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C4 The Rebirth

With a wry smile, Austin was amused by the bonus gift pack. It makes sense to improve his memory and physical strength, but to improve his appearance was like an indirect mockery to him.

Kidding aside, Austin was very satisfied. The multipotentiality skill is equivalent to obtaining the rest of the gifts, though he needs to work on it, there’s not much difference.

The loud sound of grinding stone brought Austin back from his train of thoughts. Seeing that the door is now open, he entered at the drop of a hat full of excitement and anticipation. “Kepler, here I come”, he muttered.


Kepler, a planet described as resplendent beauty, floats silently like a marble gem that glistens in outer space. Unlike Earth, It is devoid of technologies but abounds in magic and spiritual energy.

In a mountain called Khash, a chalet stands lit by a torch in a supposed tranquil night, a women's scream undergoing labor could be heard. Outside, stood a long beard old man with white hair, wearing a gray mage robe, holding a staff to support him, is waiting together with a white-haired young man who looks like in his 30’s, wearing a Chevalier doublet medieval jacket, black pants, and a pair of combat boots, pacing back and forth while biting his thumbnail anxiously.

“Stop walking around, I get dizzy just by looking at you, ” reprimand the old man while pinching the bridge of his nose. His son is indifferent when faced with countless bloody battles, but now he looks like a namby-pamby. “Your wife is safe, it’s your cousin who’s taking care of her, she’s your highness's personal physician, so you have nothing to worry about”, said the old man trying to calm his son down.

When Harold heard his father, he tried to relax and found a stone just a few steps away to sit down. Then he holds his head in his hand and said in a serious tone, “Forgive me, father, it's just that I'm not used to this kind of pressure”. When the old man saw this, he can’t help but ask, “ don’t you think you're being rather melodramatic?”. He thought it was hilarious, his son should quit the Supreme General rank and join the theater instead.

Meanwhile, Haily was drench in sweat and has been in labor for nearly 8 hours. Her once rosy cheek is pale, her lips are dry and her eyes are tired, despite that, her natural beauty still lingers. Next to her is Arya, Harold's cousin and the King's personal physician, who wears a white houppelande-like dress with a contrasting gold brocade belt that signifies the highest rank in Healer practitioner Sec, that focuses on the study of healing. "Ahhhhh”, Haily scream for the last time while holding Arya's hand tightly. With Arya’s support, she helped her give the final push and the child finally came out. It was a baby boy with small white hairs, unlike Haily's brown hair, the boy obviously inherited his father’s gene.

With speed and precision, Arya cut the umbilical cord, wrap the baby with lightweight cotton, and checked the child’s health status. She places her hand above the child’s forehead without touching it and murmurs some spells. After which, a white light engulfed the entire child. Not long after, Arya, who’s a bit perturbed, scans the baby again. Though, not a member of the Healer practitioner Sec, Haily could tell that something is not right. “Arya, how's my child?” she asked. Arya did not respond immediately. Instead, she scans the baby for the third time. Certainly, Haily got nervous, she tried to stand up to take a look, but she’s too weak to do so. Helpless she asked again, “Arya how’s my child?” This time her tone sounds anxious.

Arya, on the other hand, tried to hide her emotions. She took a deep breath and turned to Face Haily's anxious gaze and said, “the child has no life,” then she added, “it's already been dead some time ago.” For a moment, Haily just stared at Arya, as if she heard the most unbelievable news her entire life, her hands were trembling, and she almost fainted, then she cried, “no! It can’t be!” She stood up without caring for her condition. She wanted to hold her child badly. Arya supported her and brought her back into the bed. She then took the child and put it on Haily's embrace.

After confirming that her child is indeed dead, Haily fell to pieces. Her cry surprised Harold and the old man outside. They quickly entered the room only to discover Haily's lower dress is covered with blood and embracing her child wailing. Upon seeing the scene Harold and the old man immediately understood what happened. Harold approaches his wife and hugs her while weeping. Arya couldn’t hold back her emotions anymore, while covering her mouth with her hands, she also started to shed tears. The old man was no exception.

It took a long time before everyone could get a hold of their selves. Tonight was supposed to be joyous, but no one expected it would turn out the opposite.

Haily never let go of the child, and no one dared to take it from her either. Right now she's on a verge of losing her mind. However, everyone knew they had to do something. Haily's condition is not stable. Undergoing labor for almost 8 hours drains all her energy. She also lost so much blood. Not to mention she’s emotionally unstable as well.

Arya whispered a spell, then a thin smoke, almost invisible to the naked eyes, entered Haily's nostrils. It was a hypnotizing spell that controls someone’s mind. Arya would only use this to calm her aggressive patients. But right now, to prevent Haily from snapping, she hypnotized her to put her into a deep sleep.

Haily would usually notice this kind of small movement, but in her current state, she’s just like a statue, lifeless and defenseless. Harold took the child from her arms and put it in a separate bed. He took a glance at his son for the last time. He couldn’t help but tear up again when he remembered the times when they were so excited and was looking forward to the day his child is born.

While he was reminiscing the past, the child's fingertip twitch. The color of its skin started to turn pink, and somehow it opens its eyes. Harold only notice these changes when he saw the child was staring at him. He got so surprised that he almost lost his balance. He couldn’t speak to call the others out of shock. The old man noticed his son's strange behavior and was going to scold him, but when he saw the child was staring straight at Harold his reaction was even worst.

“Heavens!” exclaimed the old man. He raised his staff and started to worship the gods. Harold mastered the strength to call Arya who was preoccupied chanting some healing spells to Haily. At first, when she heard him called her, she frowned and glared at Harold. She thought, “what was he thinking? I'm in the middle of healing his wife for goodness sake!”, but eventually she was stupefied after seeing that the child was alive.

She quickly stood up and run towards the child. She put her hand on his forehead without touching it and chanted a spell. Eventually, the child was engulfed by the light. Ayra's eyes were on stalks a few moments after she scanned the child. “he is alive and healthy!” she exclaimed. Her tone was mixed with happiness, surprise, and confusion.

Unknown to them, inside the child's consciousness, Austin was also surprised. He never expected to be reborn as a child, he was dumbfounded. His entire life was monotonous and could be described as boring. But lately, he received so many surprises. He doesn't know anymore whether to laugh or cry.

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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