Lethal in Black/C11 True Blue
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Lethal in Black/C11 True Blue
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C11 True Blue

"Where's Liam, sir?" Alessia asked, greeting him with a fabulous smile. "Oh, no wonder. I smell a delicious aroma wafting through. Your cooking is incomparable."

Alessia had just gotten out of the room, never before had she fallen asleep comfortably. Perhaps this was the first time in her life, Alessia had lived a simple life, and everything was fine as long as she was with Kayla. However, things turned into a sickening mess after Kayla’s death.

Alessia usually had to leave early in the morning for her job, which was both miserable and draining. It didn't make her rich, but it was enough to survive.

Then, fate played a trick on her and she ended up in this mansion, Liam Coltrane’s own. A charismatic man with two different sides to his life. Liam plays both so well.

Alessia was still unsure if she would be okay being by Liam's side. Her mind still flashed back to yesterday, when Liam was struggling between life and death, returning home seriously injured or when Liam killed those two officers.

[He trusts me, he says?]

That one word rang in Alessia's head to the point of overwhelming her mind. Still, it left a big riddle in her mind. She didn't yet know why those criminal people were chasing her for VXG. Liam refused to answer that.

"Your praise is exaggerated. In fact, I am greatly honored. Master asked me to serve special meals every day just for you." Windsor replied kindly. His hands were deftly preparing the morning meal on the dining table. "It's sunny outside, don't you intend to go for a walk to enjoy this stunning weather?"

The smell of butter has been wafting in the air since morning, a sumptuous meal is laid out on the table. Windsor was indeed swift, his job as the only butler here, it was obvious how he treated the mansion with care.

"Liam says so?" Alessia sighed deeply. Often, she did not comprehend Liam's thoughts. "I'm confused about where to go. Being in a place like this I actually feel confined. Are you alright while you're here, sir?"

Windsor sniggered. His forehead wrinkled slightly, seemingly not knowing Ally's question. "What do you mean, miss? It's the best job I've ever had. I have a kind, caring, and loving boss like Master. I feel honored to work as a butler for him. Why do you ask that?"

Alessia mused, but Windsor's face showed an expression of sincerity as well as earnestness, further confusing Ally. "It's nothing, Sir. Sorry, I'm a bit rambunctious. Liam is kind, caring and affectionate? Are you not mistaken?"

Alessia's world seemed to be rocked even more by Windsor's words, as she could hardly believe it.

Windsor's smile grew even sweeter. His gray face looked gentle and showed no lies or hesitation. "Indeed. Master is a genius. That's why, he owns many successful companies everywhere, thanks to his business savvy. Did you know, Miss? At the end of every month Master always holds a charity event which he distributes to children with cancer in the hospital. He even takes the time to see them."

Ally gawked. Her blood was freezing. After she saw how gruesome Liam's skill was in taking the lives of others. [Come on! Isn't this impossible?!]

"You mean it, sir?"

"What would I lie for, Miss? Do I look like I'm kidding? Don't fret. If the Master is willing to do anything for you, or treats you like a queen. I assure you — you are the most special and much-loved person to him. " Windsor added, spreading plates on the table.

Ally's tongue was hanging out, her heavenly face pale with aghast— she refused to ask any more questions. Everything Windsor had just told to her had struck her senses. Her head was suddenly throbbing as this was far different from what Ally had witnessed.

Ally saw Windsor struggling with the soup. She got up from the highchair, extending her hand. "Let me help you, Sir."

"No, Miss. It's my job, you just sit down. If the Master sees it, I'm afraid I'll upset him. I have been assigned to attend to all your needs, and he has told me many times that he must forbid you to do any work of any kind for the Mansion." Windsor refused firmly.

Ally clucked her tongue. "Don't listen to him, Sir! Liam's a jerk, you know? Overreacting and — out of the blue — "

[The most dangerous man.]

"But you love him so much, don't you miss? I can see it in your eyes. I beg you, give him a chance. Although there may be some of his attitudes that are tough for you to accept, comprehend or compensate. Basically, the Master was kind and generous. In fact, he pays for the children's schooling and my family's welfare, Miss. That's why I'm so happy to work here."

Alessia froze in her tracks. Watching Windsor say that through sparkling eyes as well as a gentle smile-forced Ally to be speechless. Ally let out a long sigh, she asked once again. “Any road, where's Liam? I don't see him, Sir?"

"I'm right here." Liam called out from behind the corridor. Suddenly appearing like a ghost, no footsteps could be heard, and smiled charmingly. "Why, you missed me, Queen?"

Alessia hissed in exasperation, while Windsor tried to stifle a giggle.

Early in the morning, Liam appeared extremely charming under his fitted suit. The scent of dry vetiver masculine perfume that makes anyone feel intoxicated.

"Are you heading to the office?"

"Yes. I still have some work to do but I intend to leave early." Liam replied, smiling softly, sitting next to Alessia and grasping her fingers.

Alessia satirical with squinted eyes. "What's with your disturbing business again?"

"No, I wanna take you somewhere instead. Would you like to go with me?" Liam gave a mischievous leer, teasing Ally but hopeful. "I don't want you to feel confined here. You still consider me someone else, anyway. Think of this mansion as yours. I purposely built it for you."

The spoon in Ally's hand clanked in fright. She observed Liam's face through blazed eyes of shock. "Don't make this stuff up, Liam!"

"I'm not making things up. This is my sincerity; don't you see it?"

Alessia hissed ferociously. Liam's unworldly charming face remained relaxed and calm, completely driving Ally out of her mind. "So, you eavesdropped on my conversation with Sir Windsor?"

Windsor clears his throat. Giggling wittily to break up the adorable argument. "Go ahead, Miss Dawn. Have a nice time. Don't worry about the Mansion, leave it to me."

Liam snapped his fingers, pointing at Windsor proudly while tearing into the croissant in his hand. "He's, my man! You, see? Sir Windsor does know me the best. Come on, don't be so suspicious of me. I wanna make my queen happy. Don't argue with me all the time. All you hafta do is sit tight, baby."

Ally's head throbbed. She was at a loss of words.


"Where are you gonna take me?"

Liam smiled behind the wheel of his luxurious car. "We can be like any other normal couple, right? Is it wrong for me to take my soulmate somewhere? It's definitely great, you'll like it. After all, since I brought you to the mansion, you don't have any clothes. You'll hafta buy all the things you need."

Alessia glanced at Liam who was chortling sexily non-stop. Whereas before they passed through the dark pine forest road that stretched all around them. A light mist descended to limit visibility, unaware that they were now in the heart of the most advanced civilization of the hour.

London is the most magnificent city that never stops beating.

"London?" asked Ally, frowning. Then scoffed. "This is what you call the nicest place? Send me back to my flat."

"It can't be. I've told you the reason clearly. You are only safe with me. Is that mansion uncomfortable for you? Do you want me to buy you a new one? Just say it, I can buy you a new one. What kind of model would you like? Castle? Hearts? Deluxe? Or Mediterranean? I have a relation who sells best property. If you want, I can contact him right now."

"Jeez, Liam. Can you please stop being like this? I wonder why you're so relaxed and calm as if nothing had happened!" Ally snorted sharply, slightly growling. Then, sighed tiredly. "Cut it out. Now I ask you, where did you get so much money that you can build your own company? You were able to expand it in a short span of time. Success is so easy for you, while me? I hafta workday and night without stopping — and that's just to make ends meet."

Liam sighed deeply. Still smiling tenderly. "If you think I built Coltrane Industries from the proceeds of a contract as a contract killer based on rumors, you're sadly mistaken. My company had nothing to do with it. I built it with my own hard-earned money, relying on luck, chance, and my knack for business as one day I'll be out of the agency. Got it?"

"You didn't tell me the whole story. How could I catch up with your drift?"

"You're saying you trust me?" Liam repressed his words. The lightning in his eyes dimmed with earnestness. "Do you think I really did all of that? I killed those who deserved it. I punish those who are untouched by the law equally. Haven't you seen it? You almost got killed yesterday by those two intel officers you trusted so much?"

Ally remained silent. Liam's words just now were like a hammer that struck the back of her head. Suddenly her face held a deep sadness. There was no more comment or debate.

[That's life, it is never fair.]

[Punishing those untouched by the law justly. Can't I use Liam to punish that savage man?!]

"Someday at the right time I will explain it to you. For now, please be patient. I just wanna spend time with you. Don't even think about anything else. I wanna make you happy tonight."

Liam's luxury car pulls up at a shopping mall with a famous clothing line. He opens the door for Alessia. "Come down." He said gently.

Ally just realized that she didn't have a single outfit since Liam brought her to the mansion. For a change of clothes, Liam had lent her a few pieces of clothing and they were all big sizes.

"But Liam?!"

Liam embraced Alessia, guiding her into one of the famous outlets he frequented. "Never mind, pick whatever you want. I'll pay for it."


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