Lethal in Black/C1 Innocent Captive
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Lethal in Black/C1 Innocent Captive
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C1 Innocent Captive

"I've told you many times, I have no idea what you're talking about!" Alessia swore in exasperation. Her breathing was ragged, and she snorted madly.

They were chuckling wickedly. But they looked so stupid boasting those long-barreled carbine weapons before their chests.

Alessia hissed. "How dare you take on a weak woman like me! You're nothing but a bunch of morrons, cowardly troops!" Another raw blow shook Alessia's jaw. The woman staggered in her seat. Her world felt mercilessly upside down and a buzzing ear pierced her head cavity.

"Speak again like that! I will definitely kill you, miss!" The commander growled. His jaw muscles bulged with wrath. Gradually his patience eroded. If not for the official order, he would have finished Alessia off earlier.

Blood seeped from Alessia's nose. Her temple was torn. Never before had she been involved in such a painful situation and beaten so badly. Burning pressure stabbed at her knitted face.

Alessia felt pain all over her body. Her left eye was stinging and sticky with thick blood that was dripping from the source of the wound on her temple.

"You have the wrong person! How ridiculous of you! I didn't know about the VenomxGhost that y'all keep fighting over like fools!" Alessia grinned. She spat on the commander's face of her mouth that was full of fresh blood.

This time the commander smirked with a lopsided smile. Pulled out a chair. Sat down before Alessia and took out the loaded Wesson pistol in his hand. "Oh, sweet lady. It would be a pity if I destroyed your beautiful face with this pistol. I'm not the patient type. If things don't go perfectly. I'll have to kill you. Now I ask you once again where Liam Coltrane are and VenomxGhost?! Don't you dare mess with me!"

Alessia giggled sarcastically.

Liam Coltrane. He was a charming, attractive and sexy multitalented millionaire man who got her into this suffocating situation. A few hours ago, she had just returned from her office job. Then this horde of strangers hunted her down, brutally shot, captured, dragged her and now tortured her in this cold place.

"Damn it!" Alessia muttered in resignation.

For two weeks Alessia had known Liam in Switzerland. That was months ago. That relaxing vacation was supposed to be spent healing her broken-hearted wounds of losing Kayla Dawn. Even today, Alessia is still devastated and often feels empty. Kayla Dawn's death hit her hard, and Alessia could do nothing to save her.

Unfortunately, fate brought Alessia and Liam together.

They had a great, hot and beautiful one-night stand. Alessia imagined how charming the burly body of the multi-talented millionaire man would be. Liam Coltrane has an alluring smile. An impressively deep and pleasant voice. His golden eyes are sharp and attractive.

Alessia could not lie to herself, if she really loved every touch and gentle caress of Liam who treated her body with care. It was as if Alessia was lavish porcelain. In her memory, the addictive kisses and the passionate desire with incomparable pleasure are still vivid. Alessia can still feel it all until this moment. Tragically, the virgin she desperately defended. Instead, Alessia gives it to a billionaire who has a dark side and a job as the world's most wanted and feared assassin. How shocking. Who knows how many other deadly secrets Liam had?

Alessia grumbled internally. The most vexing one. He is so charming, sexy and hot. I can't deny that! "This is definitely not luck. My poor, bad luck. It ends here." The charming man to whom Alessia entrusted her whole life and soul. However, he disappeared without a trace and Alessia had no idea where Liam was. His cell phone was not active. Look at the consequences now, knowing Liam's figure made her end up on the verge of death.

"I dunno where the hell he is! Y’all are deaf, huh?! I don't get what you're talking about exactly!" Alessia growled hatefully. She squinted into the commander's eyes. Convincing herself, if she had the miracle of strength or a weapon — this was the first man she would kill.

Alessia let out a long breath. Retaining her sanity. That army of bastards carried real weapons. They would not hesitate to beat or torture a weak woman like her. Alessia had to take the beating of her head, jaw and the live knot around her neck.

"Still stubborn and won't talk?! Bastard!" the commander snarled. He pressed the ice-cold pistol casing against Alessia's blood-soaked forehead. His eyes blazed with the desire to finish someone off today. "Speak up, before I blow your little head off. You've seen how we work, haven't you? We don't see who our victims are. It doesn't matter, Miss Dawn!"

Strong knots entangled Alessia's body in the metal chair. Alessia was confined to a room that looked like an armory and was filled with scary-looking foreigners. They had Spanish accents. The soldiers had scorpion tattoos on their necks.

All of them smirked maliciously and viewed Alessia with various reactions. One of them lusted after her body. It was their arrogance that she was eager to destroy.

Alessia chortled tauntingly. Gloomy but her rage peaked. "How pathetic! You're so afraid of him, and taking it out on me? He disappeared without a trace. Got it? Liam left without saying anything to me! So, how do I know where the hell he is?!"


Another heavy blow to her jaw, the commander punched Alessia mercilessly. Her head throbbed violently. Alessia felt her world spinning out of control.

"Stop that! I'm getting sick about this!" Alessia roared furiously. "Cowards! You dare beat a woman?! Do you deserve to be called men?! What kind of commander are you?!"

The commander burst out an evil laugh. "Oh, even near death. You still have guts, Miss Dawn! You're entertaining. I like you. Come on, dying isn't that fast. What's the fun in that? As you keep acting like this. Then I'll show you what the gates of death are. I'll make you feel it. Scream. Cry out. Suffering! I'll soil your body so badly that even dogs won't eat your corpse!"

Alessia spat blood saliva on the commander's face once again. She swore. "Go to hell!"

The commander was inflamed, cursing in Spanish. He was burned with a temper. He kicked the chair over. Pulls the trigger, ready to blow Alessia's head off. The cold casing of his Wesson pistol pressed against Alessia's forehead.

Never before had Alessia felt this scared, and she closed her eyes. There was nothing she could do but surrender and hope that death would be less painful for her.

Pray? Of course? But no miracle happened.

The sound of the trigger being pulled. Alessia held her breath reluctantly, opening her eyes.



However, without warning a massive explosion suddenly rocked the warehouse. It blew everything away. The floor and ceiling shook. Everyone was thrown into the air by the shockwave of the violent explosion. They lay on the floor. Whimpering in pain. Paralyzed by the piercing hum of the explosion. They cursed and tried to get up.

Puffs of ash mixed with thick smoke blinded their eyes. Faintly through the smoke, Alessia saw a hole in the wall to her left. Then, someone rushed in. Alessia's eyes didn't quite catch the shadow that moved tactically and quickly. Alessia didn't know what was happening. She wasn't sure. But bullets were whizzing wildly everywhere. A rain of bullets from within the dense smoke assaulted and killed the commander's troops one by one.

The commander had yet to reply, the dense smoke blinding their visibility.

"Ugh!" Alessia watched them fall with bullets lodged in their heads. Falling like dominoes. A maniacal laugh of satisfaction echoed out.

Some of the troops ran away in fear, but none of them escaped alive.

The commander got up, about to return fire. Too late, a single bullet whizzed by — piercing right through his skull and sending his brains spraying in the air.

Alessia shrieked in disgust as the blood and brain fragments of the commander's corpse rained down on her face. "Oh my! Disgusting!" The smell of blood thickened under her nose. The dense smoke refused to leave. Ashes that made her eyesight miserable. The screams and agonized roars of the corpses of those bastard troops lay scattered on the floor.

Under Alessia's feet blood pooled. The splashes of blood and brain fragments continued. They flew over her head. The rain of bullets that came from nowhere never stopped.

“STOP THIS MADNESS, FOR HEAVEN’S SAKE!” Alessia shrilled. Begging for her innocent life.

In a matter of seconds. The atmosphere was silent. There were no more curses, roars, or weird irritating screams. Alessia shook her head vigorously to wipe her face, which was covered in various mucus, a sickening fishy odor, and fragments of human brain stuck to her skin.

From behind a puff of smoke and dust. The sound of firm footsteps approached her, with a malicious chuckle accompanying them. Alessia's shoulders instantly stiffened. She shivered with fright. She unconsciously shifted her chair backwards as if she was wracked by unspeakable horror.

"Stop! Don't come any closer! Don't hurt me! I swear, I dunno anything about Liam or VenomxGhost!" Alessia screamed in terror. Her face was as pale as a paper. She's choked. "I didn't see anything. I promise I won't tell anyone. Just pretend I'm not here! Let me go!"

Her vision was blurred by gore. A towering silhouette gradually came into view. He was dressed in a costly suit from head to toe, wearing a coat, jeans, shoes and a pair of gleaming leather gloves. His body towered proportionately, athletic as steel beneath the black shirt. Alessia inhaled the scent of this familiar masculine perfume. "Oh my! You're—? LIAM?!" Alessia screamed as she saw Liam Coltrane's charming face shining under the dim light of the warehouse lamp. Her eyes couldn't believe it, making her tongue-tied.

Her energy seemed so drained that she forgot how to breathe. Alessia's eyes widened. It was still hard to believe that it was Liam Coltrane.

"Sorry, I'm late. They're a bunch of lousy, useless people!" Liam let out an exasperated sigh. He hugged the semi-automatic weapon in his hand. He giggled like the devil. But Liam looked so sexy. He knelt under Alessia's feet, pulling out a military knife from under his coat. Chattered like nothing bad happened. He cut the knot of the rope that shackled Alessia's plump body. Liam smirked, blinking his shady golden eyes. "Hello sweetheart, are you okay? I miss you so bad. Don't mad at me, huh? I know it's shocking for you. I'll save you no matter where you are. I always find you, remember?"

“You're damned! How could you—?!” Alessia mumbled and seemed to stop breathing. Her world froze instantly. She didn't know what disaster was waiting for her —


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