Lethal in Black/C5 Liam Coltrane's Madness
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Lethal in Black/C5 Liam Coltrane's Madness
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C5 Liam Coltrane's Madness

"Ugh! Damn it! HARLEY!" Austin cursed bitterly. He howled in horror and fell beside his car with his left kneecap fatal bleeding from the hot bullets.

The strike was unexpected, so fast and sudden. Austin wasn't sure where it came from. He struggled to his feet, dragging his numb left leg. Austin whimpered in soreness, swearing incessantly. “That bastard is here!”

Austin took refuge behind his car. Under the pressure of excruciating pain. He remained vigilant, fearing another assault. He loaded his revolver with new magazines. Austin was so shaken that he had trouble holding the gun in his hand. He lamented the immobilization of his left leg.

"Fu*ck! Son of!" Austin growled in anguish. He grinned savoring every sensation of the fiery shocks that stung his skin.

Alessia opened her eyes. Somewhat astounded to hear Austin's pained scream and something heavy falling right before her. Ally was wide-eyed. She jolted up and screamed in horror at the sight of Harley's bloodied corpse with a gunshot wound through the head. "Dammit!" Ally screamed in fright.

Thick blood seeped into her jeans. Alessia gasped for breath, reflexively moving backwards and away from Harley's corpse. Her legs were too slow to move. Ally staggered to safety. Leaving Austin's agonized roar behind. “This is bloody insane!”

However, Ally's footsteps stopped when Liam suddenly appeared and grasped her fingers tightly.

"Liam?!" Ally stammered and choked up. Her eyes blazed with fright.

"I told you they couldn't be trusted. But you won't listen to me. Why is it so hard to make you understand that?"

Alessia struggled to swallow her saliva. She fainted when she saw the silencer handgun in Liam's left hand. "Oh no, again."

"That stupid Intel. How dare he treat you like that, huh?!" Liam was furious. Time for another execution.

"Did you, do it?" asked Ally in aghast. Her heavenly face was pale without blood.

"Of course I did. Who else can protect and save you but me?! You want them to kill you? Whoever hurt you, I won't let them come back safely." Liam affirmed in a stern tone.

[Oh, dear me. My head feels like it's going to explode!] Alessia didn't resist as Liam took her hand in his and stopped before Austin who was trying to hold on to what was left of his strength or dignity as an enforcer. Ally was completely fooled. All that remained was the temper bubbling up inside her.

"You're supposed to protect and serve? Remember?" Liam rebuked tauntingly.

Austin raised the gun, pointed it at Liam's heart and prepared to shoot Alessia.

Liam kicked the gun in Austin's hand, sending it flying through the air. "Nah! How dare you?! I'm tired of dealing with corrupt law officers like you! It's so hard to get rid of you! Y’all multiplying like a deadly plague. It's useless, isn't it? If you don't eradicate it to its roots. Scum like you will always show up!"

“You're a bastard, Coltrane!” His revolver slammed down; Austin cursed inwardly. His eyes closed with a snarl of defeat that was hard for him to accept. Dealing with Liam meant death. He glanced bitterly at the corpse of Harley who had died horribly. Cold sweat poured down his forehead. Austin snorted in exasperation. Glaring at Ally fiercely. "You think. You can just walk away, Coltrane?! They won't stop hunting until you, your family, or your loved ones are dead! You can hear their screams of agony without being able to do anything about it!"

It was Liam's turn to chuckle viciously. His stomach churned with amusement. He hissed and lashed out. "Oh, bollocks! People on their deathbeds often make random noises. Who are you to order me around?! I don't take silly orders from the agency anymore! Y’all are making stupid choices! I believe what I believe! Come on, I still have my conscience and sanity! You're getting in my way. Then I assure you, you will all be crushed to the ground!"

Austin spat in hatred. His breathing was choked. All of his muscles were in aghast from the trauma of the late-treated gunshot wound. His face was deathly pale, with blue veins. "Go ahead. You won't be able to fight us. Things have been going on for decades. You can't destroy us, Coltrane! He won't let that happen!"

"Sure. I can. You'll see it later. But I'm afraid you don't have time for that, honorable criminal officer. You'll see it in hell." Liam stated in a haunting tone. He giggled until he gasped.

Alessia held Liam's arm. For the sake of everything in heaven and earth. It was enough to see this horrible bloodshed. Ally was sick and tired of it. This was so upsetting to her. "No! Hold a sec! Are you nuts? You wanna finish off an officer of the law?! Don't do it, Liam! That's enough! I have no idea what I'm in the middle of. But don't kill him at all! I can't bear to see bloodshed like this anymore!"

Hot blood continued to seep from Austin's limbs. He chuckled tauntingly. "What an idiot! Liam Coltrane. Billionaire and superior assassin. Bowing down to a woman?! Since when you turned into such a coward?!"

Liam gazed at Austin coldly. "Get in the car, Ally." he continued to command absolutely.

Ally shook her head. She was adamant in her stance. "I don't want it! You're gonna finish him, aren't you?! All you're doing is making things worse and putting me in a minefield!"

"Chill, sweetheart. I'm not making things worse. I'm saving you! You made a mess and I'm gonna clean it up. So, relax." Liam replied with a long sigh. Liam shot Austin in the head before Ally's eyes. His head was shattered by the hot bullet. Blood splashed wildly on the asphalt. Austin died instantly.

Alessia was in fright, cupping her mouth. She couldn't support her body's balance anymore. Her weight dropped dramatically as if all her bones had been forcibly removed. Ally was choked, she was unsteady, but Liam held her carefully.

"You killed an officer of the law, Liam?" asked Ally, feeling suffocated.

All these fast-moving events. It gave Alessia a headache. She hoped that this was just a nightmare from her bitter life. Within 72 hours of Liam's return, Alessia's life was turned upside down. Her normal, peaceful world was shattered violently. It was disrupted by a situation that she couldn't comprehend.

“You’re insane! MONSTER!” Alessia grunted in furious, sick and hatred. She rebelled, not wanting Liam to touch her, but Liam insisted on not letting her go.

Liam hugged Alessia tightly. He whispered in a husky voice. "Are you still defending them? If I had come late. You might have been the one who got killed! Ally, the world is cruel. Nothing is too pleasant. It's just a dream. You wanna be on top or have everything. Then you have to do whatever it takes. But I'm fixing what I started! When you listen to all my explanations later. You'll get it. For now, just adapt well."

Alessia couldn't walk anymore. She was swayed by a powerful wave of terror. She wanted to run as far as possible, but her legs refused to move. It was arduous, as if there was a super strong magnetic field that shackled her entire body when she was near Liam Coltrane.

The charismatic man's charms held a terrifying side that pounded Alessia's common sense. Liam embraced Ally and held her close.

Alessia was vaguely dizzy. Darkness slowly began to lock her consciousness.

Liam smiled slightly. "I won't let you go, Alessia Dawn. Stay by my side, in my mansion and be my queen. I can set this world on fire; in a rain of flames only for you. I'm the perfect devil. But I never let the flame touch you. Never, as long as you are with me. But if you refuse. Let's just die together. I'm in love with you and I can't live without you. Simple as that."

Alessia fell unconscious.



The dream caress was originally about her longing for Kayla Dawn. In her dream, Kayla smiled sweetly. Calling out her name softly. Her face was radiant, her laughter loose and joyful. A cool breeze blew the gerbera flowers around them.


Ally wanted to grasp Kayla's fingers, but slowly Kayla's body seemed to fade away. She completely disappeared; her warm words replaced by a series of curse words that Alessia was terrified to hear.

[Don't leave me Kayla, it's my fault I let you die and did nothing to save you!]


"UKH!!" Alessia screamed from her sleep as her head cavity filled with nightmares. The booming sound of the gun was like the rumble of lightning.

Ally shivered in terror. A flood of cold sweat ran down her body. Her terrified eyes roamed every corner of the luxurious room she was sleeping in. She was on a super king soft bed.

The magnificent room was filled with modern furniture. All state-of-the-art furnishings, dark colors that blended with nature. There was an enormous crystal-clear window on the left side that showed a landscape view of the hillside, valley, clear waterfalls and mountains.

"For heaven’s sake, where the hell am I?"

Ally sat on the edge of the bed for a while. She felt her head throbbing. Letting out a long breath, she tried to remember what happened last night.

"Liam?!" The woman darted out of the room.

The luxurious, grand, and stunning mansion had long hallways with crystal-clear windows that showed a breathtaking panorama of mountains. Alessia realized that the mansion was built on a high cliff.

There was no time to marvel at any of this. Even though Alessia liked him a lot. But she had to find Liam Coltrane right now. The last time she was with that man. Watching him finish off Harley and Austin.

[Because of that damn thing! Why is everyone fighting over it?! What's so special about it, anyway?!! I'm stuck in a hellish situation that doesn't make sense! I don't even know what I'm getting myself into!]

Alessia's stomp was filled with rage. Her nose inhaled the delicious aroma of butter mixed with vanilla that instantly made her hunger. Her stomach churning, she grimaced. Alessia grumbled as she whispered. "I can't remember the last time I ate. When I got home from work, right? I haven't had a chance to eat since all this ridiculousness!"

The clanking of the oven broke Alessia's reverie. She looked for a way to the kitchen. After descending the twists and turns of the stairs, the long hallway passed through the living room, the cozy lounge, and the magnificent library.

Alessia's forehead wrinkled. She snorted softly. Chortling bitterly. "Bloody hell! LIAM! LIAM COLTRANE! It's all on you, bastard!"

Alessia didn't care about her ethics anymore. She was still mad about everything that had happened. She stopped when she almost passed the kitchen — Liam was enjoying his breakfast while chattered with someone. Their laughter would break out. Liam appeared jubilant and childlike.

The sight made Alessia's heart ache for no reason. Liam was not alone. There was someone accompanying him. Their laughter echoed again. Behind the kitchen counter, a middle-aged man with deft hands was wiping the plates and rows of Oki glasses.

"Well, is the heavenly lady awake? Good morning, Miss. Did you sleep well? Come here. Breakfast is ready. Since morning, Master Liam has been waiting for your arrival. Never has he been up so early. Apparently, your arrival here. changed most of his habits. I am Sir Windsor. The butler here. Pleased to meet you, Lady Dawn." Windsor greeted kindly. His smile was kind. It was earnest and unforced.

Alessia froze. Her eyes blinked in confusion with her face pale as paper. She scrutinized Liam.

Liam cackled charmingly. Being casual as always as if nothing happened last night. He pulled up the empty chair beside him. "Come here, sweetheart. Join us. You must be famished."


Libre Baskerville
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