Live Up To Our Youth/C288 We Meet like This
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Live Up To Our Youth/C288 We Meet like This
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C288 We Meet like This

In the face of Sheriff Gu's question, Carpenter Tan didn't answer for a long time.

Old Gu sighed and took his leave to go home - he had made a deal with his lover and daughter. He wanted to sell the old house in Linjiang District and exchange it for two commercial houses in Le San Garden. He was also busy with renovation work, and there were a few things he was learning from Xin Xin to communicate with the real estate industry online. It saved him time and effort. He heard from Xiang Sunflower that the district had specially reserved ports for the police station in the community law section. If the child could call out the new city law system's WeChat public account or develop the law system's data service system, The work in the office would be even easier to carry out.

However, no matter how reluctant he was in his heart, he could not agree with Tan Yin's idea. He wanted this good child, who had a steady and steady way of thinking and gradually deepened his skills, to abandon the position of the District Information Department's Information Brigade and delay the development of his career. . .

Carpenter Tan watched anxiously as Sheriff Gu left. He turned around and called for his old partner to hurry out. He secretly used his phone to check the address of the District Office. He had to quickly go to the nearby agencies to inquire about the housing prices. He had to find an opportunity to exchange his son and his old partner's two houses for the district bureau. Ming Yin had been working very hard in terms of technology. As a father, he could see clearly, whether the child was with Xinzi or not. As for the small house in Dongjiang New City, he and his old partner would be the ones to live in it.

- - -

Xinzi was thinking about the task given to him by the station. As he walked towards the bus station, he thought about the editing of two WeChat public accounts. As such, he didn't notice that his parents were chasing him.

After getting on the bus, she found a seat and sat down. She had a basic idea of how to push the information about the "New City Dawn Speech. " She called Little Weng and asked about the details of the "online and offline meeting. " She pleaded to help collect the close-up photos that she needed.

Xin Yilu and Hu Yangxin had already chased their daughter to the bus. They were just about to get on the bus and ask about their daughter's situation. When they saw her discussing work with her colleagues, they hid by the side of the bus.

"Old partner, our girl is still busy with the news of the new city's Xiaofeng. How could she resign? Don't tell me you heard it wrong. "

"But when I saw Little Weng this morning, he said that Little Zhi might want to focus on the 'New City Night Speech', so he learned editing and plane design. The public accounts stationed at the city points don't need this technology. "

Xin Yilu was a little stunned. He suddenly remembered that Xia Thorn claimed to be Xiao Zhi's fiancé, and his heart was beating wildly. "Our girl wouldn't really like Xiao Xia, would she? That young man's family background and academic qualifications are much better than Little Zhi's. Can he take a fancy to us living in a suitable room? Little Zhi, you can't be muddle-headed. Use your job to curry favor with others! "

" What's wrong with living in the confectionery room? " Hu Yangxin was angry. "We don't steal or steal. We work hard together with Little Zhi and use legal income to buy houses and live a life. Why do you look down on yourself?"

Xin Yilu was afraid that her daughter in the car would hear her, so she pulled her old partner further away. "We didn't look down on ourselves. But I heard from Sijuan that. . . Officer Tan Ming from the police station used to like our Little Zhi, but it seems like the Tan family's parents didn't agree. Little Xia and Su Xian even fought for this injustice. "

Hu Yangxin was shocked when she heard that. She felt a pain in her heart when she saw her daughter constantly pressing her phone and working through the two cars. "Ignore Officer Little Tan's parents' attitude. We want to make Little Si not suffer any more grievances. We also need to support the child to learn the skills well and to start a job in every aspect!"

Carpenter Tan and his old partner were walking over to the waiting station. When they heard someone muttering to themselves, they looked over and saw Hu Yangxin with a face full of resentment. Mingsheng recognized Xin Yilu and her husband. She anxiously reached out and pulled Carpenter Tan, trying to persuade him to wait for the car at the rear of the quarantine fence.

Carpenter Tan struggled. "Why are you pulling me? My Aunt Yin works seriously in the new city. She often goes online to promote the law, so it's inevitable that she'll offend someone. Let me listen carefully to what's going on. "

When Xin Yilu and her husband heard that something was wrong, they turned their heads and looked over. Hu Yangxin immediately recognized Shenming's mother. The two mothers each had their own thoughts. They wanted to open their mouths, but they did not know how to open them.

Xin Yilu and Carpenter Tan looked at each other awkwardly. Carpenter Tan rubbed his rough hands and took a step forward. Xin Yilu rubbed her ears and took two steps back.

Suddenly, Xinzi and Tan Yin called out at the same time. "Little Zhi, are you going out?" "Brother Tan. You came back from the holidays?" "I saw on the internet that the first 'Resident Council' of New City Tong 'was going to be held. The effect of coordinating with the electric scooter to stop and recharge is very good. " "Mm. I was just about to discuss with you how to push this news into the 'New City Night Speech' tomorrow. . . But. . . Time seems to be a little tight. " " I'll be leaving at noon tomorrow. Then wait for me online tonight or tomorrow morning. " "Okay. I just got the meeting record, I'll take a photo and send it to you later. . . "

The two pairs of parents stared dumbfoundedly at Tan Ming and Xin Xiaozi, who had jumped off the bus and the station vehicle. They discussed the news that they were going to send in the "New City Night Speech. " They felt even more conflicted in their hearts, and they were unable to break it apart.

The Xinilu couple could not understand their daughter's choice and thoughts. They said that they would resign, but they also had two public accounts for the new city. They worked together with Officer Xiaotan to help the "caterpillar"?

Carpenter Tan was worried. His child was still busy with the regional bureau's project, but he actually came home for the public accounts of Xin Xiao Zhi and East River New City? Even if he could change his suite next to the regional bureau, how could he keep the child in mind?

- - -

Ji Tao Ran received a call from Xia Yan Ma. When he heard that the husband and wife had arrived at the southwest provincial capital, he and Su Qian were shocked. Master Su understood what his parents were thinking and urged him to quickly find out Xia Jianqing's address.

Ji Taoran tried hard to think about it. He thought of Lampson from the logistics company and immediately called Big Bear, asking him to send Lampson's phone number.

Lampson had already received pictures and videos of the donations that Summer Thorned Green had sent over. He was thinking about where he would be able to display some value and power, and he coincidentally received an inquiry from Ji Taoran.

After a few twists and turns, he contacted the driver who had entrusted the donations to him. A few young people finally found out where Summer Thorned Green had donated the donations.

Ji Taoran was shocked when he saw the address - - - Thorned Green rushed to Shanxiang. It was only a few hours away from where Brother Suxiang taught!

After informing Xia Yanju and his wife of the address, Ji Taoran received Su XiangJingjing's bright eyes. "We are almost done with the minor courses here. Shall we go and find Brother Xia?"

- -

Teaching Village and the neighboring youth learned how to record live broadcasts. Xia Jianqing insisted on giving them the relevant equipment and the extra daily necessities on the RV to the local elderly and children with difficulties. He didn't expect that in order to thank the new residents, Tough Village's parents and neighbors would send over local specialties and stuff half of the cars into the RV.

Facing the sincerity, Xia Jianqing promised that he would definitely return the local specialties to the new city and prepare to drive out of the village the next day.

Looking at the snow on the mountain peak in the distance that was reflected by the sunlight, he once again instructed Tough Village to contact him if there were any problems with the promotion on the Internet.

Tough Village earnestly nodded - in a short period of time, Thorned Green opened up his train of thought. He added a WeChat public account with "New City Night Speech. " He was very interested in the product promotional program and public welfare projects. He hoped that his hometown would be able to establish a connection with East River New City through the Internet.

Xia Jianqing agreed with a smile, but he was confused in his heart - could it be that he was inexplicably relieved and wanted to return to East River New City to continue operating his WeChat public account?

He no longer cared about the grievances of recycling old items and donating clothes being misunderstood by the residents. He did not have any more opinions about adopting pets to abide by the city's dog management rules. However, how was his online media business going to be located? This biggest problem had not been solved.

Xinzi and Tan Yin's WeChat Space repeatedly mentioned the "New City Communication" that seemed to be connected to thousands of families and had extremely high service efficiency. After many inquiries, he was still unable to determine how much impact this network multimedia platform, which was supported and supported by administrative power, would have on his business.

He was certain that he would completely hand over the job to Rao Lina. In that case, how could he develop another network multimedia platform that could be combined with public welfare activities in the near future?

The trees swayed in the winter wind, and the shadows of the branches and leaves covered the area between the brows of Summer Thorny Green's forehead. He suddenly heard a few surprised calls.

"Qingqing!" "What the hell?!" "Brother Xia!" "Ah ~ ~, meeting you here, what a coincidence! "

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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