Lethal in Black/C6 The Perfect Monster and Devil
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Lethal in Black/C6 The Perfect Monster and Devil
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C6 The Perfect Monster and Devil

"I hope you like the menu, Lady." Windsor hoped excitedly.

Liam was stunned. His smile widened. He scrutinized Alessia's face intensely. He prepared a plate for Ally who was still confused in a daze. "Don't just stand like that. You should eat. You haven't eaten anything since yesterday, right? I don't want you to get sick. Sit with me, babe."

Alessia could not act when she was starved. Inside, her rage was mounting. However, this hunger that was agonizing her stomach could not be compromised.

Ally nodded slowly, smiling sweetly at Windsor. "It's good to see you, sir. I hope my arrival has not disturbed you."

Windsor laughed broadly. He waved his hand. "Disturbing? Of course not, Miss Dawn. I'm delighted you were here. The mansion is so enormous and quiet. Your presence brings new colors as well as a pleasant warmth. It's only right that the Master should get married and have a wife soon."

Alessia choked on her breakfast.

Liam hurriedly poured a glass of water into Ally’s hand. "Slow down. Here, drink this. Sir Windsor, stop teasing her. She's choking like this in shock."

Windsor giggled even wider. "I'm not joking either, Master. After all, you are a perfect couple."

"I'm working on it, Sir Windsor. It's a challenge for me to soften the queen's heart." Liam joked without taking his eyes off

Alessia's ravish face.

Alessia breathed a sigh of relief. She glanced at Liam fiercely. She wiped her lips with a napkin.

Liam and Windsor's laughter broke out loudly. For some reason, Ally's heavenly face turned red. Blood rose to her cheekbones. She continued her meal.

"Shut up, Liam!" Alessia growled in a gravelly tone.

Liam pinched Alessia's cheek and chortled. "Yes. Sorry. Don't be so mad. Finish this all or do you want me to kiss you?"

"No need!" Alessia grunted in temper. Slamming her spoon slightly, Liam giggled widely again.

Alessia noticed Liam and Windsor's familiarity. [Did Sir Windsor know how terrible Liam was? They look so familiar and warm? As if nothing had happened? Liam's demeanor was different to her. Like any other normal human being. Caring, kind, friendly, full of laughter, joy. Liam is good at hiding his identity. Does he always behave like that to everyone he meets? I'm stuck. Unless Sir Windsor is also - a hitman like Liam?! Impossible!]

Alessia suddenly froze. Her face was deathly pale. She lost her appetite as her mind filled with negative ideas. Since yesterday Ally had nothing to think about but death. [What if — they wanna kill me here?]

Alessia gasped. Her reverie was broken when Liam gently grasped her fingers. Liam leaned in, saying quietly. "Put aside your bad thoughts about Sir Windsor. He's my cleanest, kindest, most honest butler. He knows nothing but taking care of this mansion. I told you, I'll protect you and take care of you. I want you to feel safe and comfortable here. His existence and yours is what keeps me sane."

"I didn't think of anything." Alessia retracted her fingers. Her eyes blinked nervously. She chose to finish her breakfast.

Liam kissed Ally's cheeks softly. "My queen is so cute. When you're mad you look really sexy, you know?"

Alessia rolled her eyes lazily. She growled in temper. "You're hitting on me? You think I can forget all that stuff?!"

"For now. You're gonna fight me a lot, Ally. But eventually. You'll apprehend everything about me. My idealism. When that time comes, tell me what you think. I can't wait to hear it, baby." Liam stated confidently.

Alessia leered at Liam's charming face with judgment and various expressions. Liam was perfect. There was no flaw in him. Alessia still didn't know, why did that charismatic man go to the other side of the horrible life? He was charming, and mesmerizing. His stern jaw was perfect strong as if chiseled from a wrath alabaster. His calm eyes were mesmerizingly sharp, his smile attractive.

There was no one who could disparage his level of confidence. Instead, Alessia imagined their hot and intense struggle in the cold bed of Switzerland a few months ago.

The intense pleasure had left an indelible mark on her life.

Alessia cursed herself. Shaking her head vigorously. [What the hell was I thinking, anyway?!]

"You know, Miss Dawn? The Master rarely brings women to this mansion. If he brought you here. That means, he seriously and sincerely loves you. I've been waiting for this to happen for so long. I hope you can go ahead and get married, okay?" chirped Windsor hopefully. He smiled widely.

Ally looked down deeper to hide her heated cheeks. Liam just giggled as he busied himself with the tablet in his hand.

"I think you speak too highly of Liam, Sir Windsor. He's so disturbing!" Alessia chimed in, suppressing her words. Glaring at Liam furiously, Liam put on his coolest face. His shady eyes sparkled, reciprocating Alessia's intense scrutiny. For the sake of everything in heaven and earth. Those piercing eyes were truly trapping. Making anyone intoxicated.

It was easy for Liam to attract any girl. Ally was madly in love with him.

Alessia hissed inwardly. [See? That hot look is so irritating!]

"Oh, I've heard. Couples who fight a lot. It’s everlasting love, Master." continued Windsor patting his hand; enthusiastic himself. He spoke in a humorous tone.

Liam was reluctant to take his eyes off Alessia. "Yeah. Besides, I'm crazy like women who are hot-tempered, and chatty. That's sexy to me."

Alessia screamed inwardly. [Basically crazy! Who said I wanted to live with you? I have to find a way to escape from here!]


"The view is cool. This mansion stands alone on a cliff. It's insane. But it's incredible." Alessia murmured as she approached the balcony, which was made of clear glass.

There was a transparent swimming pool that showed the steep beauty of the cliff. The wind blows coolly through her hair. A cold mist descended from the mountain, the shady gray clouds exhaling fresh air.

The sky seemed to be touchable. As far as the eye can see there is only a panorama of pine forests, the scent of pine is soothing. Clear waterfalls with stretching headwaters. Mountain peaks behind thick fog.

The flawlessly elongated foothills of the valley. Alessia's sparkled eyes were spoiled by the extraordinary beauty of nature.

The mansion was magnificent and spacious. Ally had seen all the luxurious interiors and exteriors. Modern, sophisticated furniture, gleaming chrome, crystal chandeliers.

The finest granite floors, silky maroon curtains and costly rugs.

Alessia's fingers touched the icy clear water of the pool. From its upper surface, she could clearly see the steep cliffs below. It felt like she was on the other side of the world. Definitely different from her life in London.

[Hold a sec. I'm still on earth, right?]

"Do you like it?"

Alessia was jolted up when Liam suddenly appeared behind her.

"What is this place?" Ally asked. Much calmer. The Windsor's presence here softened her rage.

"My private mansion. Don't worry, you're still on Earth. This is Place Fell." Liam answered as if he could read Alessia's mind. He took a sip from his coffee cup.

Liam's sharp, shady eyes were far away.

The situation became awkward. Ally wasn't sure how to act. Because so far, Liam had treated her well. More than Alessia valued herself.

Ally tends to self-destruct more often. Especially since Kayla's death. He had the suggestion that his life was no longer valuable.

At least, Liam didn't take her away from the United Kingdom.

"You have to explain to me the situation. Why are they chasing me? What exactly am I in the middle of? Who are they? Everyone I met was after that thing. They're fighting over it. Did you steal it? To the point of getting them riled up?" asked Alessia scrutinizing Liam's charming face intensely. She demanded a definitive answer. "You discussed the agency with Officer Austin last night. What does that all mean?"

Liam smiled alluringly. His towering sexy athletic body is perfectly sculpted. Beneath the navy basic tees; his stunning fit chest stands out. His sturdy legs were clad in matching cargo pants.

Ally snorted in exasperation. No matter what the man was wearing. Everything was always perfect.

"Can you trust me, Ally?"

Alessia’s eyes narrowed. She chuckled bitterly. "Trust you?! Look at me? I almost died twice. How can I just sit back and relax? Should I still trust you?"

Liam crossed his arms over his chest. Without dropping his smile. He gazed at Alessia with admiration. "I only ask that you trust me from now on. You know what? Meeting you in Switzerland. It changed a big part of my life. I didn't think twice about leaving that horrible side of my life behind. I wanna live a normal life with you, Ally. I really do. But, as long as I'm struggling with this job. We won't be happy and safe. It's useless to run away. They'll find and kill us both. No one can stop them but me. I'm willing to lose anything as long as I can be with you."

Alessia listened intently. The earnestness of Liam's words melted her heart. Her blood rushed warmly up her cheeks.

Liam grasped Alessia's fingers gently. He demanded in a deep voice. "You changed me. Give me a chance to finish all this. Do exactly what I said. I need you to trust me. As time goes by, You'll know why I could go down that dark path. I was risking everything so that I could continue to be with you. The future is tough. I'm not saying that it will be easy. Just stay by my side. No matter what happens, Ally."

Alessia's heart raced chaotically when Liam grabbed her hips. She was unable to resist Liam's manly touch. Their distance is as close as a pulse. Alessia had been infatuated with him ever since they made love in Switzerland that time.

"Don't turn away or leave. Because I can't live without you. If you refuse. It's better if we both die. Whatever, you wanna call me a devil, a monster, or just evil. I'm a monster, and I'm the perfect devil. Whatever you call it. From hell to heaven, I love you, Alessia."

Alessia swallowed her saliva hard. Her breath was coming in short gasps. She was unable to resist or reject Liam Coltrane's charm.

Liam was expecting an intelligent answer. He stroked Alessia's cheek tenderly. Awaiting her comment. Liam gave a lopsided smile.

Ally sighs deeply. Think in her mind, [Trust in the perfect monster and devil—in hell!]

"Fine." Alessia snapped without hesitation. She challenged Liam. "But I still doubt you, Liam. Make my thoughts and views change about you. If you can do that. I'm willing to stand by your side until death."


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