Live Up To Our Youth/C297 Walking a New Path Is Walking a New Path
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Live Up To Our Youth/C297 Walking a New Path Is Walking a New Path
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C297 Walking a New Path Is Walking a New Path

"Hey, my WeChat public account doesn't need you online for a 'consultation'. " Xia Jianqing was a little unhappy.

He had yet to return to East River New City, so why were Fan Lihua and Xiang Sunflower discussing his WeChat public account with the residents and the residents?

When Ji Tao Ran saw that Xia Thorned Green wanted to lie down on his bed, he reached out and stopped him. "Heh, let's hear it first. New City Night Speech was a self-media channel for all residents. We also need to establish contact with the various resident units. Just treat it as listening to the opinions of the customers. Normally, We don't have the strength to do so from a comprehensive perspective. Gather these representatives to listen to their opinions. "

Xia Jiqing finally sat down on the chair and borrowed his mother's phone. He faced Ji Taoran and Su Xian and looked at each other.

Qian Jianfeng was the first to speak. "I remember. . . New City Night Speech used to be a Weibo post called 'Shared Patterns'. When there were only a few residential areas in the city, It was filled with the 'assassins' that the residents had chosen to assassinate the new city. This caused everyone inside and outside the new city to think that this was a very bad place. The young people were unwilling to come. At that time, I and a few of the residents in charge of the neighborhood committee were very angry and rejected it. They felt that the person who wrote Weibo was definitely a young man who had nothing to do and was looking for a sense of existence. If he didn't understand the truth behind the construction of the new city, he would only bring everyone along to ridicule him, causing the residents to be in a bad mood to move in. They would also often sing along with the community's workforce. That was why they had discussed it privately with Liang Bu and tried to find him. Liang Bu had said that he wanted to talk to him seriously and warn him. What about me? He wanted to drag him to look at the plans of the new city seriously and look around at the construction of the new city. Including the construction site where we work overtime, and then look at the fact that the residents of our community service are online for 24 hours without being turned off. . . "

"Haha, I didn't expect that you would be treated as an 'enemy' by the head of the residential committee from the very beginning. " Ji Tao Ran laughed until he fell, "If they were really like this at that time, what would you do?"

Su Xiangzi guessed. "Brother Xia, I reckon that you'll never come to the new city again, or you'll bring everyone to ridicule you even more fiercely?"

Xia Jiageng remained silent. He didn't know what would happen to him either. However, there shouldn't be any "New City Night Speech" that he had created. It would be a marriage and dating activity, an office, and an exchange of old and new activities. He wouldn't receive any praise or criticism. . . There wouldn't be this southwestern journey. . .

"What happened after that?" A business representative who had worked with Xia Jianqing asked, "We entered the East River New City. When we opened our business, we found that the 'New City Night Speech' pushed out the dynamic information and organized public welfare activities very well. The people and influence among the residents were very good, so we chose to work with them. "

Qian Jianfeng looked at Fan Lihua and Xiang Sunflower. "At that time, The people in charge of our station, streets, and districts all knew about it. However, when they looked at Weibo, they felt that the young residents were concerned about the development of the outskirts of the city, as well as the construction of the new city. The questions that were raised were practical, and the wishes that they wanted to solve were also true. They had also brought up many reasonable suggestions, and they were not trying to be sensationalized. Thus, we disagree with our thoughts. Our old uncle even privately criticized Liang Bo and me for being careful! "

" Hahaha. . . " This time, the ones laughing were the people who were participating in the meeting in the video.

Ji Tao Ran could not help but laugh. Su Xian giggled as she lay on the table, causing the RV to descend. Xia Yan Ju and his wife, who were chatting with Master Su, also turned their heads to look.

Xia Ci Qing did not know that his WeChat public account was created and had such a background. His heart was in turmoil as he looked at Xiang Sunflower and Fan Lihua on the screen.

Fan Lihua smiled. "I met Mr. Caterpillar at that time. I chatted with him. How could he not be afraid of hard work? Besides being busy with his website business, He paid attention to the construction of the new city and noticed the need for services. He could feel the enthusiasm and responsibility coming from him. He was a resident of the new city. It was not a problem for him to make demands and opinions on his home and neighbors. Therefore. . . The district accelerated the construction of the new city based on the city, and combined it with the new community governance model as well as the instructions on how to provide services to the residents. Continuous adjustments to the work plan and the integration of both internal and external resources solved the problems that 'Mr. Caterpillar' was concerned about. "

Liang Bu muttered to himself, "The residents thought that the various coordination and solutions were fought for by the New City Night Speech. Actually, we've already reported those problems. "

With a smile on his face, he glanced at Liang Bu, then kicked his shoe under the table. "We didn't report those problems either. The district and street had already been included in the main work menu. There are also many details and problems that we weren't able to discover in time. It was indeed the 'caterpillar' of the other party who came to visit us. Sometimes, he was even more serious about the opinions and needs of the residents in the district than we were. "

" You praise him everywhere, but the New City Night Speech has stopped. We're the ones who are helping to hold on. " Liang Bu looked at Xin Xiaoze, who was sitting in a corner and recording the meeting. He was not convinced.

Duan Sunflower shook his hand, indicating for Qian Jianfeng to continue.

Qian Jianfeng touched his buzz cut hair and said, "But later. . . We didn't expect that Mr. Caterpillar would start following the development of the new city. He told everyone about this on Weibo. Some people muttered that he was trying to attract 'fans'. However, I feel that even if he were to absorb 'fans'. . . This station broadcast service was done without regrets and without any compensation. It would make a lot of people, especially those office workers who couldn't spare time or energy. If they have the opportunity to see the development and changes of our new city, they will be doing good deeds! If they have the opportunity to see the development and changes of our new city, they will be doing good deeds! "

"That's right, it's a good thing!" "We wanted to move here before, but we didn't dare to. We looked at the messages on Weibo and compared them. The construction of the new city is quite fast, and it fits the plan. That's why I decided to move here. " "Previously, we were unwilling to take the keys to this place because we were looking at the 'New City Night Speech'. We felt that this place was developing better than the other districts, so we signed the Motion Agreement. " "Same here. When I bought Le Yi Garden's commercial house, I even quarreled with my husband. . . "

A few resident representatives agreed with Qian Jianfeng's words. Xia Yanju and his wife looked surprised. They looked at their son with pride and surprise. Xia Jianqing felt a little hot on his face, so he got up and prepared the capsules of coffee for Master Su and his wife.

"Later, there were a few more young friends by the side of the caterpillar, Xia Yanju said. I heard that they were top students from East River University. I, Nahan, should be looking forward to the White collar elite class. Why would I like to stay in the community? He thinks that the new generation of young people have never suffered and only pursue fashion and enjoyment. But in fact, they have their own pursuits and responsibilities, so the community work can attract more and more young university students. When the new city's Night Speech was established on WeChat's public account. . . The public benefits promoted by a few young people really made up for the things that our community work team wanted to do but did not have the energy to do. They organized marriage and making friends, released information about their jobs, called for green environmental protection, and reminded civilizations to raise pets. . . Old Uncle asked the young community workers in the city station and the neighborhood committee to cooperate with them, both in the open and in the dark. The group of young people do it happily and happily. They're not afraid of tiredness or annoyance. "

Xia Yanju helped Xia Thorned Green Tea make coffee and said apologetically, "Mao Mao, Dad seems to have a prejudice against you too. I didn't expect you to use your specialty to do so many things for the new city and help a lot of people. "

Xia Thorn was hugged by her father and was not used to it. She raised the corners of her mouth and said, "Up until now, I still have a huge prejudice against you!"

On the screen, Fan Lihua had already said, "Combined with everyone's previous feedback, Can I say that the online media that the residents spontaneously created was actually quite a proactive attempt at autonomy, which led the residents to follow the development trend of the new city, and it helped promote community public innovation to carry out beneficial practices? Whether it is information promotion or civilization public welfare, they are all at the service of their community homes. It also benefits a lot of neighbors. Their innovation actions were more 'ambitious'. Everybody said that. . . Isn't that right?"

The two pairs of parents and the three young men looked at the screen together. Not only were the people present nodding in agreement, but even the comments on the "New City Connection" section on the phone also took up an absolute amount of space. Some people were recalling the "New City Night Speech" event, and there were many likes on the icon.

Xia Rattan didn't know if it was his own misconception, but he felt that Xianxia Sunflower, Qian Jianfeng, and the others could see him through the screen. From time to time, they would smile at the camera with unfathomable smiles on their faces. It was unknown whether it was Xia Rattan's misconception or not, but he felt that Xianxia Sunflower, Qian Jianfeng, and the others could see him through the screen.

Qian Jianfeng insisted on adding "New City Access" yesterday. Could it be that he wanted him to see the applause and praise in today's "meeting?" Did he think that this "encouraging and affirmative consultation medicine" was a good way to solve the "New City Night Speech" problem? He seemed to have underestimated the situation in the online world!

Xia Yanju and his wife's eyes lit up. Such an online interaction platform. . . They had never seen such a platform overseas: the person in charge of the job, the resident units, and the residents used an online WeChat public platform to cross time and space. Online discussions and analysis of matters were extremely interesting to them. The conference staff analyzed and discussed the analysis and discussion of their children promoting their careers. The recognition and affirmation they gave made them feel that this was really "walking a new path and walking a new path!"

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