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C99 Fox Tribe

"Is it far?" Although Sky High knew the location of the various races on the map, he didn't know the specific distribution of the Orc tribes.

"Of course it's very far away. Where we are now... It's just the border of Dragon Mountain. " The weaker races are in the periphery, and the more powerful the race is, the deeper they go. The royal family is in the middle. Of course, the werewolves are special, because there are many of them. As such, the territory they occupied was also very large. Starting from here, to the north, they take up a lot of space. "

" How far is it from the Behemoths? How many tribes do we have to pass through in the middle? " Atlas realized that he had overlooked something. It turned out that the situation with the Beastmen was so complicated.

The old fox man thought for a moment and said, "There are two paths to the east from here. We have to pass through our tribe. If we walk to the left, we will bump into the tiger clan and bear clan. After going over, we will arrive at the imperial clan's territory. And if you walk to the right, as long as you keep going, you will pass through the entire territory of the wolf clan. He would be able to arrive. I suggest you think about it. Because no matter which path it is, the journey will be extremely dangerous."

" Oh? In other words, no matter what, I have to pass through your tribe first. Alright, let's go to your place now. We'll talk after we send you home." Qingtian was also in a difficult position. It seemed like that path wasn't easy to walk. Now, they could only talk about it after they arrived at their destination.

"Do you want to escort us back? Thank you Beast God, you are truly a kind expert." The old fox man was very excited. One should know that in the territory of the Beastmen, his few people could be in danger at any time.

"Ah, then let's go. You lead the way." Atlas had no other choice but to slowly think about it on the way.

"Why did those werewolves attack you?" Along the way, Qingtian had no other choice but to speak to the old man.

"You should have seen it just now. The leader was a guard of a wolf tribe. Because their leader heard that Malinas was very beautiful, he sent people to intercept her on the way out. He planned to kill us all and then snatch Malinas. If not for your arrival... I'm afraid we would have died here. " The old fox man still had lingering fears from the scene just now.

"Sigh, that's really the case. However, this fox spirit does have some fascinating aspects. If it was in the human world, it would definitely be a beauty that could topple countries. Even I can't stand seeing her. " Tian Qingtian couldn't help but sigh as he recalled Malinas's beauty. "By the way, if I kill those soldiers, wouldn't they come looking for trouble with you?"

"Ai! Our fox people clan has been oppressed by the various clans for tens of thousands of years. We have intelligence, but we are not good at fighting. We can only rely on other powerful clans. Now, we will rely on the tiger clan by the side to survive. I think they wouldn't be so bold as to provoke the tiger clan, right? Even if they really did go, we have no way." As the old fox speaks, a hint of decline flashes across his eyes.

"Mm, how about this, I'll stay at your place for a few days. I'll leave after dealing with the matters of the wolf clan. " Hearing his words, Qingtian had already decided which path he should take.

After walking for half a day, when it was dark, he finally arrived at the Fox clan's tribe.

The Orc tribe was not as dilapidated as Atlas had imagined. On the contrary, it seemed to be in perfect order. Along the way, they found out that the old fox was an elder of the tribe. Now, he was reporting to the leader.

The bored Sky High looked at all kinds of fox people, thinking about how to deal with the werewolf's revenge. At this time, a beautiful voice sounded from behind: "Powerful human, I still don't know your name"

"Malinas!" To be honest, Qingtian really did not want to provoke this foxy girl. She was too alluring. He still had very important things to do. However, every time he saw her, he couldn't help it. "Ashlow." Qingtian said expressionlessly.

"They all said that humans are a very weak race. But after seeing you today, I don't think that's the case. You are very powerful, killing those guards in the blink of an eye." Malinas got closer to Qingtian and looked at him curiously.

"Hehe, there are indeed many weak humans among humans. However, there are also powerful warriors like my grandfather." When he thought of his grandfather, Qingtian felt an inexplicable sense of worship. This was only possible when his grandfather rescued him from the Necromancer. At that time, Pocot had descended like a Heavenly God.

"Is that so? Is your grandfather stronger than you? Can you tell me about it?" Malinas's interest was piqued. Her small arms kept shaking as they hugged the sky.

"Sigh! It is the hardest to accept the favor of a beauty." Although Qingtian was only 18 years old in this world, he was already 20 years old in his previous life. Imagine a 40 year old man still not getting married. What kind of concept was that? "Come again. If you come again, I'll take care of you!" As he thought, Qingtian said, "Grandpa is the strongest Swordmaster on the continent. The so-called continent refers to the entire human territory. It can be said that grandpa is the number one expert of the human race."

"What about you? You are so young, what is your rank?" Malinas was obviously more interested in Qingtian.

"Me? I didn't know before. However, other than those experts who didn't know about it, I should be in the top five among the humans now." Qingtian didn't lie at all. Just from the Swordmaster and the Great Magister... There were only a few dozen of them. With both martial and martial arts breaks, when he was in the Grand Swordsman, he would be able to defeat an ordinary Swordmaster. Now that he had become a Holy Level, he could naturally be said to be one of the best among the powerhouses! Other than his grandfather and grandmother, he had the confidence to challenge all the powerhouses.

"Really? There are so many humans, but you are actually the strongest among the top five!" Malinas was very excited when she heard that. She hugged her arm and jumped up. Such a naive beauty coupled with the charm that she unintentionally revealed. Qingtian was stunned when he saw this.

But good times did not last long. After a while of happiness, Malinas stopped. Her eyes were filled with sadness. "It's so good to have such an expert like you. Look at my clansmen. Although they have the title of the most intelligent tribe among the Beastmen, strength is the only thing that matters here. No one will look at your wisdom. A beautiful woman like me can only end up as a toy for a powerful tribe. Sigh!"

" You should know that she is quite beautiful. The women in the world might as well commit suicide. " As he thought about it, Qingtian stretched out his hand and grabbed her. "Sometimes, intelligence is very important. Don't worry, I'll take care of the wolf clan's revenge. "

Seeing Qingtian's firm expression, Malinas couldn't help but blush, "Fortunately, it is already dark and he can't see it. Otherwise, it would be so embarrassing!" Suddenly, she had an idea that she couldn't believe. Before she could think, she blurted out, "Can you take me away? Use your power to protect me"

"Wh, what?" Just as Atlas was completely petrified, the old fox came out: "Brave warrior, our patriarch invites you in to speak"

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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