Legendary Eaglewood/C7 After Awakening(1)
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Legendary Eaglewood/C7 After Awakening(1)
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C7 After Awakening(1)

She thought that after she returned to the Wei Palace, she could change her father's mind and even make this declining dynasty linger on its last days. Unfortunately, everything happened so quickly …

When the assassin's sword pierced the heart, Chen Xiang could even hear the dripping of blood and feel the cold blade against her heart.

Her eyes were wide, unable to close. As a princess, she had never enjoyed a day's worth of wealth, never experienced a day's worth of kinship, and had never even stepped half a step into the Wei palace. However, she died because of her identity as a princess. How sad he was for her. But she didn't care about that.

What she cared about was that the person she missed for three whole years would never have another chance to see her again.

Closing his eyes, he seemed to see the person that he had been longing for.

Her tall figure, her unrestrained appearance, and the gentle expression on her face when he rubbed her hair with all his strength.

She thought of the time he had handed her the ring, and the way she had looked up and said she was going to look for him. She had been a little shocked, a little surprised, but in the end she had turned into a warm smile.

Would he wait for her, she wondered? He had still forgotten about her.

But unfortunately, it was all over.

As her blood flowed and her life flowed, she was carried by several black-clothed men into the water. As she lowered her body, she seemed to hear a voice say, "What a pity."

So familiar, so pleasant. She wanted to shout, "Yi Chen …" Unfortunately, the water quickly flowed through her mouth and nose, leaving her completely clueless.

With the downpour, she slept through that rainy season. She died alone, just like she came alone.

After Chen Xiang died, it was originally the best time to attack Wei. Unfortunately, because of the plague, the Cloud Country didn't dare to act rashly.

After all, too many people had died that year. As soon as they entered the borders of the Wei Country, they would become piles of bones and stink of death.

Those who were still alive would not be able to eat, and they would only be able to eat together.

The countries of the West Qin were all afraid of getting infected by the plague, so they all issued strict orders not to allow people from the Wei Empire to live in their homes, much less to take half a step into the Wei Country. As a result, the country of Wei, which was already like an empty shell, had miraculously survived for another three years. However, every year, people would constantly die. The people of Wei were simply living a life that was worse than death.

As a result, be it Heaven's will or man's will, the State of Wei was at a loss.

Three years later, the Seventh Prince, Murong Liancheng, had attacked the Wei Kingdom without encountering any resistance. Murong Liancheng did not waste a single soldier. He easily invaded the Wei Palace and hung the flag of the State of Yun on the tower. It was announced that the country of Wei was dead.

The funny thing was, none of the people in his country felt sorry for the country, instead, they all went to congratulate it.

Furthermore, the Cloud Country was benevolent and righteous. They did not start a massacre and treated the citizens of Wei Country as equals. In the short span of three years, the citizens of Wei were all well-dressed.

Chen Xiang only found out about this after waking up.

She thought that her life would end in such a hasty manner, she never expected that she would be saved by her master in the end.

Previously, she thought her master was just an old Daoist nun who had been hurt by her feelings and wanted to die. She did not expect her master to have a way to revive. This shocked Chen Xiang. After all, the ordinary people who had been by her side all this time had suddenly become extraordinary. There seemed to be many secrets that Chen Xiang could not accept at the moment.

It was like going to a temple. You would think that the most powerful one would be the abbot, only to find a monk sweeping the ground. Furthermore, after following her master for fourteen years, she had never discovered anything special about him.

That morning, the rain was still pouring heavily. The sound of the rain was still resounding in his ears. Chen Xiang opened his eyes, feeling a little dazed.

It was raining heavily outside, and the corridor was filled with the noise of the eighth brother. The familiar sandalwood fragrance filled the room, and it felt like he had never left the Yunshui Temple.

Everything he had experienced before was like a terrifying dream.

Chen Xiang stared blankly at the ceiling, thinking back to her previous experiences and quickly came back to her senses. At this moment, her lungs were filled with sand, and every breath she took was excruciating. Moreover, his entire body was filled with silver needles, resembling a hedgehog. She didn't know when her master had secretly learned medical skills.

It actually caused his heart to rupture, causing his blood to run out, and his corpse to sink to the bottom of the lake to come back to life.

Chen Xiang struggled to turn his head. He saw his master meditating under the lamp with the buddhist beads in his hands. His eyes were closed and his face looked very benevolent under the dim light.

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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