Live Up To Our Youth/C30 Breakfast Light
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Live Up To Our Youth/C30 Breakfast Light
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C30 Breakfast Light

The sun sends breakfast messages,

A gift of hope for happiness.

Life was tense and grateful.

It was the discussion on Weibo.

- - Volume Poetry

After sending away the "Police Delivery Bro," Thorny Summer sent the warmth of that bowl of "country noodles," and sent it to his WeChat Moments. After lying on his bed for a while, he fell asleep. In his dream, the impression of the old courtyard and the new city overlapped!

In the morning, the renovation workers welcomed the delivery of the goods to be paid. Helplessly, they went upstairs to knock on the door. It was so easy for him to open his eyes, so he pulled open the curtains. It should have rained in the middle of the night, and it was wet in the courtyard. At this moment, the sky was white, but the sun was still dawdling behind the thick layers of clouds.

"How many days has it been since the delivery arrived?" Xia Thorn complained, "Brother, only food can be served if the service quality is guaranteed. You are, and so am I! . . . Scan the code. "

"I'm sorry, Sir. The residents of the new city all know that there are no express delivery stations nearby. Our station is responsible for delivering the goods here. We have to rush over from eight kilometers away. I'm sorry, the signal here isn't good. Please pay in cash. "

" Cash? Wang Yao asked. Where would I get the money from? The police have told me that the nearest ATM is a few kilometers away! "

" I don't know about that either. We only care about collecting the money and storing the goods. "

Xia Jianqing took out his phone and signaled the courier to scan the WeChat payment code. However, the East River New City's terrible signal forced the courier to be unable to accept online payment. The way he was proud of 'not bringing cash to travel the world' was now empty. He could only thicken his skin and borrow cash from the renovation workers, causing the good mood brought by eating noodles in the middle of the night to disappear!

"If you deliver the goods at such a late hour, don't blame me for complaining! Also, the next time you deliver the goods, you have to collect cash! Please call me half a day in advance. "

"Please pity us!" The courier got some money and hurriedly pushed the obviously overloaded cargo electric scooter. He was too lazy to look at the frustrated Summer Thorned Green and spat a bunch of words at him. "There are so many residents living in the new city, and there's no place to sell things nearby. We rely on our courier to run errands! We're busy from morning to night every day, and we can't even finish delivering the goods! Our team has been in charge of the new city's goods for more than a month, and it's not time for us to rest. We don't sleep for more than six hours a day!"

" If you're tired, you can choose not to take on this troublesome task! " Stranglethorn Green's temper also rose, "I don't believe that other courier companies aren't willing to come. It's such a big market!"

"Hey, no other companies are willing to come! There are too many deliveries here and the road conditions are poor. Some residents have bad tempers, but few delivery workers can take it! The courier station in front of them can't hold on and the staff just keeps resigning. If it wasn't for the East River New District discovering a meddlesome 'caterpillar' to reflect the residents' opinions and contact our company's headquarters. . . Our boss wouldn't be willing to specially pull out a few outstanding employees and throw them into such an unlucky place! We were busy delivering the goods. We often don't have breakfast!"

" What are you talking about? What do you mean by 'meddlesome caterpillar'? What do you mean by bad temper? Explain yourself clearly. -!"

Xia Jianqing felt that he was too innocent. He had to go down a few steps to argue with the delivery man. The courier had already started the car without any hesitation. With an attitude that was even more impressive than his sports car, he left in a huff.

He was often busy until midnight, so he couldn't eat breakfast, alright?

- - -

The express delivery vehicle sped through Lucky Street. On one side, there was a continuous stretch of farmland with waves of crops rising and falling, spreading far into the unknown. On the other side, the new city's construction or waiting area was connected to the sky that was slowly turning clear, looking up at the light that was becoming brighter and brighter in the sky.

Outside the clouds, the sun was faintly visible. Xinzi went downstairs to retrieve the express delivery that had been delayed for two days. He watched as the little express delivery brother, who was sweating profusely, took out the paint brush that he urgently needed from the fully loaded container.

"I'm sorry, there are really too many goods. I've wasted too much time!"

Between the few residential buildings, Xinzi saw the morning sky and the rising sun through the flowery fence of the residential area, and the morning sun that was about to burst out. The east sky and the morning sun were vigorously dyed with a warm and brilliant ray of light. The anxiety in his heart was resolved when he heard the express delivery man's tiredness but sincere apology.

"It's alright. I just painted today, and I made it in time. "

Her empty stomach made quite a loud rumbling sound because of hunger, causing the courier little brother to be unable to help but laugh. "Hehe, you're hungry too? Our brothers woke up early to deliver the first batch of goods, but they weren't able to make it in time to eat breakfast. I heard from Xiao Wu that there was a convenience restaurant nearby just two days ago. You can try it. "

" Really? Where is it?"

"It's on the west side of Lucky Street. Sigh, I hope the shops here are more open and the delivery can be less. Don't let us be so busy with all kinds of vegetables and small products every day. We also keep eating residents' complaints and rehearsals! "

- - -

" Yo, Master Su, you're up so early? "

"Grandma Xia, you're early too!"

Su Qian went home from college to spend the weekend. In order to improve the child's food, Master Su woke up early in the morning and prepared to use the glutinous rice he bought from the north bank yesterday to make fresh cake for the child. Because he was worried that it would affect Su Xian and his lover's rest, he quietly carried the steamed rice to the balcony and used an almond head to hammer the cake. He looked up and saw Grandma Xia, who was currently tending to the flowers and plants.

"What are you doing?" Grandma Xia was separated by the balcony. She also saw Master Su use force on his arm and swing the hammer at the stone dislocated. She was curious.

"Su Xian grew up in Yanbian and likes the food there. So when we moved to the new city, we knew it was inconvenient to buy things, so we brought this set of household chores with us. It just so happens that we can't buy breakfast in the new city, so we'll make some for ourselves. "

" Sigh, Master Su, you don't know? The day before yesterday, on Happy Street, the first restaurant opened. My auntie went to buy me breakfast. There are soy milk, fried dough sticks, and buns. "

" Is that so? I'll go and take a look later. If there really is, I don't need to wake up early tomorrow. I'll bring this many cake cakes to Su Xian for her classmates to try. Later, I'll also give you a few. "

"Hey, good, good. The snacks that you guys brought along will definitely be delicious!"

Grandma Xia saw that Master Su was excitedly continuing to talk about hammers. Her heart suddenly moved as she thought of the news brought back by the housekeeping auntie. She raised the scissors that were used to repair flowers and plants and stared blankly.

The housewife said, "When I went to the breakfast shop to buy snacks, I heard people muttering about it. It was all thanks to the" sharing of all kinds of things that I sent messages of inconvenience to the residents on my blog. I also got everyone to gather in there to leave comments, like, and call for help. That was why the district government was anxious to solve the problem of breakfast for the residents.

If that's the case, then Qingqing really did do a good thing for the neighbors! However, why did she feel that solving the food and beverage problem wasn't as simple as that little guy complaining on Weibo?

- -

Tan Zhong's phone alarm rang.

Hearing the bell ring with the military number, the young policeman consciously turned his body over to the side and fell asleep. Then, he jumped up from the bed and sat up. Through the closed curtains, he saw his mother's busy figure in the small vegetable garden outside the window and quickly jumped out of bed.

"Mom, you didn't sleep well last night. Why didn't you sleep a little longer? You woke up so early again!"

"It's fine. Mom is like you. She wakes up when it's time. I'm used to being busy!" A gratified mother looked at her son's handsome face that reflected the morning light. Although he was tired after the night, he looked energetic and energetic. She waved the vegetables in her hand happily. "I'm going to Miss Xiao Zhi's place today. Bring her some fresh vegetables!"

Her son's happy smile had yet to spread along with the morning light, but because of her mother's swaying body, it turned into nervousness.

"Mom, what's wrong? Did you have high blood pressure again?"

Stepping into the vegetable garden, Tan Mingsheng supported his mother who almost fell when she got up.

Mother Tan struggled to stand up and hugged the vegetable in her arms. "No. . . It's nothing, don't worry. Ah - I just didn't sleep well in the middle of the night. I'm a little tired! Hey, look at me, breakfast hasn't been cooked yet. Come, let's go to the stove. Mom has prepared porridge and eggs for you. "

" Mom, don't be so busy! Oh right, Director Gu told me that the district has introduced brand restaurants for the new city. I'll go take a look and buy the snacks you like. "

" What are you spending that money for? "

"You're afraid that I'll worry, so quickly lie down on the bed. I'll go. . . "

Afraid that his mother would reject him, Tan Yin helped the old man into the room, turned around, and hurriedly pushed the electric scooter.

"Buy less, don't waste it!" The mother could only watch as the vigorous child opened the yard door and welcomed the sun that leaped out of the horizon. . .

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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