cloud Sect disciples were left surrounding Long Tianhao.

Seeing that these Thunder Cloud Sect disciples did not attack, Long Tianhao could not help but sneer, "Are the Thunder Cloud Sect disciples that cowardly? Since you guys aren't going to act, then I'll make the first move. " Before he finished his sentence, Long Tianhao had already disappeared.

When he appeared again, he was already in front of a Thunder Cloud Sect disciple. Under the terrified expression of that Thunder Cloud Sect disciple, Long Tianhao directly punched that disciple's Dantian area, and then, with a flash.

He returned to his original position. As for that disciple, he let out a groan as he fell from the sky. He was already killed by Long Tianhao in one hit and didn't even have the chance to make a move.

This sudden development of events caused the disciples with Thunder Cloud Sect to be stunned. Making use of this opportunity, Long Tianhao once again made his move, and with the same method, killed several Essential Infant disciples in succession.

They were all on guard, but Long Tianhao did not intend to attack anymore. His goal had already been reached, and from the start, Long Tianhao had used his strange movement technique and abnormal physical body to directly kill several Thunder Cloud Sect disciples.

They just wanted to suppress them and leave a shadow behind. When they wanted to attack Long Tianhao again, they no longer had the same imposing manner they did in the beginning.

The disciples of Thunder Cloud Sect also knew that Long Tianhao seized the initiative, and at the same time, saw Long Tianhao's strange movement technique and straightforward killing techniques.

At this moment, they no longer dared to underestimate Long Tianhao. Therefore, a group of Thunder Cloud Sect disciples prepared to attack together and use their own attacks against Long Tianhao.

These were all cultivators above the Essential Infant realm. Dozens of Essential Infant stages together would be terrifying, but Long Tianhao wasn't afraid at all. All he saw was that the combined Thunder Cloud Sect disciples' attacks had actually formed a huge silver dragon.

The more lightning dragons gathered, the stronger the lightning dragon became. When it reached the limit, all the Thunder Cloud Sect disciples moved together, and the lightning dragon waved its sharp claws as it directly rushed at Long Tianhao.

This lightning dragon was condensed from a secret technique of the Thunder Cloud Sect, it contained several tens of Genuine Essence s of the Thunder Cloud Sect, and at the same time, it was infused into their minds. It was extremely powerful, to the point where even the combined body stage, and even the experts of the tribulation stage did not dare to face it head on.

Seeing that the lightning dragon was getting closer and closer to him, Long Tianhao revealed a crafty smile. This made the disciples of Thunder Cloud Sect puzzled, but they only thought that it was Long Tianhao's plot before his death.

Just when the lightning dragon was about to reach Long Tianhao's body, Long Tianhao suddenly opened his mouth and a suction force appeared. He actually wanted to swallow the lightning dragon. The lightning dragon also noticed the danger and continuously roared and struggled.

All of them used all of their strength to try and take the lightning dragon back, but Long Tianhao wasn't willing to let their thoughts succeed, so he directly increased the force of his absorption, and only needed a moment to absorb the lightning dragon into his body.

At the same time, all of the Thunder Cloud Sect disciples grunted and spat out a large mouthful of fresh blood. They had actually received serious injuries in the previous battle.

The lightning dragons were connected to them by mental connection. Each and every one of them was injured. After Long Tianhao swallowed the lightning dragons, all of them received a backlash and were all heavily injured.

That was their bad luck, who was Long Tianhao? He was Thunder Monarch's successor and trained in the most orthodox lightning profound arts. How could these lightning attacks hurt him? Instead, they gave him a great tonic.

If it was someone stronger, Long Tianhao might not be able to defeat them, but they could not. Long Tianhao's physical body was too abnormal.

After swallowing this lightning dragon that was formed by dozens of Thunder Cloud Sect disciples using the majority of the Genuine Essence s, Long Tianhao felt that his entire body was filled with energy. This energy was the same as the energy in his body, although it was a little complicated.

But after going through refinement, it could be used by Long Tianhao. Long Tianhao believed that after he completely refined this energy, he would break through to the second level's middle stage. These Thunder Cloud Sect disciples were really his lucky stars.

At this time, the Thunder Cloud Sect disciples looked at Long Tianhao in a completely different light. Long Tianhao had already become a devil.

It was too scary. They were already afraid. The true fear. The fear of death. At that moment, Long Tianhao was like a god of death that came from hell. He stood in the air and walked towards them one step at a time.

Long Tianhao had an evil smile on his face as he walked step by step towards the Thunder Cloud Sect disciples. Those Thunder Cloud Sect disciples were all dispirited, and although they wanted to escape, they had no strength to do so. They could only watch as Long Tianhao walked towards them, but were unable to do so.

"Is that all you have? Since the performance is over, it's my turn to take action. Don't you like Thunder Dragons? Today, I will show you what a true lightning dragon looks like. " Long Tianhao said to the Thunder Cloud Sect disciple whose face was ashen.

The group of Thunder Cloud Sect disciples did not know why Long Tianhao would say that, but seeing Long Tianhao's weird and evil smile, all of them had a bad premonition in their hearts.

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