Lethal in Black/C9 Even the Devil used to be an Angel
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Lethal in Black/C9 Even the Devil used to be an Angel
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C9 Even the Devil used to be an Angel

"You're completely crazy, Liam! Gosh, I feel insane!"

Alessia's head was spinning, talking to a crazy guy like Liam was draining her brain. Liam Coltrane is the most narcissistic, charming and sexy man she has ever met. Ally can't figure it out; how did fate play tricks on her? Putting her together with a man like Liam. Trapping Alessia's normal life into an abnormal one at her side.

The crazy thing is, until recently, Alessia had been deeply in love with this man. Ally couldn't deny her passionate heart — she wanted Liam Coltrane. Now, Ally is thinking about her future. Her long-term livelihood. Many things are considered.

[Is this right? Living under the same roof with a hitman, in a luxurious and grand mansion?] Even though Liam did treat her like a queen. Never hurting or harming her. So, what about her fate? Is it luck or misfortune in her life?

Liam Coltrane has two distinctly different lives; he's a billionaire, a successful businessman and entrepreneur, with subsidiaries everywhere, in addition to Coltrane Holdings which he owns at the center of the world's financial institutions.

Born with unworldly good looks, his perfection has every woman in the world drooling after him. But not many knew his darker side.

[But I knew. Liam always said the act of killing was a joke or an afterthought. Would I be, okay? Accept his character or behavior and justify his actions? He kills people! Depriving others of their lives?!]

"Yes, I'm crazy because of you." Liam stated lightly, but the look in his shaded eyes conveyed sincerity. "You're the one who introduced me to love. I was apathetic and didn't believe in all that nonsense. But things are different. After I've met you. There hasn't been any woman that I've been as crazy about as you, Ally."

"You lack nothing! You have an easy life, surrounded by luxury and perfection. You have everything you ever wanted. Would you risk it all?" asked Alessia, still finding it hard to believe. "For the work of the dark side?"

"I've told you many times, you've only seen the surface of it, sweetheart." Liam shortened the distance, then embraced Alessia's svelte hips into his arms. "Come on, don't doubt me. You know I genuinely and earnestly love you, Alessia Dawn. Do and think whatever you like. I don't mind what you think about me. I don't give a damn. But don't force me to let you go. Because I won't do it even if I die. You’re my whole world. You belong to me completely since we met in Switzerland."

"Then leave that dreadful job. Aren't you afraid that one day I'll change my mind and report all your actions to the authorities?"

Liam burst out laughing. "I'll leave it! But not now as my mission isn't complete yet. It's not about money, I told you that before, sweetheart. We won't be able to live a calm, happy or normal life if all of them are still around and roaming this world. The only way out is to finish them off. There's nothing I want more than a normal life with you."

"So, it's all about revenge?" Alessia asked innocently. "What have they done to you? That you acted like that?"

"You are brilliant, baby. Anyway, after the incident yesterday. Do you still trust the authorities? Didn't they almost get you killed if I came too late?"

Alessia took a deep, long breath. "There must be good officers. In this world, evil and good are unbalanced. Evil is rampant, but only goodness can defeat it."

"Those are beautiful words. Unfortunately, the reality says otherwise. I ask you; do you think life is fair?" Liam stroked Alessia's cheek lightly. His shining eyes studied Ally intensely. His touch was always careful and gentle. It made Alessia's bloodstream rush warmly.

Ally's tongue suddenly stiffed, unable to answer. As, all this time she had a life of bad luck and was miserable. She always thought that life was unfair. It kept getting worse - never better.

"You remain silent. It means you agree with me. Life isn't fair. Then get used to it. I have no idea how bad of a life you've had, but it shows in your brilliant eyes. I see it almost all the time — the hurt you can't talk about, the hurt you can't get rid of." Liam continued softly.

Something broken inside of Alessia. Liam's words pierced right into her heart.

"You've seen it for yourself, how the world works. This world is cruel. The law doesn't necessarily judge those who are evil. I'm not a saint. I don't intend to be either. Think of it this way. I'm eliminating the bad guys who deserve to be judged. They can be free from the law, but they cannot be free for me. Just as soon as I hunt someone else. He won't come back."

Alessia returned Liam's stare. She returned, "If I still report your insane action. Will you kill me?"

Liam chuckled lightly. "You did it yesterday, right? Then what happened? You haven't forgotten it, have you? If I had arrived late, the two great officers you revere would have finished you off. So, what are you feeling now? Do I seem to wanna hurt you?"

Unable to answer, Alessia was speechless. Come to think of it, Liam had done nothing bad to her. Instead, he treated her specially and full of affectionate.

"You are my queen, Ally. In the past, I lived by my vengeance. But now, I have more reasons — it's because of you. You're the only reason I'm sane. Staying alive. If I lose you, I might go mad. I could destroy this world with a rain of blood, screams and their lives who dare to hurt you."

Ally couldn't think straight any longer. Liam tightened his grip. Their faces are now as close as their veins. Liam is charming, charismatic and his allure is hard to deny.

"Try opening your mind. All humans in this world have a dark side or hatred. Even good people must have thought about harming others. You know what? People start to hate when they are hurt. Has it ever occurred to you that you hated someone so much that you wanted to finish them off and send them to hell?"


Alessia's clear eyes were perfectly blank. Her heart was beating so hard that she could hardly breathe. Liam's words weren't entirely wrong, everyone had those kinds of thoughts. Ally felt it, till now. Hating one person in this world so much — that she wanted that evil man to vanish from this earth.

Ally hated that the man still roamed freely, living in the highest caste, allowing him to do whatever he pleased. He could buy everything with money just because he came from a wealthy family — masking the true shame that he was no better than an animal!

[Until Kayla died horribly. I can't do anything about it. The law isn't on my side, and it's allowing that predator to breathe free air without guilt! There's nothing I want more than to see him die a horrible death!]

Liam smiled crookedly. Suddenly, his tone of voice sounded low and heavy. "Once in a while, everyone has that kind of intention. That's the whisper of the darkest demon inside them. We are hurt and bleeding. We want him dead badly. It's just how they deal with it. Will they accept it or fight against it? I now choose to fight against them. You must know how they work. Without compassion, and don't mind waiting for bloodshed. Aren't you sick of this? To hear that they kidnap children, some for human trafficking, others return home dead. That's fair, when the law can't do anything about it. Who should take action if not me?"

Alessia was downcast with cloudy eyes. Liam lifted her chin. "I told you that things might get out of control. It won't be as pleasant as you imagined or dreamt. For now. I'm guaranteeing your safety and security. As long as you're with me, no one can touch or harm you. Don't think about the negative and go too far. You know how much I love you. So, trust me. I'm trying to be the best to you. Just tell me, if there's something you want — whatever it is, I'll fulfill it. We can go to the movies, have dinner, go out — just like any other couple. You don't need to worry. Do you wanna travel around the world in my private jet? Go to hell or heaven? I'll take you there."

Ally clucked in vexation.

Liam hugged Alessia closely. "That's all you have to say. Snickering? Are you with me or not?"

"What do you think? You promised you'd leave this horrible world. Then I'll be waiting for you. After it's all over, promise me. You walk away forever.”

"For real?! So, you trust me now?! Promise, across with my heart, my pretty boss."

Alessia stared at Liam sharply. She scowled in exasperation. "I'm trying. It doesn't mean I trust you completely."

Liam chortled, shrugging his shoulders. "No problem. Having you by my side is enough for me. I'll leave it to time to decide what your heart will be. Time will tell, baby. Did you know? Even the devil used to be an angel."

Perhaps Ally was exhausted to face her life that always ended badly. If Liam Coltrane's side is the safest place for her, it doesn't matter. Although so many people were terrified of him; as long as Liam didn't hurt her, Alessia had to give him a chance.

Despite the other side of his job being known as a hitman. Another fact is that Liam is a fun-loving man. Surprisingly, Ally didn't feel anything scary, although she was fright at first.

Right now, what Ally felt at Liam's side — it was comforting and warm. Never had Alessia found a home or someone who wanted her so much. She doesn't care anymore.

[To hell with my life being surrounded by fake, disturbing and manipulative people.]

But that didn't mean Alessia remained silent. She's must find out what truly happened to Liam Coltrane — that he chose this gruesome path. If he acted this way, it was out of vengeance.

[Revenge for what? What have they done till made Liam Coltrane so mad and wanted to finish them all off?]


Libre Baskerville
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