LitRPG: Please Receive Your Unlimited Rewards/C14 Bullshit Success Every Time
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LitRPG: Please Receive Your Unlimited Rewards/C14 Bullshit Success Every Time
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C14 Bullshit Success Every Time

"System, locate the nearest martial arts trigger point," Soong Yang commanded internally.

A map unfurled, highlighting a level one trigger point in Soong Yang's vicinity before most of it vanished.

Soong Yang spotted a corner of the athletic field among the remaining points.

"I confirm the trigger," Soong Yang murmured.

"Trigger point activated. Chew gum to initiate Crack Fart; one chew grants a permanent strength boost of 100 points!"

Intrigued by this, Soong Yang's interest was ignited.

Class ended, and Xia Yumeng made her way from the front to the back row.

In any school, it was an unwritten rule that students with lower grades sat at the back.

Soong Yang was the outlier, a mid-term transfer.

Xia Yumeng had noticed Lee Ziming giving Soong Yang a hard stare, which irked her. Why should her big brother be subjected to such glares? She felt compelled to stand up for Soong Yang.

At school, Xia Yumeng was akin to a goddess, exerting a formidable aura that kept her male classmates at bay.

Unable to contain himself, Lee Ziming stood up and asked, "Mengmeng, want to hang out with me?"

"Don't call me Mengmeng!" Xia Yumeng retorted, her lips pursed in annoyance, yet looking utterly adorable.

Lee Ziming was at a loss for words when Soong Yang chimed in, "Mengmeng, could you grab me a bottle of water? I'm parched."

"Sure, I'll be right back!" Xia Yumeng cheerfully consented and dashed out of the classroom.

Lee Ziming watched, utterly astounded.

The school beauty, Xia Yumeng, had never been so accommodating to any boy, always maintaining her goddess-like stature. Yet now, she was fetching water for Soong Yang. How could this be?

His resentment towards Soong Yang deepened. Pointing towards the field, he declared, "I've had enough of you. Let's settle this outside with a fight!"

Soong Yang just chuckled in response.

At the field's edge.

The entire cohort of boys from the sixth class of the third grade had gathered, forming an inner circle with onlookers from other classes encircling them.

"Soong Yang, today I'm going to beat you so badly, not even your mother will recognize you! You won't dare show your face around my goddess Mengmeng again!" Lee Ziming proclaimed as he limbered up his wrists.

His arms were muscular, a clear testament to his regular workouts and formidable strength.

Soong Yang casually pulled a piece of bubble gum from his pocket and popped it into his mouth. "Let's go, trash."

"You dare call me trash? Go to hell!" Lee Ziming bellowed as he charged forward.

Soong Yang, unfazed, chewed his bubble gum leisurely.

A system alert chimed in: "Host strength increased by 100 points!"

A fart noise erupted. The once-furious Lee Ziming suddenly arched his back, halting mid-stride and nearly tumbling over.

Laughter erupted around them, onlookers grinning ear to ear, flashing their pearly whites.

"What's so funny? Laugh at me and you're next!" Lee Ziming shouted, his face flushed with anger.

The laughter subsided, but shoulders shook all around as everyone struggled to contain their mirth.

Soong Yang waved his hand in front of his nose. "Man, that reeks. What did you eat last night? Maybe hit the restroom before you try again?"

"No need! You just wait!" Lee Ziming sprinted forward once more.

Soong Yang chewed another piece of gum.

Lee Ziming let out a fart.

"Host strength increased by 100 points!"

He chewed yet again.

Another fart from Lee Ziming.

"Host strength increased by 100 points!"

Soong Yang methodically chewed his gum, and Lee Ziming continued his symphony of farts, one after another.

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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