Lethal in Black/C12 A Blast from the Past
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Lethal in Black/C12 A Blast from the Past
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C12 A Blast from the Past

"Liam, it's too much."

Alessia's knees buckled at the fantastic amount of the bill. She was choking as if there were thorns piercing her throat. In her entire life, Ally had never spent hundreds of thousands of pounds at a famous outlet like this in a single night. Just being able to eat a simple meal, she was grateful. Ally rarely shops, as there are still many needs in her life that are far more crucial than shopping.

[Following trends is never ending.]

Ally only took three pairs of clothes, from black t-shirts, coats, and jeans. Liam bought all her clothes and shoes at this outlet. A dozen paper bags were carried by the salesman into the trunk of his Maybach sedan.

Liam clasped Ally's fingers tightly, smiling gently. "This is nothing. I told you that I wanted to make you happy. Is it still not enough? You're not happy?"

"Excessive. You know, I prefer to keep things simple. I'd rather you take me back to my flat to get my clothes than you spend hundreds of thousands of pounds like this. Wouldn't it be more useful if you gave your money to those who need it?"

"That's what I love about you. You're the only woman who doesn't see my treasures. You're always arguing over what I give you. Relax, baby. Consider it a special gift from me. Because of what? You are special in my heart." Liam answered, kissing Ally's cheek gently. “You’re my future wife.”

Alessia punched Liam's arm, who laughed amusedly. "This is shameful! Can't you see? There are so many people here!"

"Let it be. The whole world should know who my queen is."

"Oh my." Ally rolled her eyes idly.

The salesman bowed respectfully. "That's all, Mr. Coltrane. Have a nice trip. Thank you very much for your visit. We look forward to welcoming you next time."

Liam reaches into his pocket to give him a tip, "thanks, bro."

Alessia had witnessed first-hand how people respected Liam Coltrane. She was the only one in the world who knew Liam's dark side. To be honest, Alessia felt burdened, feeling insane about her decision. To accept Liam into her life.

Perhaps Ally was exhausted from facing this unfair life. The death of her twin sister had left such a deep psychological burden that Alessia herself was at a loss as to how to overcome this horrible wound of emptiness. Some of Liam's ideas made sense, Ally agreed with him.

Liam opened the door for Alesia who was froze. "Come inside. Any disturbing your mind, babe?"

Alessia gulped. Feeling caught red-handed. She didn't answer anything but got into the front passenger seat.

"What were you thinking about, anyway?"

"Nothing at all." Alessia spoked lamely.

"You don't look happy." Liam asked sadly. "I wonder what makes you happy. In Switzerland back then, you could laugh out loud as we skied together, took the train around Grindelwald, hiked, ate and the night we made love."

The blood rose to Alessia's cheeks, remembering it made her crazy. "Liam, stop it—"

Liam refused to heed Ally's words. His finger stroked her sensual blood-red lips. Even without makeup, Alessia's beauty always seemed to shine. "There were so many things I wanted to do with you back then. I'm sorry I left you without any news. I had to. I missed your laugh, Ally."

"I feel so insane. You're supposed to know why I'm reacting like this. Can I still laugh or smile at the thought of you—" Ally was unable to continue, suddenly her tongue stiff.

Liam smiled charmingly, relaxed. Didn't seem offended at all. "The hitman you're referring to? Baby, I need to emphasize this once again. I hunt down bad people. I'm not a psychopath who kills others for no good reason. It's true that my actions cannot be justified or tolerated, but everyone has a second chance, right? Give me that second chance. Regardless of what I do, please don't ever leave me. The only reason I'm still sane now is you. I can't even imagine losing you. I might have a hard time controlling myself. I will definitely destroy myself and set the world on fire."

Alessia scrutinized Liam's charming face with a flash of misty eyes. She had no idea how to react anymore. In fact, she loved this man more than anything else. Even now, nothing has changed with her heart.

Liam softly stroked Alessia's cheek. "Don't be so sad. I don't wanna see you gloomy like this. I really love your bright eyes, especially when you laugh and smile. Even when you're mad. I love you, Ally."

Alessia didn't resist when Liam kissed the back of her hand. If Liam trusted her so much that he'd put his life on the front line for Ally, why didn't she try to do the same for him?

"Tell me, that you'll always be by my side until death?"

Ally took a deep breath. Her heavenly face was bent in a glum manner. "Let's see. To what extent are your actions and proof."

Liam nodded decisively. "You'll see, and I'm not forcing you to comprehend my ideals. I'll manage to open your mind, sweetheart."

Ally was reluctant to comment. Liam was beaming with happiness.

Liam started the engine of his luxury car, which sounded great as it cut through London at night.

"So, there's another place I wanna show you. We have a long night ahead, Sweetheart. Till I can hear you laughing later."


"What place is this?"

"One of my Penthouses." Liam gives a staged smile, closing the door behind his back, in the darkness he pressed the smartboard button on the wall by the main door.

Alessia was astounded as the lights came on, showing every corner of the stunningly elegant luxury, silver, black, brown — Liam's favorite colors dominated. The spacious penthouse was filled with high-end and costly furniture. The chandeliers gave off a golden glow, the granite floors gleamed, the expanse of fluffy carpets, the leather sofa sets, and all of it forced Alessia's breathing path to choke.

It was the coolest, most cozy place Ally had ever been in her life. The scent of vetiver that made Ally drunk. Rows of abstract paintings, her fingers trailing along the grand piano that sits to one side of the room.

Enormous silk curtains move and open automatically, rows of crystal windows presenting the incredible views of the entire glittering London cityscape.

"How is it? You like it?" Liam took Alessia's hips into his embrace.

Alessia was at the top of the Greater London Penthouse. It felt like the sky was so close it could be touched, clusters of stars spread across the night sky along with the full moon, Ally was silent. She couldn't describe the beauty in words anymore.

Gaze at the hustle and bustle of humanity that seems to be shrinking down below as if an army of hundreds of thousands of ants. Being on top of a peak like this, Alessia seemed to be able to grasp the world. She saw Queens Walk standing proudly above the expanse of the Thames. Cruise ships sluggishly passed the folded Tower Bridge.

Often the great walk was one she took after work. Remembering how tired she was of life, Ally would always stop at one of the chandelier's lampposts, under the dim golden light she would stare at the brilliant Thames through a blank gaze.

Ally always felt that life was unfair.

"It's magnificent, right? Being at the top of the top like this. What were you thinking about?" Liam tightened his hold. Ally's svelte hips always fit snugly in his embrace.

Liam sipped at the recesses of Alessia's neck that gave off a lavender scent, he stole a warm peck on Ally's cheek.

Ally hissed in exasperation. Darted at Liam.

Liam simply laughed. Pulled Alessia into his arms tighter.

"Liam, I can't breathe." Ally tried to break away, but Liam kept his embrace.

"Stay still. I wanted to hug you so badly. You haven't answered my question. What are you thinking when you're at the top of the heap like this?"

Alessia gave in. Viewing the bustle of the city that was always moving forward. She exhaled. Liam's embrace sent comfort and warmth coursing through her bloodstream. "So many things. Can you reach the sky? Like drift away to Heaven? Or does it feel like holding the world?"

The skyline of Canary Wharf where the central district of the world's financial institutions stands, the river Thames is brilliant at night reflecting the diverse lights of the city's civilization with the beauty of authentic institute buildings. The London Eye moves slowly, Big Ben chimes elegantly at exactly 12:00 AM, while the top of Westminster Abbey glistens.

Liam winced. "Holding the world?"

Alessia's brilliant eyes darted into the distance. "Did you know? I work as a clerk at the property office. It wasn't a fun job. Although my friends were nice. However, I have a jerk and brash boss."

Liam's jaw set. His eyes flashed with rage.

"He always tried to get close to me. Harassed me. Abused me. Threatened to fire me if I didn't comply with his wishes. I've always thought life is unfair. Why is it that people who are highly placed, wealthy, have a lot of money and everything to do with fatal mistakes are always justified despite their animal-like behavior?" Alessia snarled furiously.

"Don't tell me you're—"

Alessia shook her head. This time her expression appeared miserable. "All day I can only avoid him. Even to death, I didn't wanna be touched by him. It was so exhausting. Trying to be nice, subtly rejecting him. I hate it when he asks me to sleep with him and he'll pay me to be his mistress. That was so sickening! The saddest thing was that I was still trying to survive as I had no other options or work to do to survive. When I got off work late at night. I always walk past Queens Walk. Waiting under the candelabra lamp posts. Lamenting the Thames as it flowed quietly. Its golden light felt so warm. I could only lean against it as no one cared when I was so tired. But that wasn't the best part. In order to entertain myself, I always wait for the rain to fall and the yacht to pass by me."

"Why is that?"

"So that I can cry out loud, and no one needs to listen to my weakness. It's better than me jumping to the bottom of a river hoping to die. Doesn't solve my problem either." she continued sounding cracked as glass. Alessia looked up to gaze at Liam. Her finger stroked Liam's firm jaw in a gentle caress. Their eyes are locked together. "That's why I hated men so much. I consider all men to be the same. Bastard!"


Libre Baskerville
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