Lethal in Black/C3 The Hitman Billionaire's Queen
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Lethal in Black/C3 The Hitman Billionaire's Queen
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C3 The Hitman Billionaire's Queen

"Let me go! I don't wane hear any explanations, Liam! I just want you far away from my life. Please, don't ever come back!" Alessia stated desperately. She looked away. She still couldn't believe this was happening to her. "In fact, it would be more hazardous for me to be around you! Don't drag me into your horrible life. Sickeningly, I have to hear it from the mouths of those bastard criminals! You went and disappeared. Now you're back with all kinds of trouble and death threats for me! What's next?! You ruined my life, Coltrane!" Ally felt a heavy weight on her shoulders, her mind drained. The back of her head felt like it had just been hammered. She wanted to believe that this was all a dream. But it was real, and for the life of her, Alessia couldn't accept it.

Her face hurt. Screaming like this made it hurt even more.

"You can't." Liam answered firmly. Suppressing his words. "I know you're in shock. Let me explain. You're already involved. I'm not gonna leave you alone. Instead, I'm coming back to make things right. Even if it will be beyond your imagination or dreams. I hope you'll trust me. I know you must be scared to face me, but I don't intend to hurt you at all, Alessia Dawn."

Ally snorted. She rebelled, and swatted Liam's hand away. She growled furiously. "Trusting a master liar like you?! I don't get what you're thinking! You have everything. Super rich. You're a successful billionaire. Why would you choose such a dark path?! So, the result of your success has been the spilling of blood and loss of life?! How many people have you hunted down, Liam? How many have you killed?!"

"It's not what you think. You're only seeing things from your point of view. It's too soon to judge me, sweetheart. Listen to all my explanations. If you see it from my idealistic side. You'll definitely comprehend it." Liam objected calmly. His gentle smile never faded. It was only directed at Alessia Dawn. "Come with me now. You have no other choice for now. Only I can protect and save you."

"Idealistic? You think that's idealistic?! Other people's lives are at stake—?" Alessia glared at Liam in disbelief. Her tongue was too stiff. Her insides were churning. She was unable to continue with her words. "You're out of your mind, Liam! Knowing you was the biggest mistake of my life! How can you be so calm and relaxed?! Don't you know what I went through? You didn't see me almost die in there? I was beaten up! They did it to me! I'm a weak woman. Do you see my face now?! Next time I might be dead! It's all on you! Ever since I got to know you, my life has been ruined! What a mistake! Strangers chased me, tortured me and questioned me about things I didn't know! You’re insane!! My fate only got worse after I met you!!"

Liam embraced Alessia warmly. His eyes flashed sharply. "I won't let anything bad happen to you, Ally! Trust me, don't talk about death. While you're with me, no one can hurt you or touch you! Do you know why I killed them all?! Because they treated you badly. They hurt you! It made me so mad! They're useless cruel people! Do you know what their crimes were like? They deserve to be sent to hell!"

Alessia shook her head strongly. She cupped her ears and pushed Liam away from her. "I don't care anymore! Get out of my life! Go away, Liam Coltrane! Don't bother me! Leave me alone!"

Liam shackled Ally's hands until the girl was helpless. As Alessia rebelled, Liam tightened his grip even more in an attempt to calm her down. Alessia was emotional, she had been through a stressful situation, a near-death experience that had left her psychologically stressed and burning with wrath.

For Liam, it was a minor issue. Ally who was experiencing such a situation for the first time — it would be tough to accept. Her delicate heart must have been severely shaken.

"Let me go!" Alessia growled madly. She was getting desperate. "I don't want see or deal with you anymore! You're horrible! You're a murderer! How could I fall for you?! Get out of my life! Please, stay back!"

"NEVER!" Liam snapped. He had to. His thundered voice rose as if to break the hearing. Alessia was hard to calm down. This was the only way to quell her panic.

Instantly forcing Ally to back away stiffly and remain silent in fright. There was silence between them. Alessia's sigh of rage boiled over. She stared at Liam with thickening hatred. She occasionally rebelled but all her efforts were futile.

Liam refused to let Alessia go no matter what. He meant what he said. Liam softened his touch. He did not want Alessia to feel threatened in his arms. On the contrary, Liam wanted to protect Alessia from anything.

Liam let out a long breath. The glint in his eyes dimmed. His voice turned sweet and soothing. He gazed at Alessia with calm eyes and deep affection. "Calm down. Listen to my explanation first. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to yell at you. You must know that I will never let you go!"

Alessia burst into tears. Her breathing weakened. There was no more rebellion or resistance. She didn't know what was happening to her life now, why fate seemed to be playing tricks on her? Now, she was entangled to Liam, unable to do anything about it.

"Don't ask me why, as you obviously know. I love you, Alessia Dawn. I love and adore you so much. I’m crazy about you! I came back not just to save you. But for us, for commitment, for a normal life and for you. I want you—"

"Ridiculous!" Ally cursed. "You said 'we'? That's impossible, Liam. After I found out who you really are. Don't say anything about the future for us! It's not gonna happen! You're just a stranger to me! Bu*llsh*it! It's better that way! I don't wane live with a hitman like you! Are you nuts?! Why do you have everything when you're taking other people's lives?!"

Alessia was still too naive. She had no idea how cruel the world was. Liam needed extra strength to face Ally. Liam had chosen her as his soulmate, and Liam tried to be more patient until she understood.

Liam had to fight for a normal life. To get out of the agency so he could be with Alessia Dawn. As long as he was there, for however long, Liam would continue to be stuck.

"Whatever you say. That's what happened. Ever since I first met you in Switzerland. I fell in love with you. I missed you so much. It was a bit crazy. Back then, I was forced to disappear without a trace. It was to save you. A lot of bad people were chasing me. You have to know. I didn't wane take the risk of endangering you. I have to protect you and get to finish all this. In this job, you can't just walk away. If you leave, you're dead. Even if you dodge, you're dead. They will continue to chase you no matter what." Liam clearly expressed his honesty.

[What kind of honesty is this? Then, I have to justify all of your actions?! Impossible!]

Alessia remains silent. She turned away and refused to stare at Liam's charming face. Her breathing was choked. Unfortunately, Liam's sincere words thawed something that had frozen her tension. Her heart was bursting with the flames of rage but was quelled instantly.

The power of Liam's impressive voice was capable of pleasing or melting others. It was one of his charms, and Alessia loved everything about him. When Liam told he loved her more than anything else in Switzerland at that time. Alessia felt like the luckiest and most precious woman.

Her dreams of a pleasant future with Liam were shattered. Leaving nothing but temper and hurt.

Liam's warm embrace calmed Alessia down until it penetrated into her bloodstream. The scent of the man's body was intoxicating. Alessia could not deny that she admired Liam so much. Most ridiculous thing is her heart felt a deep longing for the charismatic man.

[It's not right. It's a big mistake! Liam Coltrane is crazy!!!]

Liam gently cupped Alessia's bruised and cut face. The woman burst into blood tears. Exasperated by unchanneled rage, too staggered to accept the reality, and this excruciating pain — debilitating her.

With a deeply protective gesture, Liam stroked Alessia's cheek. "Whoever hurt you. I won't let them live. That's why I finished them all off."

Alessia's life always ended badly and bitterly. Was there anything that could make her suffer more than this? Ally thought that all men were as*sho*les! Her heart throbbed with soreness. She remembered the tragic fate that befell Kayla Dawn.

Remembering Kayla brought tears to Alessia's eyes again. She did not expect to be this weaken before Liam. Her defenses were crumbling. With all the pressure of life pounding her body mercilessly.

Ally slumped in astounded on the floor of her flat. She gave up. She sat crying and hugged her legs.

All the bitterness in her life that she had gone through was sickening and exhausting. Ally regretted, why didn't that bastard commander kill her?

Liam collapsed. Hugged Alessia deeply. Gently kissed the top of her head. "Come with me to the mansion. I'm the only one who can protect you from them. I promise. You'll be safe with me there. I guarantee it. No one can hurt you anymore if you trust me."


[I have to go to the police station! They can definitely help me!]

Liam cursed inwardly as Alessia tricked him. The woman was more stubborn than he thought. Despite being injured, Alessia's survival instincts could not be underestimated. Liam was appreciative, but Ally's actions only complicated the situation. "Damn! How could I be tricked by you, Ally?! Eventually, you'll understand everything I mean!"

Alessia dashed away as fast as she could. Without looking back. She was choked. Her kneecaps were heavy with a weight she could not bear. Her mind and heart were telling her to go to the nearest police station now! Who could help her but them?

Alessia is chased by millionaire hitmen and strangers who question and fight over the VenomxGhost. Liam Coltrane's presence is driving her crazy! Liam can't do much when Alessia escapes to enter the lobby of the local city police station. He sighed loudly, clucked in exasperation and tossed his hair back with a desperate grunt. "You're only making things worse, Ally. What are you gonna do there? Tell them everything? I told you, only I can protect, guard and save you. Why is it so hard for you to trust me?! At this rate, I'll have to step in and clean up the mess. Gosh, my lovely lady, how innocent is you?"

Liam quietly took the road in the other direction. Avoiding the perimeter of the police building's ubiquitous surveillance cameras. Liam blended with the darkness into the back of the police station.

Alessia rushed to the report desk. Her bruised face pale without blood, with a half-squeal full of terror, she begged for help. "Officer! Help me! Urgent situation! There's a crazy billionaire hitman after me!"


Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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