Live Up To Our Youth/C291 Don't Tell Them
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Live Up To Our Youth/C291 Don't Tell Them
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C291 Don't Tell Them

"Qingqing, if you're not sure about the system planning and promoting business right now, do you want to spend some time abroad with us after Mom and Dad are done with their vacation?" Lan Jialin suggested as she watched her son stand two meters away from her companions with his arms crossed. He did not move or make a sound while facing the bonfire.

Xia Yanju thought for a moment and agreed. "There are some good ways to promote businesses overseas and to help the community. Maybe you can understand more about it. As a reference for your reorganization and planning of the network business, I can help you contact relevant resources. "

There was a spark in their child's eyes - should they go overseas again? Actually, it was a question that Xia Thorn had been conflicted about.

When he was being mocked and misunderstood by the residents of the new city, he had thought about leaving everything in the new city behind. He wanted to escape, travel, or change directions. He still had a lot of youth to learn and practice. When he was lost in "New City Night Speech," he also wanted to go overseas to search for mature experiences and modes. He didn't have to step on stones and grope across the river, making himself covered in mud and wounds; he opened up the promotion business in Rao Lina. He had also had the urge to start the material sales and the construction of the offline chambers. He had to go overseas to check and introduce cutting-edge fashion products to lead the trend in the East River. . . After a few months of wandering and thinking, he was sure that "Dazzling Life" was not what he needed. Even if he walked out of the country, he would not be able to solve the problem in his heart.

Behind the bonfire, the branches of the Yangtze River flowed in the layers of mountains. They could connect to Dongjiang City from afar. Dongjiang New City was just a small comprehensive community in the international city, but. . . After a few years of tracking the development and management of the new city districts and modern societies, Xia Thorn thought back. He could clearly feel that it was a scene of a city, a region developing and advancing at a rapid speed! This rapid speed had always made him feel excited, excited, and he felt like he wanted to integrate into that rhythm and become a part of the hope.

And he also clearly remembered that when Fan Lihua answered his many questions, She had once mentioned that the innovation and deepening of domestic grassroots community governance had a rather special background and requirements. This answer can only be gradually figured out by people who are part of the grassroots community who have personally experienced and participated in it. There was no mature experience that could be used as a reference, and there was no ready-made model that could be used directly. When Sawakita Mitsuo invited him to participate in the joint conference of the shared government, The analysis of the local service forces including Tan Yin also let him know that. . . The launch point of public service creativity was to provide services for the practical needs of the people.

In other words, after leaving the country, leaving East River City, East River New City, and living and working hard in the real world, he would go overseas, and it would be hard to achieve his goals.

In silence, the bonfire gradually became brighter. The raging flames illuminated the cement barley field, the grassland that was accumulating power in the winter, the strong pine trees growing, and the healthy bodies and faces of the young people who were holding hands and dancing. They did not need any deliberate support and naturally formed a high-spirited atmosphere.

In the simple music, the singing of Tough Village and the young people slowly rose and fell. The high and low singing was not as loud and clear as a professional singer, but it was the young people who were using their hearts to express their love for their hometown and the feelings they had for the guests, cleansing the ears and souls of the two generations of guests in the East River.

"Dad, Mom. . . " Xia Jianqing slowly relaxed his arms and looked at his loving parents seriously. "I want to return to the East River first. I want to look back on my previous business and think about the development of the new city in the recent years. If I still don't have a clear idea, I need to make a new plan for my job. I'll ask you to help me contact the resources. "

His son's words were not discussed. Lan Jialing looked at the determination in Xia Thorn's eyes and felt helpless. She looked at Xia Yanju.

Xia Yanju thought deeply and slowly nodded. "No matter what choice you make, father and mother will support you as always!"

Xia Jianqing smiled. "This is what you wanted me to pay attention to, track, and think about before. It should be as you wish now. "

"Stinking brat!" Xia Yanju smiled and patted the child's shoulder.

Ji Taoran, who had been through the group dance, heard him and stretched his head out. "What? You want to accompany me to drive back to the East River?"

Xia Thorn reached out and pulled him over. He used his head to support his head and said, "Don't tell anyone in the new city that I changed my car and want to go back quietly. "

"Even Sister Little Si is hiding it from me?" Ji Taoran leaned back. "She's helping you hold on to the 'New City Night Speech'. It's very hard on you!"

. . . "I'll pick up most of the business by myself online. "

"You're playing hide-and-seek online?" Ji Taoran raised his eyebrows. "Okay, your choice, I have no problem!"

Thorned Grass watched as his partner jumped back into the dance circle. He felt free, at ease, and at ease. He temporarily left the busy space on the internet and returned to the calm nature of the mountains and rivers. His partner's emotions were also filled with the warmth of youth without any regrets.

The moment he said those thoughts that he had not made up his mind for a long time, he suddenly had the idea of indulging himself in the embrace of the heavens and earth.

He could reunite with his parents, who had returned from afar because of his worries, under such a night sky. He could share his feelings with his friends, who had similar goals, and smile beside the bonfire. How much more worth paying attention to the trivial matters and misunderstandings that he had experienced?

Looking up, Thorned Green saw the gradually rising moon in the sky. The originally lonely moonlight in the winter was dancing and dancing because of the bonfire's singing and dancing. It made the cold and stubborn brightness warm and pleasant. Suddenly, the corner of his mouth curled up high. He recalled the way Xin Zizi held the mud ball and the caterpillars. He also imagined how busy the girl was supporting the "New City Night Speech. " He also thought of Tan Yin and the young social worker's efforts to support the public welfare project. In order to coordinate the "New City Night Speech," the person in charge of the neighborhood committee had problems.

"Brother Xia!"

Su Xiangxiang suddenly exclaimed in surprise. The young men who were dancing around the circle saw a handsome and strong figure jump into the circle. The thorny pine tree tensed up, took off its defense, stretched out its arms and legs, and danced cooly beside the bonfire! The youth sitting by the tree immediately switched to another tune. Xia Yanju and Lan Jialin also laughed and joined the youths' ranks.

Ji Tao Ran quietly took out his phone and opened WeChat. He chased after Xia Jianqing, who was dancing in the fire, and shot a short video.

Su Xiangyan pulled his sleeve and saw the short video being sent to Xinzi. "You want Sister Xiaozi to watch the bonfire party too? Then send it to Big Bear and Officer Little Tan. We used to collaborate in the past, and in the future, when we organize a bonfire party, there would be no shortage of them. "

" Shh ~ "Ji Taoran stretched out a finger and pressed it against her lips, signaling for her to look at him. " Don't tell him, and don't tell Big Bear and the others. . . "

- - -

Under the conflicted gazes of his parents, Xin Xiaoyao hurriedly ate dinner. Avoiding their doubts and questions, she hurriedly picked up Tan Yin's call and went out.

Tan Yin welcomed the girl at the entrance of the neighborhood. She did not ask any questions and only invited Xinzi to take a look at the special grids on Happy West Street to prepare for the second message of the "New City Night Speech. "

Along the way, Xinzi had a lot on her mind and was silent. Tan Ming stood tall and straight, half a step later and accompanied the girl. She was also silent.

Although the residential area on the south side of West Happy Street of East River New City had been built, the official entry would have to wait until spring next year. Therefore, there were not many customers in the specialty room at the corner of the street.

Tan Ming led Xin Xiaozi into the room. They looked at the furnishings and items in the room and smiled at the girl as she hurriedly recorded and recorded the items.

It was not until Xinzi turned off his hot phone and rubbed his sore wrist that he ordered a hot drink at the cashier's counter. He gestured for the girl to sit at the small table by the window.

Xinzi shook his hand. The hot drink took two sips from her mouth. Facing Tan Yin's warm smile and gaze, she said, "Brother Tan, I. . . Have decided to resign. "

. . . "Yes. " Tan Ming's smile froze slightly and he slowly responded. He then placed a beautiful electronic photo frame in front of the girl. "It's quite interesting. I'll give it to you. "

Xinzi looked at it and was puzzled. "This is?"

"I'm afraid that when you get to the new unit, you'll miss your friends in the new city. You can use this to roll and broadcast their photos. "

Xin Xiaozi was even more confused. "Brother Tan, you don't agree with me leaving? Or do you really support me putting down two public accounts? "

Tan Ming smiled. "At least before he returns and before someone takes over your work, you won't be able to take down two responsibilities. "

A WeChat message came through on his phone, and Xinzi looked at it in a hurry. She bit her lip. "I can take it off right away. "

Tan Ming was puzzled. He looked over and saw a short video sent by Ji Taoran. It was a clip of Summer Thorn Green singing and dancing with the youths beside the bonfire, showing off his specialty in dancing to his heart's content.

"Hehe, looks like he's coming back soon. " Tan Yin's heart ached, and her cold fingers clenched the hot beverage in her hands.

Xinzi gently took the electronic photo frame and said, "Thank you, Brother Tan. I'll hand over the New City Night Speech as soon as possible. "

"It will be very difficult to start from a completely new environment and domain!" Tan Yin's voice was hoarse.

The girl decided to leave, so she should not only work with Stranglethorn Green. When Xinzi left the city station, he would also end his business cooperation with him.

"I. . . Want to give it a try!" Xin Xiaoze nodded, "Just like when I started working at the station. "

Tan Ming was helpless, "Then when did you confirm with him and Old Uncle that there's anything I can help with the handover of the two WeChat public accounts?"

Xin Xiaosi hesitated. "Don't tell him and Uncle Old Time first. "


"I was worried that he would intentionally not return to Dongjiang New City. If Uncle Wen and Uncle Wei Lin keep me here, I'm afraid that I won't want to leave anymore!"

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