Legend of Yang Qingtian in Another Wolrd/C40 Horrifying Underground Spiders(1)
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Legend of Yang Qingtian in Another Wolrd/C40 Horrifying Underground Spiders(1)
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C40 Horrifying Underground Spiders(1)

After a few more days of trekking, the group finally arrived at the Eighth Level Devil Beast area. "We should be careful now that we're here. Let's directly search for our target. Don't alert the other Devil Beast. I don't want to see any fearless casualties. However, every Devil Beast here rules a relatively large area. Furthermore, their characteristics are obvious. As long as we are careful, that kind of situation basically won't occur. We will rest here tonight. We will start searching for the Earth Hidden Spider tomorrow. " Qingtian patiently explained. Just like that, they rested for the entire night with anticipation and uneasiness.

The next morning, Tian Qingtian woke up early and called Ray over. He told it to search for the location of the Earth Hidden Spider in the air. He and the others slowly started searching. For an entire day, he found nothing. Ray only came back at night when he was resting.

"Thank you for your hard work. How is it?" Qingtian stroked Ray's head and said. Ray nodded, indicating that he had found it. "Alright, bring us there tomorrow. Hide in the sky. Give it a fatal blow when it's injured! That's it, go and rest." As he spoke, Atlas started to calculate how to fight the battle tomorrow.

"The Earth Hidden Spider is very dangerous. Maya and Catherine must stand in the middle in a while. The four of you are still the same. Make sure you are well protected and let me attract it. Maya used all the blessings she could use, especially the detoxification technique. The Earth Hidden Spider's silk is poisonous, and there is a sticky liquid on it. As long as I pull it out from the ground, Catherine will release the hellfire. It keeps burning around it. Tieniu went to guard the hole it dug out. Remember, when he can't withstand my attack, he will definitely come and find the mage. Your mission is very important. You must stop it from attacking the mage as soon as possible, as long you delay it for a moment. I will be able to immediately come back to support. Maya raised her shield of light. Remember, you must not let it scatter the formation." The next day, Qingtian followed Ray to the Earth Hidden Spider's nest and told everyone.

Many years later, the number one Finance Minister of the empire, Calad, recalled and said, "That was the first time we faced a powerful Devil Beast. Ashlow's allocation was very reasonable. It reflected the foresight and talent that a military strategist should have. If it wasn't for him, we might all have died there."

Before long, everyone had already touched the territory of the Earth Hidden Spider. Spiderweb gradually appeared on the surrounding trees. There were almost no living creatures in the entire area. Walking further in, there were actually many corpses wrapped in spider silk. Most of them were Devil Beast, and there were even some that were actually human! "Looks like there were adventurers and mercenaries who came before, but they all became its food. Everyone follow closely, they should be nearby." As he spoke, Atlas took out the Star Slash. He was on alert at all times.

The deeper he went, the more terrifying the surrounding scene became. White bones were often piled up on the ground, and not a single piece was complete. Moreover, many of the trees were hung with corpses wrapped in spider silk. Catherine approached Qingtian and asked, "Why did it hang the corpses upside down and not eat them? "This is decided by the Earth Hidden Spider's habits. Usually, it would not kill the prey. It would use poison to numb them, then use spider silk to wrap them up and hang them on the trees. Eat it bit by bit. Basically, only when the prey is eaten up will the prey die completely. " Atlas said with a straight face. "Ah!" Catherine took a deep breath and felt cold all over. "How can this thing be so cruel?" "Haha, it is not cruel. It is by nature! Remember, it's just a type of Devil Beast, that's its habit. There's nothing to be cruel about. I've said it before, in the eyes of the Devil Beast, we're nothing more than a meal. "

As he walked, Qingtian felt that something was wrong with his surroundings. The ground was always trembling slightly. If he wasn't paying attention... He wouldn't have noticed at all. "Stop! Everyone, get ready." Tian Qingtian spread his arms and stopped everyone. They quickly stood in their positions. "It seems to be below. Don't move. Let me take a look first." As he spoke, Qingtian carefully searched the ground with his sword.

Not long after, Qingtian found the place where the tremors were the most intense. "It should be down here. Looks like it found us as soon as we got here. It's been following us down there. Hmph hmph, Yours Truly shall give you something powerful first." Qingtian pressed his hands on the ground and shot out two lightning palms.

The trembling of the ground grew stronger and stronger. After a while, the ground under his feet shook and Tian Qingtian immediately jumped back. Boom! The place under his feet exploded.

A huge monster climbed out, as tall as a two-story building. "Whoa! It's so big." Atlas sighed. "So ugly! So disgusting!" Catherine frowned and said. "Damn, what kind of monster is this?" Calad hid behind Tieniu.

The thing in front of him could not only be described as ugly. It had a huge body and long black and brown fur all over its body. Its eight long claws were like steel spears. Its entire abdomen took up more than half of its body, and there were circles of patterns on its back. The most disgusting part was probably its head. Its mouth seemed to be bigger than a window, and a few tusks protruded out. Green liquid kept flowing out. Six blood-red eyes, three on each side, stood upright. They grew on both sides of the mouth. At the very end, they even made unpleasant sounds.

However, Qingtian's gaze fell on the beard under his mouth. Generally speaking, the longer the beard, the older this Earth Hidden Spider's age. This also meant that its strength was greater. "One, two, three... eight? !” Atlas was very clear that the Earth Hidden Spider did not grow a beard every year. It has grown for a full ten years. "Heavens! An old spider that has lived for more than eighty years, isn't this a spider spirit!? It's not easy to deal with. I was wondering why it grew so big. According to the records in the books, after a hundred years or so, the Earth Hidden Spider would basically have the strength of a Ninth Level Devil Beast. Furthermore, this thing was an earth-type Devil Beast. Its defense was abnormally high. At a critical moment, it could even dive back into the ground. Damn Ray, he was blind to actually find such a tough opponent. I'll deal with it when I get back."

"Everyone, be careful! This guy isn't an ordinary Earth Hidden Spider, his strength is already close to the ninth grade! The original design was canceled. Maya used all of her defensive blessings. Catherine, prepare the strongest attack magic and watch my signal attack. Tieniu, Calad. Use your bodies to protect the two of them. If necessary, sacrifice yourself. Maya can treat you in a while. Rondo keeps harassing it while I am attacking. I must not let it put its energy on the mage. If it is close to the mage, Maya will immediately use Holy Light to blind its eyes. "

Before Qing Tian could finish his words, the guy in front of him let out a roar and rushed over with a large amount of dust. " I'll go first! "As he spoke, Qingtian waved his Star Slash to meet it.

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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