Lethal in Black/C16 Look After You
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Lethal in Black/C16 Look After You
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C16 Look After You

"What are you saying?! Say that again, Liam! What did you do?!!" Alessia was screaming now, between cursing and terror-filled screams that split the night air. She rebuked, her normally brilliant eyes now dimmed empty, blazed with flabbergasted. The spoon slipped out of her hand, and the crystal glass fell in a crumpled heap beneath her feet. Her body almost swayed off balance in shock. Before she actually fell down, Liam hugged her body tightly.

"My, you broke the crystal glass, sweetheart. Be careful, you might hurt your foot." Liam warned casually, swiftly lifting Alessia into his arms. Ally was limping helplessly. Her pretty face seemed pained. Liam led her to sit on the sofa, slowly lowered his body and massaged Alessia's legs on his lap. "I'm sorry to make you so shocked. I didn't mean to surprise you. I thought you'd be pleased. I killed that bastard, that's the truth."

Liam took Alessia on a cruise on his private yacht. From the afternoon enjoying the scenic sea until the evening, they circled the brilliant beauty of the Thames in the midst of London's glittering cityscape. They had set off from the coast of Felixstowe where Coltrane Industries' private Port Strike company is based.

Ally had accompanied Liam who had been in a meeting with a crucial client all morning, and for almost two hours, Alessia had been in Liam's luxurious office. Ally couldn't perceive why Liam didn't want her out of his sight. Only with him did Alessia feel safe, valued and treated like a precious diamond.

Liam's leadership office in the tallest Coltrane tower forced Alessia to be overwhelmed by the beauty of London's cityscape like she had never experienced before. In all the time she's known Liam, she's always been on the highest peak of comfort like this. It's a far cry from before fate brought her together with Liam — Alessia spent more time on the streets.

Being at the top of the corporate world, Ally had never imagined it before. But there she was, feet planted on the Coltrane tower she'd admired on her office desk. All the while fantasizing about something impossible happening.

But, this really did happen in her life. Her fate changed drastically after meeting the charismatic and perfect man Liam Coltrane.

Swallowing hard, her head seemed to be bound by barbed wires. Alessia was trying to catch her breath and control her chaotic heartbeat, she needed as much oxygen as she could get. Her head throbbed violently; her mind still couldn't accept Liam's words about Johnny Hauser — was her disgusting boss really dead?

Liam claimed it proudly and casually, as he always does. As if it was a normal thing or a light conversation to discuss. Ally scrutinized Liam's charming face, which was full of smiles, without the slightest regret written on his charismatic expression.

"It's worth it." Liam commented, sternly. "He deserves it. Did you know that when I was hunting him — he was fuc*king Gina."

"Gina?!" Ally choked; her words stuttered by an overwhelming sense of claustrophobia. Gina Anderson, the company's female public relations staff. Suddenly, a sickening turmoil squeezed her stomach. "Oh my god."

Liam smiled in a sexy way. Stroking Ally's soft hair that was blown by the cool night breeze. Liam's golden eyes burned as if fire under the sparkling lights of London's fast-paced city life. "Now you see why I did it, don't you? I could not wait for him to do it to his other victims. Hauser's a predator, that's an undeniable fact. He keeps breathing free air just because he has money and power. People like that deserve to die."

Liam's voice suddenly trembled violently when the memories of Eva and Camilla in his mind flashed without mercy. The dark memory that kept haunting his sleep was like an ultimate nightmare. On that fateful night, it was Camilla Jameson who screamed hysterically, howled for help, and roared with hatred until she died — when the agency's top bastard — Darius Deck rape abuse her, while Liam was forced to watch the sickening scene with nothing to do.

A vengeance that will not be avenged until they all perish.

Ally was about to speak, but Liam grabbed her fingers gently. "Don't talk about justice or law with me, you know it won't work. I won't stop before they all perish. You just need to stay by my side, it's the safest place for you to be right now. Sit tight, don't comment or dwell on my fate. Don't worry, I've got big plans for this."

A long sigh came from Alessia's pointed nose, the tension in her shoulders loosening. "Aren't you scared of getting caught later?"

"If so, then I'm unlucky." Liam shrugged his shoulders. "I'm well-trained, sweetheart. So don't worry, huh?"

"I'm at a loss for words. I'm worried, dammit!"

Liam let Alessia's feet rest on his lap. He smiles fabulously. Changing the subject. Mesmerized by the beauty of London, which was not to be missed. "Look at that, isn't it lovely?"

Ally's gaze shifted to the splendor of the Tower Bridge that had just passed over her head, the London Eye that gave off a brilliant light, and the Big Ben that chimed elegantly. It matched the bustle of the modern city that pulsated at all times, never stopped, and continued to move forward.

"Whatever you want, I can give it. I still haven't heard your laugh yet, you know? It seems that I still have to try so hard, huh?"

Ally hissed. "There's more to this than my laugh, Liam. How about VXG. You haven't explained anything to me. I came close to dying twice, remember? You owe me an explanation."

"To make a long story short, the core of VXG is the one who can clear my name and save this world from the threat of those crazy people who wanna destroy it." Liam replied, giving a staged smile, looking into Alessia's eyes intensely.

Alessia's heavenly face gaped at Liam's explanation, her eyes squinted.

"That's enough for you and me to know, sweetheart."


"As I trust you more than anything. So many times, I've said it, you still question it. No matter how many times you doubted it, the final answer was the same. Nothing changed."

It was a heavy burden for Alessia, her forehead scrunched up. Staring at Liam Coltrane intently. As long as Ally had been with him, she had not been able to read this man's thoughts. It was hard to guess what was going through Liam's mind. Nothing less than his physical touch, love treatment, or his work as the successful CEO of Coltrane Industries. Liam opens up to her about both of them.

There is nothing wrong with his dazzling smile, his impressive voice or his gentle touch. Liam turns introverted or mysterious when it comes to his vengeance, his hunt or his dark and gruesome ways.

Over and over, Alessia tried to convince herself. Still, the anxiety overpowered everything. To this day, Ally still finds it hard to believe — when she decided to put her life on Liam.

"Your words burden me a lot. Stop saying those words. You'll regret this, Liam. One day, I may turn out to betray you." Ally stated it as if a dagger had stabbed Liam's heart.

A long silence, Liam scrutinized Alessia's brilliant eyes that seemed to have darkened. The yacht was still spinning, circling the city. Liam chuckled, forcing Ally's forehead into a deep frown.

"Why are you even laughing? What's so funny? I mean it, Liam! If I betray you one day. What will you do to me? Will you hunt me down and kill me to shut me up?" Alessia asked through the hardened tone.

Liam gave a shrug. "I would never do that to you. What for? You know I love and adore you more than anything. I never had the intention of hurting you or scratching you even a little. Someday, if you do betray me. Let it go. I'll deal with the rest. Just like you did when you ran away from me, and then asked for help from the law enforcement who clearly wanted to kill you for VXG. They're corrupt officials, sweety. Be careful, you can trust no one but me."

Alessia cupped her face in frustration, she couldn't argue with Liam any longer.

Changing his sitting position, Liam leaned forward, cutting the distance between his charming face and Alessia's. For some reason, the cold wind made the woman stand still without moving her body.

"After all, I believe that you would never betray me, Alessia Dawn."

Liam's piercing eyes could indeed capture Alessia's body, her mesmerizing smile, or that deep, impressive voice that melts the heart. Ally's blood rushes warmly as their lips meet. Under the golden light of Canary Wharf, Liam crushes Alessia's sensuous lips that are as red as blood. Full of passion, love, and Alessia fell into Liam's arms just as she had in Switzerland last year.


[ Ting! ]

Liam woke up from his slumber, his eyes wide open as his cell phone rang. As he wriggled on the bed — his hand came out from under the blanket to turn on the light. The dim orange light shone in his spacious bedroom. Picking up the bed clock, it was still 3.25 AM.

Letting out a long sigh while pressing his eyes and the pointed nose, which was dizzy. Liam reached for his cell phone, scrolling through the short messaging app.

"Jasper?" he muttered, yawning slightly. Liam got up to sit at the edge of the bed. Reading the message made his triumphant lopsided smile spread wide, smirked viciously. "It's good news."

[Jasper: All the targets are in London. They landed at Heathrow Airport last night using a private jet. I thought you'd wanna hear this news. They have a confidential and luxurious headquarters deep in the forest, like a mansion at the base of Loughrigg Fell mountain. Aren't you planning to hunt them down there? Oh, and be careful Two MI6 secret agents seem to be following every murder trial. I'm still not sure if they can be trusted or not. But based on their records and background, it seems like they're honest and clean.]

“Well. It’s all getting tense, huh? This is what I want. It's time to move into an even more intense minefield. I hafta protect and take care of Alessia well.” Liam put down his phone after replying to Jasper's short message, massaging his stiff neck. [I'll see you tomorrow, Jasper.]

Walking away from the bed, Liam raised both hands in the cool air of his room — stretching his tense muscles He chuckled, his enormous window curtains opening automatically as he approached.

Liam gazed at the waterfall cascading down the hill after the heavy storm, milky-white mist settling amidst the pine forest below. Lightning still flickered, scratching the distant land's edge at the far end of the earth.

“Mount Place Fell, which I love so much, always shows its beauty even at night. My plan to eliminate Pietro is spot on. It will make them panic, leave their hideout, descend into hell, and I — happily deliver the news of their demise.” Liam murmured as he poured costly wine into a crystal glass. He savored the wine. “Soon, the devil will find you all. Be patient. Enjoy the remaining time you have, laugh as much as you want. This time, not a single one will escape my pursuit.” Liam approached the abstract painting hanging in his room, a sealed place unknown to anyone or hidden from sight. He pressed his thumbprint scanner located in the middle of the painting. The door, seamlessly integrated into the room's wall, swung open wide.

Stepping inside, that sealed room is enormous. The lights automatically turn on as Liam goes further in. There, his combat gear is neatly stored in their designated places. The glass cabinet holds a row of shiny heavy-duty military weapons. The handgun rack, stacks of magazines, cartridges, and his spy tools are all there.

In the corner, a drawer contains a pile of passports from different countries, each with a many alias, Liam's altered face, and intentionally disguised appearance.

All the lavish suits he wears for hunting targets, from head to toe, are neatly kept in the wardrobe. Liam is obsessed with tidiness and cleanliness. He despises any dust sticking around. A perfectionist. Everything has to be just so.

Liam stood before the target list board, filled with photos, stacks of newspaper clippings, and notes. Each successful target he had hunted down and killed was marked with a red cross. Luca Pietro's face and all of his subordinates were crossed out; they had been eliminated. Now, his target list pointed to the portraits of Visha Castriel, Darius Deck, Jarvis Percival, Albert Rush, Tyler McCoy, Ezra Harvey, and the last empty photo, symbolized by a large question mark — their top leader with the code name 'Silvius'

“I also need to be careful of their underlings or troops who are surely after me, and Alessia right now. Who's the archenemy? VanHelton? Well, I can't wait to meet him soon.”

An article describing the massacre of the Jameson family death sentence — Rhett Jameson. The White-Collar case, Unsolved Murders, besides making Rhett Jameson a black sheep or mastermind of this big conspiracy. Liam's hand clenched, the crystal glass in his grasp shattered and crumbled. He didn't care about the fresh blood seeping from his left palm.

Liam chortled wickedly like a devil. “You all must die!"


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