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C246 Goodbye Lu Yuan

Looking down at everyone's expressions, Atlas coughed, the crowd immediately quieted down. "Listen to me, everyone. Maybe many people know about the war between the gods and demons that happened tens of thousands of years ago. At that time, the main characters of both sides were some gods and the so-called Devil Clan." So, Qingtian told them more about the Devil Clan. He also added some of his own viewpoints in order to let everyone understand things more directly.

"I don't want to tell you all these things right now, but something urgent has happened. I have to say it. What do you all think the Devil Clan looks like? Like a monster? Or like the Devil Beast? No, their appearance is the same as ours. However, the difference is that all the Devil Clan have black hair and black eyes, just like me!" Tian Qingtian pointed at his own face, and his words immediately caused the people below to start discussing amongst themselves.

After a long time, everyone looked at Tian Qingtian and realized that there was something wrong with their discussion, and they gradually quieted down.

"Now, let me tell you why you want to open this academy: because you already have a certain level of strength, but you have been using the traditional martial arts pattern on the continent. Once the Devil Clan invades the continent, all the races will face annihilation. I want to train a group of people like you, including my subordinates. Let's fight the invasion of the Devil Clan together!" Tian Qingtian's words had once again caused a heated discussion among the crowd, and this time, the reaction was even more intense. Many of them found it hard to believe Tian Qingtian's words.

"Alright, everyone, be quiet. Whether you believe me or not, I hope that you can stay here and study properly, Tian Qingtian said. Even without the invasion of the Devil Clan, you will learn to have abilities like mine. It will bring you endless benefits. " Tian Qingtian continued as he looked at the gradually quieting crowd.

"Now, I have a chance to sneak into the Devil Clan. However, it will take a long time for me to leave this place. During this period of time, all of you should study hard. I will leave my people behind to teach all of you. From tomorrow onwards, I will leave, and I hope to see you all have some results when I return. If you have any more questions, feel free to ask." Tian Qingtian roughly finished explaining the situation and asked them.

"Teacher Ashlow, I have heard about the Devil Clan before. Every one of them is very powerful. I just want to ask. Even the Gods can't defeat them, can we? " After all, Dartan has the bloodline of the Gods, so he knows more things.

"As long as you have confidence, no matter what God or Demon you are. The most important thing for a person is to have confidence in yourself, trust me... As long as you do as I say, in the future, you will definitely leave behind your name in history." Atlas's words were very impassioned. Everyone present was also young. Hearing his words, everyone's eyes lit up with yearning.

"Alright, I hope you won't make things difficult for the new teacher. Although some of you are already very strong, you still know nothing about what I'm good at. The people I have found are all my subordinates. They will do their best to give you new knowledge. Alright, who else has any problems? If not, I will be leaving. I don't know the exact time I'll be back, but I'll definitely bring good news to everyone." Tian Qingtian waved his hand and left.

"Teacher Ashlow." Not long after he left arena, a voice came from behind him. Without thinking, it was Dana.

"Hm? Why? Is there any other problem? Oh right, recently I will find someone from the Mage Association to teach you. I have already passed some of my experiences to them. When the time comes, I hope that you can bring your classmates to accept this new knowledge. Also, you can absorb the power of that ice crystal during your recent meditation. You don't need to absorb those mixed and impure powers anymore. Work hard, I'm very optimistic about you." Tian Qingtian patted her shoulder and said softly.

Dana was even more speechless after being patted by Tian Qingtian. She had always been strong and cold, but she didn't know why she met him. Her face was always red. "Then, teacher, you must be careful when you go to the Devil Clan. Those people are very powerful." After saying that, he took out a talisman from his body. "This was given to me by my mother, and now I'm giving it to you. I hope you're safe " As he spoke, he stuffed the talisman into Qingtian's hand. Then, he ran back.

"Sigh, this girl!" Qingtian couldn't help but shake his head as he looked at the talisman in his hand. "I've already had enough troubles on me, and now I've offended a young lady of the Frost Family."

The first thing he wanted to do now was to go home. The three new wives that had just passed by had to be comforted. Each and every one of them was a big problem. Qingtian immediately left Mount Lantis and headed home.

When he got home, he was surprised to find that the three wives didn't have any emotions or objections. They all agreed with Qingtian's departure. Sophie, the most clingy one, also had a look of determination on her face. "Brother, we all know that the burden on your shoulders is very heavy. It is already our greatest honor to be able to become your wife. Furthermore, our current strength is simply unable to help you. But you must promise that everyone will return safely. "

"Of course, I haven't lived enough yet! With such three wives in the family, who would be willing to go out every day!?" Looking at their attitudes, Qingtian was truly touched. They carried the three of them together. He silently enjoyed this care. "This night, it's the spring again.

The next morning, Qingtian quietly left his home, sat on Ray, and headed straight to Devil Beast Forest.

Along the way, Qingtian kept thinking about what he should do when he got there. If the wolf brought him there... How should he deal with those Devil Clan? Would the others believe him? Could it be that everyone was as stupid as them? The two men from the Devil Clan whom Qingtian had met in the past were powerful, but they were simple-minded. One of them challenged all the nobles on the continent for the honor and order of his people, while the other was determined to be his own kind when he saw his appearance. However, no one could be sure that all the people of the Divine Clan were stupid. Just imagine, how could a group of idiots have the strength to fight the Divine Clan?

In just a few days, Qingtian had ordered Ray to advance at full speed. Finally, they arrived at the Devil Beast Forest. Qingtian wasn't in a hurry to go to Lu Yuan's place. He believed that the old man would have noticed him by the time he arrived. He first arrived at the place where he had been teleported to.

This place was still the same as before. Qingtian stood on the empty ground. He tightly held onto the Angel's Tear. "Maya, I am back. I have come to see you again. Now I am strong. I am the strongest person on this continent. No one can hurt me, but I have lost you forever." Tian Qingtian's tears kept flowing out. In the end, he choked and couldn't speak.

"The Seven Headed Orochi that chased after us has been subdued by me. Now, I want to go to an even more dangerous place. That place is far more dangerous than this continent. However, I will protect myself well. I will never let myself get hurt again. Because my body is half yours. I really want to hear you call me big brother again... " Qingtian stood there for an entire night. The next morning, he didn't take another look and left for Lu Yuan's place.

"Haha, this kid is finally back. I'm so bored here. How is it? What happened again? " Of course, Lu Yuan knew that there was no need for him to come here. This kid was busy. He must have encountered some kind of trouble that he couldn't solve.

"I can't come and see you if I have nothing to do! The old man was really petty. But you really guessed it right. After my continuous hard work, I'm finally going to break through to the Golden Core stage. I'm about to break my core and form my Nascent Soul! How about it? Envy me, you're much faster than you were at that time! However, there's no other way. There's still a gap between a genius and an ordinary person." He flaunted in front of Lu Yuan.

" Oh? I didn't expect you to be so capable. It seems like a lot of things have happened recently. Let's not talk about the Nascent Infant first. Tell me what exactly is going on. Tell me what happened after you returned." Lu Yuan didn't seem to have any intention of improving Tian Qingtian. Instead, he told Lu Yuan a story.

Looking at this mischievous child, Qingtian could only start from the moment he left.

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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