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C19 Buying a House

Zhang Ziqing was at the wheel while Soong Yang occupied the passenger seat.

He still needed to get his driver's license, having yet to take the test. He had just enlisted Zhang Ziqing's help to register for it, so for the next few days, she would be the one driving.

"Boss, where to now?" asked Zhang Ziqing.

"I'm heading to Lanling's finest property development; I'm in the market for a new home," Soong Yang replied.

As Zhang Ziqing navigated the roads, Soong Yang couldn't help but notice her attractive legs.

Catching his glance, Zhang Ziqing subtly lifted her skirt a bit higher, showing her understanding nature.

Having recently purchased a car, Soong Yang received a message from Rann Lianyi. It contained an address, with instructions for him to head there.

Soong Yang was a novice when it came to real estate. Rann Lianyi had scouted an exceptional property before notifying Soong Yang.

He was thoroughly impressed with her initiative.

With his newly hired assistant in tow, Soong Yang sped towards the property.

The car moved swiftly.

Soong Yang reveled in the sensation; this was the luxury of wealth!

Taking in the scenic views, they quickly reached the sales office.

"Welcome to Spring River!" greeted a professionally dressed woman as she opened the car door upon their arrival.

Zhang Ziqing stayed close to Soong Yang, ready to attend to any need at a moment's notice.

Both Rann Lianyi, with her elegance, and the charming Zhang Ziqing had their unique appeal. Yet, accompanying Soong Yang, they both enhanced his distinguished air.

His commanding presence made the sales staff tread lightly, careful with their words.

Just then, a BYD F3 pulled up. Its driver exited, but unlike Soong Yang, received no attention. He watched Soong Yang with a mix of admiration and envy.

"I really envy that anchor!"

"The anchor is living the dream; he's an inspiration to us all!"

The live broadcast's viewership soared.

The salesperson, documents in hand, began the pitch to Soong Yang, "These units all overlook the river, featuring a two-bedroom, one-living-room layout."

Soong Yang made a face, prompting Rann Lianyi to intervene, "Our boss has refined tastes. Perhaps you could show us some of the more upscale options?"

The salesperson paused, momentarily taken aback.

She quickly responded, "Sure thing."

It was then that Soong Yang interjected, "I'm pressed for time, so there's no need to go over these other properties. Just take me straight to the best house you have for a viewing."

The salesperson's eyes sparkled with anticipation as she eagerly escorted Soong Yang to the property.

Such wealthy clients were a rare find indeed. If she managed to close the deal on this house, she could earn a commission in the hundreds of thousands.

Zhang Ziqing cast a glance at Rann Lianyi, feeling a twinge of annoyance.

Rann Lianyi's beauty and competence were undeniable, igniting a sense of insecurity in Zhang Ziqing.

With Soong Yang's wealth, she knew she had to be more astute going forward.

The cream of the crop in this complex were a handful of standalone villas.

These villas stood out with their distinctive charm, all designed in a classical, antique style.

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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