Legends of Rebirth Master God in City
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Legends of Rebirth Master God in City
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Amazing novel bad translator

  • evolshark12345January 15, 2021 8:59 PM

    This could have been an amazing novel but it was ruined by the translator the idea is good but some problems just annoy u for example the he and she. He keeps mixing them so we don’t know what is the gender of the person speaking. Second his writing ability for example he says “that reaching the level of this guy is not impossible by normal people” this means that normal people can reach this level what he wanted to say was that normal people can’t reach this level.

    1 reply
  • ThepoxxedMarch 25, 2021 12:01 PM

    Exactly. Wrong gender labels and other pronouns are to be expected… but not to this extent. I can handle about 10 wrong genders per chapter, but not in every sentence. Having this many mistakes does make the story impossible to follow.

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