Lethal in Black/C15 The Monster with The Right Motivation.
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Lethal in Black/C15 The Monster with The Right Motivation.
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C15 The Monster with The Right Motivation.


Johnny came to his senses with a jolt of unimaginable pain, his face was battered. He groaned at the feel of his jaw stiffening from the beating. His whole body seemed to be crushed. Thick blood seeping from his head, his eyes stinging from the flow of his own blood — he was having trouble looking around him.

The situation was tightening. Johnny's breathing was laborious. His body was tied firmly to the metal chair. He was unable to move his legs or arms. The knot in the chain strangled his neck as Johnny tried to break free — his neck only became more entangled.

"Damn it! I can't move! If I moved, I'd suffocate to death!"

It's dark, it's cold, and Johnny hears someone's maniacal laughter echoing around — sending chills down his spine. He had no idea where he was, and the wind was blowing all around him. Silence, with no other civilization in sight.

"Where the hell am I?!" Johnny winced in despair. He could only stand helplessly on the metal chair. "Get off me, damn it! Get off me! How dare you do this to me!"

Above his head was the only lamp hanging and burning his wound. The light was so bright. Hot blood flashed on the skin of his back. He has no idea how many wounds there were from the blunt force blow to his shin. Johnny felt severe pain in his left leg.

"Oh, shit, my left leg! F***k!"

Johnny wailed as he moved his dislocated left leg, the shin sticking out from under his skin. Hot blood seeped out of it. The pain exceeded common sense. "Bastard!!"


A maniacal laughter as evil as a monster accompanied by the thudding of heavy footsteps, haunts Johnny, walking from the darkness of the night. Johnny shuddered as a pair of glowing eyes as evil as a demon appeared along with a vicious grin.

Johnny was flabbergasted. His bloodied face looked like a fool. "Who the hell are you?!"

"Johnny Hauser." Sounded in a disgusted tone, he grasped the blood-stained crowbar in his hand. Shifting the chair to face Johnny and stomping the crowbar on the floor. Giggles viciously. Played with the crowbar until it emitted a haunting sound and a message of death. "How repulsive you are. Why is it that someone like you can roam around, and breathe free air? Too bad, you might be able to escape the ridiculous laws or justice, but not me."

Johnny hissed, he couldn't see clearly who his attacker was, his eyes were dazzled by the bright lights that burned his skin. The attacker's face was hidden in the darkness, his laughter echoed like a monster. Only the body dressed in an impeccable and expensive suit was visible by the lamplight. "Where the hell am I?! What do you want with me?! Why have you attacked me?! Watch out! I'll report you to the police if I ever get out of here!"

"You are so funny! You should see how ridiculous your face is right now!" The demon man laughed amusedly, but the maniacal laughter soon vanished to be replaced by a demonic face that hardened from holding back the anger. Liam's two gauntlets glowed, clenched tightly. "Don't go around saying things about the law! What a hypocrite! You're trash that doesn't deserve to live! Don't you think I know your dark, disgusting side?"

Liam lifted Johnny's chin, which was whimpering from the unbearable pain, using the blood-stained end of the pointed crowbar. With this crowbar, Liam beats Johnny to a pulp.

Johnny's whole body felt crushed, "Please. What the hell do you want from me?! What did I do wrong?"

"Your faults? Do I need to mention them one by one? Huh! Since there are so many, I'm too lethargic to go into them. So, I'll keep this short. Johnny, your kind, charming wife. Totally unaware of how depraved her beloved husband is outside the home. You are the most disgusting predator I've ever met. You think I dunno what you've been doing with Gina and your other mistresses?"

Johnny froze as Liam pulled out a cell phone from his coat pocket, showing him his many top-secret recordings that he had kept hidden from everyone including his wife. Liam giggles until he gasps.

Johnny was furious, trying to move forward from his chair. Desperately he wanted to grab the cell phone. "What the hell do you want from me, huh?! Give it back to me! Fu*ck you! Don't fuc*ki*ng play me! I could have kicked your as*s right now—"

Liam bolted up from his chair. He pressed the tip of the crowbar into Johnny's broken limb. "Oh-ho! I'm so scared of you. You're asking me what I want? It's easy. What I really want is you dead, Hauser."

Johnny roared in agony like a madman possessed. His screams echoed in the quiet darkness. The pressure of her intense pain defeated his common sense. Blood seeped wildly from his broken hand, and Liam chuckled widely.

"Shriek all you want. Nobody will hear you, buddy."

Johnny roared weakly, his energy drained, and the bleeding of his shin was not properly treated. The rust-filled crowbar tore into his skin. "Why did you do this to me?! Stop it, you're insane! F**k! Show your face, as*sho*le! Quit acting like a coward!"

Liam swung his crowbar, hitting Johnny's head until the wound gaped wide. "Who are you calling a coward! It's you — the cowardly son of a bit*ch who's hiding behind your position! You pretend to be in charge! Abusing your position to get close to the women of your subordinates so that you can abuse them! You son of a bit*ch, Johnny Hauser!"

Liam's voice boomed furiously, once again the crowbar's blow broke Johnny's jaw. Blood gushed wildly from Johnny's mouth. Amazingly, he was still conscious after being hit by the rust plate in Liam's hands.

Liam burst out an evil laugh. He couldn't hold back his laughter. "So hilarious, Hauser! Truly, you are the most ridiculous target I've ever pursued!"

Johnny spit blood. He almost lost consciousness, but Liam threw water on his face.

"Don't die first! I haven't finished talking to you yet." Liam rebuked in a haunting tone. From behind his hand slapped Johnny's twisted-looking face.

The searing pressure all over his face was unbearable. Johnny was unable to make a sound other than crying blood. "Spare me, you bastard! Forgive me! Please, don't do this to me! I have a wife and child!"

"Hah! You remember them now? In the moments leading up to your death, you still dare to speak their names! You know what? You're not even worthy of being a father, Hauser!"

Johnny whimpered, and cried blood tears. He was so terrified; he was leaking urine down his pants. He shook his head, regretting all the deeds and sins that were flashing through his mind. Johnny recalled all his mistakes, betraying the love of his wife and children.

Liam smirked maliciously, watching how pathetic this superior Johnny Hauser was. "Oh Johnny. Don't burst into tears. I haven't even shown you the excitement yet, man. You're regretting your depraved deeds too late! You should have thought of all your actions before committing them! There are always consequences behind the crimes you think are safe?"

Liam grasped the crowbar again, swinging it around like a baseball bat in hand.

"Pfffttt, look at this dumbass face of yours. How ridiculous! When I heard the story of my precious woman whom I love more than anything — she almost fell victim to you. That disgusting lust that tried to touch her by raping her! I'm furious about that, and I've decided to hunt down this guy Johnny Hauser, the honorable head of this property company — too bad, your only option now is to go out with your coffin!" hissed Liam madly. His devilishly evil eyes flashed again.

Johnny's bloodied and moronic face was in deep thought. "What the hell do you mean?! I never strike women—"

Suddenly Alessia Dawn's heavenly face flashed into his mind. Johnny's eyes popped out in fright.

Liam grinned like a monster. "Well done, I guess you've remembered it, Hauser?"

A cold breeze blew in. It blew Johnny's hair sticky with dried blood. His tongue lolled out from a displaced jaw.

"Oh my. No way! You mean Alessia Dawn?! She sent you to hunt me down and kill me!!!"

"Alessia was mine. She's a tough warrior, Johnny. The most special woman I've ever had. It's wrong of you to treat her so badly. I have one rule for her — whoever hurts her — I won't let them come back alive. That's what I always told her." Liam's story is proud that when he talks about Alessia, he always has the deepest feelings of love from the bottom of his heart.

"I'M SORRY! FORGIVE ME!" Johnny roared in despair. "Tell her! I apologize!"

Suffering this excruciating and endless pain, Johnny was desperate as if death would be preferable. So many physical injuries that he received — forcing Johnny to lose his sanity.

Liam giggled viciously again, the hem of his coat fluttering in the wind. He stomped the tip of the crowbar under his shiny shoes again. "Would you still apologize like this if the circumstances were different, Hauser? Because you're currently facing your death, you're desperate. Pinched by circumstances — you're willing to do anything, aren't you? Even weak humans suddenly become mighty when pressed by a critical situation."

"Fine. Kill me! Do it if it makes you satisfied! Kill me at once!"

"Death is easy, Johnny Hauser!" Liam shrieked with maniacal laughter, he clapped, giving Johnny a round of applause. Giggling to himself again. "Indeed, from the bottom of my heart. I feel extremely honored. I did intend to kill you. For what? For a law that can never be fair. I don't want human scum like you wandering around breathing free air anymore. It's too late, Hauser."

The monster's laughter made Johnny shudder with fear. This attacker, whose face is unknown, is creepy. Killing others without guilt, constantly laughing, and even seeming to enjoy it all. "You psychopath!"

"Dead wrong, coward!" Liam snarled in exasperation. "Stop being so arrogant on the verge of death! Psychopaths murder others for no reason. I'm a demon of righteous motivation. My goal is clear, to judge and kill disgusting predators like you! I hunt down criminals who deserve to be sent to hell! If the law can set you free, then I'll be the one to judge you. Sending you to hell!"

Realizing his mistake too late, Johnny remembers when he almost raped Alessia Dawn in her flat. He hated the situation! Johnny is the most resistant to defeat! Even if he has to die tonight, he can't lose his pride!

Johnny is deeply downcast. There was something strange, this time Johnny was chuckling tauntingly, he couldn't help the ticklish flutter in his stomach, Johnny was laughing half-cocked — forcing Liam to frown.

"Alessia Dawn. She's a special woman indeed. Anyone bends the knee to her including me! Don't you know who she is?" Johnny stared at Liam sharply who stood in the darkness. He smirked wryly as Liam flinched. It was victory time for Johnny to turn the tide. "Don't be fooled by her angelic innocent face. She's no different from any harlot out there! A cheater, a manipulator and a liar! You're probably being used as a puppet by her now. You're obeying her every whim, aren't you? That's the attraction. Besides her heavenly beauty — she's so hot, huh?"

Liam's jaw muscles bulged from holding back his rage, his hands clenched into fists. While Johnny continued to laugh amusedly, with a tone of arrogance telling Alessia off, mocking her and verbally abusing her. It's as if Johnny knows Alessia best.

Johnny showed his evil, battered facial expressions. This silence gave him the upper hand. "Did you hear me, monster? That woman you're proud of and call special — she's nothing more than scum, right?"


Johnny gasped when Liam suddenly stepped forward, revealing his charming, perfect face. Johnny's eyes widened in aghast — he recognized the face of this charismatic man!

"You're—?" Johnny's words trailed off. He knew perfectly well who this man was.

Liam Coltrane is the CEO of Coltrane Industries. He is adored by many business leaders and has been featured in international business magazines. His success has brought him to the list of jet-set conglomerates who are influential in industry and business. All the ladies were talking about Liam wherever they went.

Giggling in amusement, Liam crossed his arms. "You think I'm affected by your foul words! Still acting arrogantly, and unwilling to admit your defeat even though your death is in sight, huh?"

"Coltrane! Liam Coltrane!" Johnny glared furiously. He had no idea that the man possessed such horrific killing skills and abilities. Definitely different than the articles or magazines he had read — discussing his perfection. "How did you—"

Liam's devilishly wicked grin spread sweetly. "What brings down the vanity of man? Death, Johnny. A painful death. Are you ready? Because I've got some exciting plans for someone like you."

Johnny shuddered, stuttering and losing his sanity. His world collapsed beneath his feet. He was stiff with fright.

Liam's monsters laugh echoes like a maniac. He drove the end of the crowbar through Johnny's helplessly wailing shoulder, then pulled Johnny's metal chair. Dragged him all the way to the edge of the top of the top building. "Let's party, Johnny! Enjoy your ride to the pits of hell!"

A strong wind blew again. Johnny screamed in terror, swearing madly as he realized Liam intended to drop him from the highest height of the empty building. "Screw you, Coltrane! You'll never get away with this! My wife will be looking for me. You'll be charged with your crime soon! You hear me?!"

"People on the verge of death are always talking nonsense." Liam gripped Johnny's nape. "Go to hell, Hauser!"


Kicking the metal chair into freefall to the asphalt ground. Liam smiled wryly, his eyes flashing evil. He scrutinizes Johnny's gruesome death through an obsessive gaze, delivering the predator to an exquisite demise. Johnny's body had not yet hit the asphalt — it was instantly run over by a passing sixteen-wheeler truck, which mercilessly crushed him.


Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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