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C96 It's Time to Act

The hard work finally paid off. Not only did he break through to the Holy Level, * Hong Long...... * His own domain was different from his grandfather's. Perhaps it was because he knew magic. In his domain, not only could he use countless battle energy swords, he could also use them to block lightning. It could be seen how terrifying it was.

"Ai! I have finally reached the Holy Level, and I don't feel like I have ever looked up to them. He didn't feel that the halo on his body was shining brightly. Could it be that his mental state had improved after reaching this level? He was also an expert! How many nights had it been, recalling the experience of being defeated? This is really difficult!" Tian Qingtian recalled his journey, even though he had a very high heart. Reality was always cruel. Only by putting in the corresponding amount of sweat would he be able to return the favor.

Looking at Iron sleeping soundly beside him, he felt that there was nothing he could do. He couldn't help but take out a flute and blow it. The melodious sound of the flute brought him into his memories. "My parents in the distance, do you know that my son is now at the Holy Level? The status of my son has already exceeded your imagination. I have been looking forward to my future since I was young. Now, I am the model of the entire empire. The target of everyone's emulation and praise. I don't know if you are doing well, but your son is unfilial. I'll have to repay you in my next life."

Although Qingtian had countless glory here, he still often missed his past life. Although it was ordinary, he was very happy. He still remembered the last day when he returned to school when his mother secretly gave him money and told him to eat more at school. Don't starve yourself. Everything had now turned into memories.

He didn't know how much time had passed. He stopped his melancholy, broke away from his thoughts, and opened his eyes. The scene in front of him made him jump!

Dozens of giant dragons were lying nearby, quietly listening to his voice. Some of them even shed tears of sadness. However, what made Qingtian notice was that there was a girl who had transformed into a human form that he had seen before. It was the beautiful girl who had distracted him when he was with the old man.

"I was wondering why I was with the old man. It turns out that he's also a dragon. However, he looks really good." As he thought about it, Qingtian stretched out his hand and greeted her. "Hi, beautiful. Long time no see."

The young girl was stunned. She did not expect that the contrast between the people in front of her would be so great. She had just played that intoxicating song sadly, but now she was so frivolous. She really didn't know which one was the real him. Could he really be the Devil Swordsman that the Great Elder spoke of?

"Hey, why aren't you saying anything? Don't you know that it's impolite not to respond to someone's greeting?" Qingtian found that this girl was staring at him without saying anything. He felt a chill in his heart. "I think I've seen her once before. Why does she look so cold? It's not fun at all. "

At this moment, the surrounding dragons saw that Qingtian was no longer playing his flute. They all left the place, but the girl was still standing there without moving.

"What did you blow just now?" She finally opened her mouth. What a pity!

"Xiao, something that only I know in this world. It's wonderful. A single bamboo hit empty air. It can make intoxicating sounds. It's the same in this world. Maybe we think that we're powerful kings. But we don't know that there are many other existences outside of us. You, me, and them are just a grain of the ocean. " Tian Qingtian looked up at the starry sky and felt that he was really tiny.

"He changed again? How could he have such an ancient feeling at such a young age? What exactly did he experience? " When the girl saw Tian Qingtian's appearance, she was once again confused.

"Haha, what are you talking about? As long as you live well, everything will be fine. Don't be so emotional. Oh right, I still don't know your name. " After the sadness, Qingtian immediately recovered.

"My, my name is Dana. I am Dragon Emperor's daughter." The girl blurted out. Even she herself found it strange that she said her name so easily.

" Oh? Dana, no wonder she's so beautiful. She looks very much like your father." When he thought of Dragon Emperor's handsome face, Qingtian felt relieved about this girl's appearance.

"The Great Elder said that you are Devil Swordsman. Father said that you are a very intelligent person. You look like you are very experienced when you play the flute, but you were a bit frivolous just now. What kind of person are you? Are all humans like you? "Dana walked closer to the sky and asked curiously.

"Is there? Maybe. This is also human nature. But at least I'm honest, a little girl like you who doesn't have much experience... When you go out and interact with humans, it's best to follow the Great Elder. Otherwise, if you're sold, you'll still be helping out in terms of numbers." Qingtian discovered that this girl was quite foolish. Thus, he took this opportunity to teach her a good lesson. He wanted to satisfy his teacher's addiction as well.

"Is there anyone else in the human race that you speak of? Then why do you say that dragons are the strongest race? "Although Dana has lived for more than a hundred years, she knows nothing about human society. The Atlas in front of her was the one who talked the most with her.

" Sigh! I really don't know if a girl's IQ is the opposite of her looks. " Atlas shook his head. "Do you know? Sometimes, martial power isn't the strongest and most terrifying weapon. Do you understand? Intelligence is the most powerful thing. "

" I don't understand, but you seem to be very intelligent. That's what my father said about you " Dana seemed to have no feelings for Qingtian's words. Perhaps these words were indeed very profound to a young dragon like her.

"Alright, since you don't understand, I won't waste my saliva. Wait for me to go and see your father. I still have something very important to discuss with him." It had been ten days, and Qingtian had been focused on increasing his strength. He had forgotten about Dragon Emperor's matter.

After leaving Iron who was still sleeping soundly, Qingtian followed Dana to Dragon Emperor's residence. They were still the same, the two guards. However, this time, Qingtian's attitude was completely different. "Mr. Ashlow, please come in. His Majesty has been waiting for you for a few days." After saying that, he walked in with Qingtian.

"Brother Ashlow, you're finally here. I've known that you were improving your strength for so many days, so I didn't disturb you. I can only wait here. Do you know how anxious I am? " Dragon Emperor looked tired, but he was in good spirits. It was obvious that things had gone smoothly.

"Your Majesty, we have waited for hundreds of years. Why should we care about these few days? Those who achieved great things did not care about minor details. They waited patiently. The final victory would be sweeter! "Qingtian smiled. This Dragon Emperor had been suppressing himself for hundreds of years. Now that there was such a chance, how could he not be excited?

"Yes, yes. You two go out first. I have something important to discuss with Mr. Ashlow." The guards obviously knew what was going on and no one had any doubts. He left the room. Dana was also very obedient. It was very hard to see her father so excited. She said, "Then I'll go out, father. You guys talk." After saying that, she also slowly left.

After the two of them left, Dragon Emperor said quietly, "We are ready. The effect of inciting is much better than expected. We are waiting for you. Once you say something, we will immediately take action! "

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