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C32 Ambushed(1)

"Ha, boy, if I were a little late, my baby girl would have been hurt by you. I know that your strength is extraordinary, but I didn't expect that you would be able to subdue the Thunderhawk. Why did I give you the freedom to stay in the academy, and you still want to challenge the teacher? " The dean seemed to be very angry.

"Grandpa dean, don't you dare because you're the dean. The teacher is your daughter, and you want to work together to bully me? You're giving me freedom, but she won't. And you kept picking a fight with me. She was so ridiculous. Do you think I can accept it? Today, using the excuse of a student fighting against me... I can't refuse it. In the end, you still have to fight with me. Then, he doesn't leave any room for negotiation and still uses his full strength! Look, all my clothes have been burnt by her. Sigh, there's really nothing I can do about it." Anyway, she was the one who looked for me first, so all the sh * t was on your head. Let's see how you're going to find trouble with me in the future. Qingtian said with a smile.

"Is that so? Lesch. " The dean turned around and glared at Lesch. " That... Father, no, it's not what he said. I, I was just sparring with him to show everyone my skills." The teacher could only helplessly explain. "Hmph! Is there anyone like you who spares with your life like this! Follow me, you guys can take a break today." After saying that, he turned around and left. Lesch helplessly followed him back. From time to time, she would turn around and glare at Qingtian. Her eyes clearly said, Bastard, just wait and see!

"Bye bye! My dear teacher. I hope we can come again when the opportunity arises. " Atlas was gloating from behind. From afar, he said to Lesch's back.

At this moment, the students who had run away earlier all gathered around. "Ashlow, I didn't expect you to be so powerful. You actually defeated Teacher." "Yeah! You're still a Grand Swordsman!" "What's with the scar on your body?" "What's this devil pet of yours? It's so powerful!" "Yeah, yeah, it can even emit lightning." Everyone was talking to each other. At this time, Ray was standing in the crowd with his head held high and chest puffed up, showing off all kinds of poses. His bird's head was almost raised to the sky. "Alright, dead bird, let's hurry up and leave. There are so many people in the school." As he spoke, he kicked towards Ray's butt. Ray flew away hatefully.

"Alright, everyone, do you think you have such strength? You guys can also find a Grand Swordsman and fight him to the death every day. When you have injuries all over your body, you will succeed. You will realize that you have also become a Grand Swordsman. Just like that. As for this bird, it was purely luck! Alright. I'm going back. If there's anything you don't understand, just ask Kara." After handing the stall over to his heartless roommate, Qingtian turned around and ran.

"It's better to go home and hide from the limelight, or else I'll be annoyed again. little princess, Teacher Lesch, sigh! It was a disaster of beauty. The ancient saying was right: Only a lowly person and a woman are difficult to take care of! Why are all of them looking for trouble with me! Should I go and do some fortune-telling?" Tian Qingtian muttered as he decided to stay at home for a few days. He looked at his parents and the old man.

It was already night time after he finished packing. Qingtian slowly walked home. As he walked, he felt as if there was something following behind him. "Could it be that the old virgin is here for revenge? No... She's not that kind of person." Just as he was thinking about it, he suddenly became alert and immediately jumped up. "Crack!" A bone reeds were stuck in the place where he was just now.

"Necromancer!" Qing Tian exclaimed. "Hahahaha! Kid from the Fernandez family, you have some knowledge. Humph! I have been following you for a long time. Now, I finally have the chance to make a move." One. An eerie voice came from all directions. "What a big tone. A Necromancer has appeared in the Imperial Capital. Why don't you quickly hide? You actually dare to kill people on the streets? Since when have you clowns, who only know how to hide in the dark, become so bold? " Even so. However, Atlas didn't have a good feeling about it. This Necromancer must have been planned to appear in front of him.

"Of course, I still have helpers. Right now, the area around you has already been sealed. Only by killing me can I get out. However, with just you, a fifteen year old child? Just obediently wait for death. I heard that you are still a Grand Swordsman. Not bad, not bad, you can be a very good black warrior. Hahahaha!" Before the battle even began, this person had already calculated how to deal with Qingtian after his death.

"How dare you look down on me like that? You even know that I'm a Grand Swordsman. Looks like this old undying thing must be a magister. Looks like he's not as lucky as Richards. He won't have the same luck as last time. What should I do? My biggest bargaining chip is magic. I must find his position and defeat him with a single blow. Even if I can't kill him, I have to make a big commotion. That way, someone will come. " Atlas silently calculated.

"There's no need to delay any longer. I've already taken care of you before anyone else came to help you. Evil God of Darkness, please listen to the call of your loyal servant. Black Warrior, come out." Following that sinister voice, a few black warriors were summoned.

As the name implies, the black warrior was a powerful warrior when he was alive. After he died, he was turned into an undead creature by the Necromancer. He had the techniques and skills of the deceased when they were alive. However, it was not very flexible.

"Good boy. Seven of them came down. You really think highly of me!" Qingtian took out the Star Slash, circulated his battle energy, and charged into the group of black warriors. "Fortunately, I have been dealing with a large group of them over the past few years. Now, even if I were to deal with seven black warriors, I would still be at a disadvantage against Buluo. But this Necromancer is really powerful. Six swordsmen and one Grand Swordsman. Although it was not as flexible as when he was alive. But even if there are too many ants, they can still bite an elephant to death!"

Atlas waved the Star Slash with all his might as the seven long swords continuously swept past him. Danger surrounded him. "Damned Dead Spirit creature!" As long as he didn't die, there was no reaction at all. A few of them had their limbs chopped off by Qingtian, but they still rushed over while swaying. Some of their chests had already been split open by Qingtian, and their black internal organs were scattered all over the ground. Some of them even dragged their intestines over and mixed them together. "We can't go on like this. We have to knock them down in one go. At least we have to lose the ability to move" As he thought about it, a few more sword wounds appeared on Qingtian's body.

As a result, Sky High continued to jump backwards, and a few injured black warriors staggered over and surrounded him. "Ha!" Qingtian shouted. "Heavenly Star Slash!" Qingtian calculated the time and released seven battle energy slashes. The main sword energy in the middle struck the Grand Swordsman black warrior. "Boom! Boom!" The black warriors were not flexible enough to begin with. Adding on the fact that they had been attacked by Sky High, they had almost lost the ability to dodge. All of them were hit.

"Ha! It's finally over." Qingtian wiped his sweat. "Hmph! I didn't expect you to still have a few tricks up your sleeve. Looks like I'll have to take out something good. Hahahaha. You are very honored! I haven't used them for a long time. I'll let you have a taste now."

"Boundless darkness covers the light, everything in the world is in my hands. Revive!" As he spoke, two balls of black gas appeared in front of Atlas. Slowly, Tian Qingtian's eyes widened and his hands trembled. He finally saw what he had summoned. Two, two extremely powerful undead creatures.

Death Knight!

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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