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C13 Go to School!

After Soong Yang finished speaking, Xia Zhentian chimed in with, "Time for school."


Soong Yang was taken aback.

He had expected Xia Zhentian to line up a corporate gig for him, perhaps suiting up to shadow Xia Yumeng.

"Mr. Soong Yang, my daughter attends Jinling High School and she's in her senior year. You'll be joining her class and your duty will be to ensure her safety," Xia Zhentian explained.

Soong Yang had been out of school for a year, but his youthful appearance made him look much younger than he was.

Attending school was actually feasible. Xia Yumeng, thrilled, hugged her father and exclaimed, "Thank you, Daddy!"

Before Soong Yang could even process the situation, he found himself enrolled in Xia Yumeng's class, slightly bewildered.

The sky was a clear blue. Dressed in Jinling High School's distinguished uniform, Soong Yang entered Room 306. The sight of the familiar desks and blackboard stirred a sense of nostalgia within him.

Meanwhile, in the live stream chat, viewers were buzzing with excitement.

Flower No Scent commented, "The anchor's hitting the books with lots of pretty girls around!"

Broadsword teased, "The anchor could totally use this chance to flirt."

Small Pumpkin reminisced, "Oh, how I miss school days."

Third Master is Awesome added, "I'm becoming a bigger fan of the anchor by the day, always with these fresh stories. It'd be epic if a school bully started trouble with him."

Duang Duang Duang pointed out, "Hey, check out the hot teacher!"

Sugar Crazy cheered, "Go for it, anchor! My love for you is eternal!"

The live stream was abuzz as viewers sent a flurry of virtual gifts to the anchor.

Back in the classroom, a stunning teacher introduced Soong Yang from the podium.

"Class, this is our new student, Soong Yang. Please make him feel welcome," she said with a warm smile as scattered applause filled the room, the students' enthusiasm tepid at best.

Soong Yang was unfazed.

"I'm Zhou Weiyu, your homeroom and English teacher. If you need anything, I'm here to help," she announced.

After a brief introduction, Soong Yang made his way to an empty seat at the back of the class and settled in.

"Hey there, Soong Yang," Xia Yumeng greeted with a playful twinkle in her eye and a mischievous blink.

Soong Yang responded with a slight smile before pulling books out of his backpack, ready to dive into character.

"Xia Yumeng is mine. Watch yourself from now on. Don't get any funny ideas, or it'll be the end of you." No sooner had Soong Yang taken his seat than a menacing voice cut through the air.

Turning, Soong Yang was met with the sight of a pimple-faced guy glaring at him, his protruding teeth and brawny frame setting him apart from the rest, his gaze fierce and unyielding.

Third Master is Awesome exclaimed, "Wow! The anchor just sat down and already there's trouble brewing!"

Duang Duang Duang chimed in, "Anchor, don't chicken out, give him a piece of your mind!"

Spicy Strip So Delicious encouraged, "Anchor, it's time to show your real power!"

The live broadcast audience witnessed everything, rallying behind Soong Yang, urging him to stand his ground.

Unfazed, Soong Yang coolly proposed, "Meet me on the field after class."

Caught off guard by Soong Yang's response, Lee Ziming paused before snarling back, "You just wait. I'll make you regret crossing me!"

Soong Yang dismissed Lee Ziming as nothing more than a yapping dog and paid him no mind.

Meanwhile, the live broadcast's popularity score soared, hitting the 100,000 mark. Reaching the first trigger point required 100,000 popularity points, the second a million, and it escalated from there.

Soong Yang was in need of those points to unlock higher-level trigger points. A big scene and a thrilled audience would certainly drive the numbers up.

Lee Ziming was just another student; Soong Yang wasn't the least bit intimidated.

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