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[Looking at the photo of our family's little sheep and a girl today, wow, how ambiguous, it can't be that little sheep's girlfriend, right?]

[How is that possible? That girl is so ugly, how can she be our Little Sheep's girlfriend?]

[That's right, to be able to seduce our little sheep without even looking at how you look like.]

The slightest movement on Weibo could not be hidden. The flames quickly began to burn. In just a night's time, these photos had occupied the second, second, and third spots on Weibo.

A group of fans were in an uproar.

Before this, Soong Mingyang had interacted with Lin Yi because of the script. The two of them had each sent an ugly photo of the other to prove their friendship.

As a result, some fans believed that the two of them were friends. Moreover, the photos were originally taken from a slightly absent-minded angle. It was unknown as to who did it on purpose.

However, on Shen Hee's Weibo, she posted a message saying "ugly ducklings can't become white swans even if they purposely get together with the white swan." This sentence coincidentally came at a time when almost everyone thought that the ugly duckling was Lin Yi, and the white swan was naturally Soong Mingyang.

So some people thought that since they were on the same set and Shen Hee had already said so, Lin Yi must have seduced Soong Mingyang.

The two versions of the story were being discussed intensely on Weibo.

"Director Bai, take a look. Something has happened to Miss Lin." Little Zhao, who had been paying attention to Lin Yi, immediately reported this to Bai Shaochen.

Bai Shaochen immediately went to find Lin Yi.

"What the hell is going on?" He pointed at the photos and asked Lin Yi with slight displeasure in his heart.

Were these two really in love?

"This one." Lin Yi innocently threw up her hands, "It seems like Soong Mingyang and I were joking that day. Look, we just sat there. There were a lot of people coming and going, but I don't know who did it."

If it wasn't for the lunchbox in Soong Mingyang's hand, she wouldn't have known it was her.

It was unknown who was so wicked.

"Since that's the case, you don't have to worry about it." Wu Tie let out a sigh of relief. He didn't know why, but he felt that Soong Mingyang and Lin Yi were not worthy of each other. Knowing that the two of them were truly friends and not some kind of relationship, the anger in his heart dissipated.

There was a corresponding PR department in the company, and Bai Shaochen had Little Zhao contact Soong Mingyang's company. Both sides teamed up and gave the two of them a friendly MV advertisement, creating a friendship as if they were at the top of the list.

As a result, the direction of the wind on the internet quickly changed.

[In terms of losing friends, the first one to be handed over is none other than Lin Yi.]

[Sister Miss Lin 666, can actually do such a thing.]

Bai Shaochen had been busy the whole night and had not slept at all.

Lin Yi felt very guilty. She didn't even have the energy to film the next day

She was suddenly awakened by a script that was thrown at her.

"Lin Yi, what are you doing today? Don't think that you can be complacent just because your acting skills are amazing. Let me tell you, there are a lot of people who are better than you in acting skills. Their reputation is higher than yours, and their popularity is higher than yours. The director had always thought highly of Lin Yi, but today, she was in such a terrible state that he couldn't help but feel angry.

After a final curse, he noticed that she was in a bad state. He waved his hand and said, "Forget it, forget it. You go rest. Shen Hee, come over here and film this scene."

Seeing Lin Yi's expression, Soong Mingyang knew that she must still be thinking about the matter on Weibo. He hurriedly stopped her: "Lin Yi, let's chat."

"About what?" When Lin Yi saw Soong Mingyang, she subconsciously took two steps back. She didn't want to cause any more gossip. Soong Mingyang's fans were too awesome.

Soong Mingyang looked at her fearful attitude and touched his nose: "You are afraid of being bitten by a snake for ten years, aren't you?"

Lin Yi also knew that her attitude was wrong and immediately apologized, "I-I didn't mean to do that. Sorry, don't be angry."

"The one who should say sorry is me." Soong Mingyang said seriously, "Lin Yi, I didn't expect my fans to be like this, causing so much harm to you. I also know that many of my fans are cosmetics, and they don't want me to fall in love, so that's why they are acting like this. But Lin Yi, aren't we friends?"


Lin Yi looked at Soong Mingyang's pair of eyes that were as bright as the stars and said with a smile, "We are friends."

Yes, they were friends, so what did she care?

She could ignore the comments online, but Soong Mingyang was indeed her friend.

Seeing her smile, Soong Mingyang also smiled. He took out his phone and called out to Lin Yi: "Hurry, hurry, my fans are actually very friendly. We'll take a photo and send it to you. You'll definitely see a different fan of mine."

Lin Yi looked at him speechlessly. "You just said that your fans weren't sane. Aren't you changing the situation a little too quickly?"

It was said that women's hearts were like the bottom of the sea, why was Soong Mingyang like that as a man?

However, even though she thought about it, Lin Yi still decided to take a photo with him. Unexpectedly, Soong Mingyang actually tricked her and gave her a pig's nose.

"Ha ha-ha ha, you've fallen into a trap." He held the phone proudly and sent the photo to the woman.

Thus, the discussion online had truly changed.

"Big sister is so cute."

[This pig's nose is also very cute.]

[Ah, I really want to be with Little Sheep.]

Looking at the end, Lin Yi was starting to doubt whether the crazy talk from the day before yesterday really existed or not.

Maybe this was what fans were like. Once they touched their bottom line, they would go crazy for DPS. However, they were usually so gentle and cute.

However, Soong Mingyang's words...

Lin Yi pursed her lips and suppressed her laughter. "It's best if you don't fall in love anymore."

"Eh, why?" Soong Mingyang looked at her strangely.

"Look at you fans. These are the hearts of 900 million girls. Are you willing to part with them?" She joked about the news, made a face, and then slipped away.

"What, what do you mean?" Soong Mingyang turned around and asked his assistant.

The assistant smiled until her face turned red. Looking at his expression, she hurriedly shook her head and took two steps back: "No, Brother Yang, you better stay away from me. What if I get beaten up by fans?"

After he finished speaking, he also slipped away.

The disciple left Soong Mingyang standing on the spot. He was in a daze and only managed to react after a long time.

"Wow, you two actually teamed up to trick me."

The rumors on Weibo passed just like that. Shen Hee was so angry that her heart and lungs were aching. "It, it ended like that?"

Libre Baskerville
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