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This kind of strange phenomenon, not only did Thunder Cloud Sect people not understand the situation, even Tian Bao who came with them was confused.

"King, are you going to let go of these people who killed our master?" Tian Bao didn't understand and directly asked his own question.

"Tian Bao, don't worry, master is fine." The Bai Ling knew what Tian Bao was thinking and directly told him the reason.

Upon hearing that Long Tianhao actually didn't die, Tian Bao was stunned, and Lei Tian and the others couldn't believe it. They saw Lei Tian tremble all over as he muttered to himself, "Impossible, impossible, it's impossible that he didn't die. I personally grinded his bones to dust, how could he not die?"

"What?" You said you'd grind my master's bones and scatter his ashes. Good, you're very good. Do you think you can kill my master just like that?

Hmph, if I don't kill you today, when my master returns, I believe that he will want to kill you personally. Just you wait, fear. Bai Ling said to Lei Tian in disdain.

Towards the matter of Lei Tian ruining Long Tianhao, the Bai Ling was furious. However, that thread of connection told him that Long Tianhao was still alive, so he let go of the person with Thunder Cloud Sect. Of course, this did not mean that the Bai Ling had been kind.

It was because she knew that if Long Tianhao was still alive, she would definitely take revenge on him. If she made a move, it would leave Long Tianhao with a regret instead.

Seeing the Bai Ling leave, everyone in Thunder Cloud Sect heaved a sigh of relief. Only Lei Tian was still as frightened as before, "Ah, it's been a hundred years since Thunder Cloud Sect sealed the mountain, everyone should keep a low profile from now on. As for Lei Tian, he's no longer suitable to be Sect Master.

Choose one more person to be Sect Master. " Cang Mingzi said helplessly as he returned to the secluded cultivation room with the other two.

The three of them were also about to go into closed door cultivation, but they did not expect that this battle would cause the Thunder Cloud Sect to directly seal the mountain. This made the other sects feel very strange, and even though they had countless speculations, they did not know the reason.

The Bai Ling directly brought Tian Bao back to the Demonic Beast forest, and Tian Bao tactfully did not ask any further, as long as he knew that Long Tianhao was fine. As for everything else, he did not want to bother with them, as soon as the Bai Ling came back, he had called for the black panther, Tian Ye was still sleeping, and of course it was all because of Long Tianhao.

"Tian Bao, Black Panther, I know that you guys have something to ask, so I'll tell you guys. Although I don't know why master is still alive after being struck into nothingness by Lei Tian, but as long as master is fine, everything is fine.

With the contract that I have only seen with master, I can feel that the connection of dissipation has reappeared. Although it is very weak, I know master will definitely still be alive, and will definitely return. Let's just wait for master's return. "

"Yes, King. How should we deal with the Miss?" Tian Bao and Liu Yi both returned respectfully.

"Since she is Master's disciple, we should take good care of her. From now on, all of you should take care of Miss on a full-time basis. If anything happens, I'll just take you as a question, understand?"

The Bai Ling said to the two of them sternly. Tian Ye was Long Tianhao's only disciple, so the Bai Ling did not dare to be careless.

Of course, Tian Bao and Wu Tie promised him. They had let Long Tianhao get into trouble, so they would definitely give their all to nurture Tian Ye. The Bai Ling extended her hand and a white light flashed.

Tian Ye woke up with a start. The moment he woke up, Tian Ye cried out, "I want my master. Uncle Tian Bao, take me to see father." This girl had a conscience, Long Tianhao's love for her was not in vain. He did not hesitate to sacrifice his own life for her.

"Miss, please stop messing around for a moment. Listen to me. Master is fine. Just wait here peacefully for him." Bai Ling pulled Tian Ye over, smiling as she comforted Tian Ye who was crying.

"Really? Where is this elder sister and master? Why didn't he appear? Does he not want the night? " The little girl was still crying, afraid that Long Tianhao would not want her anymore.

"How could that be? Master has things to do and will be back soon. When Master is not around, we will take good care of you."

Miss, you must also work hard to cultivate so that Master will be happy when he comes back. " The White Tiger Divine Beast that was truly hard to deal with actually wanted to coax a little girl like this.

"Yes, if it's really like that, Tian Ye will definitely cultivate properly. Master, you have to come back early. Tian Ye will work hard."

Tian Ye also stopped crying. He believed that Long Tianhao would come back from the Bai Ling and she believed that Long Tianhao would not reject her as his disciple.

Flowers two open, each table a branch.

In the depths of the endless void, there was chaos everywhere. In the chaos, there was a huge palace. At this moment, a streak of black light broke through the chaos and directly flew towards the palace.

He disappeared, and at the same time, in a hidden location deep within the palace, a mysterious woman suddenly opened her eyes. She muttered to herself, "So that's how it is." He then stood up and appeared beside the egg-shaped object.

At this moment, the egg-shaped object actually emitted mysterious ripples, and a powerful life force was constantly being transmitted outwards.

The mysterious woman's eyes flickered with a glossy shine as she quietly observed everything before her. After that, she closed her eyes and made hand seals. Very soon, the mysterious woman opened her eyes. It was clear that she had reached a conclusion regarding this matter.

"Oh, this time, it is really heaven's will. I have tried my best to hatch this egg, and it will not hatch even after billions of years. It is actually hatching for today. It is heaven's will!" The mysterious woman sighed deeply as she shouted out the heaven's will a few times.

After saying those words, the mysterious woman didn't stop and directly returned to the depths of the palace, closing her eyes in meditation.

As for the huge egg in the palace, the aura of life that it emanated was also continuously getting stronger. A strong life was being born.

Time flew by very quickly. It had been ten years since Long Tianhao's incident, and these ten years, her Cultivation Realm was very calm. Tian Ye had long since grown into an exquisite and flirtatious beauty.

The Thunder Divine Spell was simply tailored for her. Tian Ye's progress was very fast, in just ten years he had already reached the early stage of the second level, reaching Long Tianhao's level. If not for the later stages being too difficult to cultivate.

The Cultivation Level s of Tian Ye were much better, at the same time, they had also cultivated the accompanying Lightning Shocking Movement Technique and the Nine Dragons Thunder Mantra to a very high level. The Bai Ling s did not teach Tian Ye much, they only asked her to focus on training the skills Long Tianhao had passed down, with the support of the Demonic Beast Forest.

At the same time, it was also for the good of Tian Ye. The Bai Ling had always been suppressing Tian Ye's cultivation speed to the best of her abilities, but even so, Tian Ye's speed was still surprisingly fast.

During these ten years, Tian Ye had also returned to the Kingdom of Lanyun a few times, so as to prevent her parents from worrying about her. During these ten years, Tian Ye had always thought about Long Tianhao the most besides cultivating.

This was really hard for the Bai Ling, for Tian Ye, she had a headache, but it was impossible for her to do so, so she had to comfort the young miss again and again.

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