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C241 I'm a Teacher(2)

After a big talk down there, all the students up there seemed to be lost in thought. He couldn't help but feel happy. "It seems like they can still accept new things. These martial techniques that have been passed down on the continent for tens of thousands of years won't be easily changed by others."

"The swordman lessons today have ended. My requirements aren't high. As long as you go back and think about what I have said, everyone will be able to comprehend different things. However, I still hope that you will be able to make some changes. " After a pause, Atlas continued, "Next is my summary of some magic."

Atlas's words immediately lit up the eyes of all the mages present. "Ashlow is the continent's number one Devil Swordsman. He can use martial arts and magic as well as be equally outstanding. Everyone present knew that they could not do it. Since he has his own unique understanding of martial arts, then magic must not be weak. " All the mages were looking forward to his words.

"The things taught today are all the same. I also said the requirements for magic. Concentrate on one point. There are some things that everyone knows, such as ice magic. What's the difference between the most basic ice ball spell and the advanced ice awl spell? Which student can tell me?" As soon as he finished speaking, a noble from Menes Empire raised his hand and spoke.

Qingtian had a very deep impression of her. She was a very cold girl. However, she was very beautiful. Perhaps many young men in her empire had touched nails on her! However, what left the deepest impression on him wasn't her looks. After all, Qingtian had too many outstanding women by his side. She was the famous beautiful fox girl on the continent, the Light Vatican's saintess. The Elf Princess, the Empire Princess, every single one of them was a stunning beauty. The thing that Tian Qingtian admired the most about this girl was her resilience.

The girl already had the strength of an intermediate High Mage while fighting against him, and she was already a genius at her age. After all, there were geniuses everywhere, but there were very few of them. Moreover, the people gathered here were all elites. Qingtian easily neutralized the girl's attack, causing her every attempt to be fruitless. The girl was clearly a child of a noble family, and she was equipped with top-grade magic equipment. She had at least levelled up. With Qingtian's eyesight, he could take out every single one of these items. It's enough for a civilian's life. The girl was also a proud and arrogant person. As a peer, how could she allow Qingtian to defeat her so easily?

In the end, in order to harm Qingtian, the girl forcefully increased her own strength. She actually used the Ice Dragon Technique that only Magisters could use. Although it was much weaker than the real Ice Dragon Book, and relying on these amplification items on her body, it wouldn't last for too long. However, it still made Atlas look at him in a new light. After all, very few girls born in noble families were this strong.

However, he could even neutralize Ice God's Frost Dragon, let alone her unorthodox magic. He did not even dodge, he only raised his hand and waved. The Ice Dragon shattered. The girl looked at him in disbelief, blood flowing out of her seven orifices. However, she still did not collapse, and continued to use the wand to support herself. Even in the end, she still tried her best to send out a ball of ice with her remaining magic power to attack him.

After that, he finally collapsed to the ground. However, his hands were still tightly holding onto his wand. At this time, the entire wand was already full of cracks due to her excessive demand. The gem on it had already cracked when she cast the Ice Dragon Spell. "Sigh, it's just a test. There's no need to go all out." Looking at this girl called Dana, Qingtian could not help but shake his head for her stubbornness.

"Okay, Student Dana, now please use a ice ball technique. Come towards this wooden board." Following Qingtian's request, Dana immediately used a ice ball spell. With a bang, she smashed onto the wooden board. Instantly, a crack appeared on the three-inch-thick wood. Furthermore, a large area of the board was covered with frost.

"Now, please use an Ice Cone to hit another wooden board." Dana did not hesitate. Ever since that day's test, she knew the difference between her and this young man in front of her. She had shown outstanding magic talent since she was young. Everyone in the Empire praised her for being smart. She grew up in praise and did not lose her direction. Instead, she studied even harder. This was how her current strength was created. And when Ashlow appeared out of nowhere, not only did he defeat the most famous Third Princess in his own country in the war, furthermore, he had become the number one Devil Swordsman in the continent. He really wanted to see if this ___ was as amazing as the legends said. However, when he excitedly faced this young man, he found that this young man in front of him was like a giant. This bit of magic of mine is really pitiful to show off in front of him.

The icicle shot out and hit another piece of wood. Not only did it pierce through the wood, but it also pierced through the other piece of wood. And freeze the whole plank into ice. "Then tell me, why do these two pieces of wood have different effects?" Turning around, Qingtian asked Dana.

This question was quite simple. He did not understand why his teacher would ask such a question. However, Dana, who already knew his power, still answered Qingtian's question honestly, "Because the level of the Ice Cone Spell is higher. The Ice Cone Spell is only the most basic Ice Spell. The Ice Cone Spell is a relatively higher spell, so its power is naturally greater. "

"You are right, but you are only half right. According to the habits of most mages, they would simply think that this was a difference in the level of magic. Ice Ball is only a level 1 spell, while Icicle is a level 4 spell. Naturally, its power was greater. The effects were different. However, just as I said earlier, the other half is whether or not the power is concentrated on one point. The same magic, the ice ball is just a ball. Furthermore, the magic elements are evenly distributed, and the damage caused is overall. The Icicle only changed its shape and increased its magic power. But because of its different shape, it was able to pierce through the wooden board. Everyone, think about it, if you also change the shape of the simple Ice Ball Spell, or maybe... If we compress it, will the same situation occur? " Atlas's words caused all the mages present to fall into deep thought. His thoughts had completely overturned tradition.

"Professor Ashlow, if we follow what you said just now, then this magic is still called ice hockey?" Dana was the first to ask. "This is up to you. I just want you to improve the simple single-target magic. This way, the power will increase a lot. Look. " As he spoke, a ball of ice appeared in Atlas's hand. However, it was different from an ordinary round ball of ice. It was like a drop of water. The ball below was round, but the top was pointed.

"I concentrated most of the magic elements in this ice ball in front of me, and made it this shape. The remaining few magic elements maintained its shape behind me. This way, when attacking, it will cause more damage to the opponent " As he spoke, he raised his hand and shot it onto the third piece of wood. "With a bang, a very small hole appeared on the wooden board. Moreover, there was only a bit of cold air around it.

"You might have seen it, although the power on the surface isn't as great as an ordinary ice ball technique, but it actually went through the wooden board, causing damage to the essence of the object. This kind of magic is the same as the magic extracted from your body, but you need to use a bit more mental strength to achieve it. But what kind of magic will you use when facing your enemies? I don't think anyone will choose the first one. Although this hole is very small, it has a fatal effect. In comparison, it is much more powerful than ordinary ice hockey." Atlas's words finally made most of the people understand, but there were still some who raised their objections.

"Excuse me, Professor Ashlow, could it be that only ice magic can do it?" A fire mage said from below. "Of course not. I used ice magic as a demonstration to let everyone feel it more intuitively. Every magic can be done, just like how your fire magic focuses most of the fire elements in your fireball at the front. This will also happen." As he spoke, Atlas once again used the Fire Controlling Art to form a fireball in his hand. Suddenly! Bang!

After making contact with it, a "poof" sound was heard as the sky-high fireball also pierced through the wood.

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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