Live Up To Our Youth/C38 Subconsciously the Opposite
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Live Up To Our Youth/C38 Subconsciously the Opposite
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C38 Subconsciously the Opposite

It's a city away from the vision.

A city that could make one's body rush out of the chaos and Tranquility!

An inexplicable thought.

However, it made his mind look in the opposite direction.

- - - Volume Poem

It was not easy for him to sign the "Sharing of All Creations" on the bookkeeping books of the aunties and the rough palms of his hands. Before the other aunties and grandpas surrounded him, he had already signed the Sharing of All Creations. In the instant when Fan Lihua turned around to look at him with a smile, she quickly stepped on the accelerator. He rushed out of Dongjiang New City - this "lone island" was even more terrifying than the "deserted island" his father liked to see!

Along the way, he tidied up his messy thoughts. He repeatedly touched his pants in front of the apartment he rented, but he did not take out his key. Fortunately, the door was opened by Rao Linna.

"Li Na? Why are you here?"

"I heard Little Bear say that you might be back today, but I'm not sure what you want to do next! So, while the aunt is cleaning, I'll wait for you at the apartment. " Rao Lina's makeup was still charming, but there was no smile on her pretty face.

"Wait for me? What happened on the website?" Xia Jianqing was shocked. Thinking about the website that he had left unattended for a few weeks and the two times he had promised to discuss with Rao Lina but forgot about the business, he became anxious.

"The website is okay! I want to know what happened to you, Owen?" Rao Lina turned around and walked into the room of her own accord. She pointed at the laptop on the counter and said, "I remember reminding you. Our website and your Weibo really aren't suitable to release news related to Dongjiang New City. But why are you unwilling to listen to my opinion? Do you know, just last week. . . When the two clients who agreed to cooperate saw the messy news you sent, they stopped working together? "

" This! " Summer Thorned Green was surprised and guilty. "I'll go to them later and explain to them. I'll try to get the business back. "

"What does it mean?" Rao Lina looked at Thorned Green. "You said you were going to open up the city market and get the residents to support the high-end accessories that the two families imported overseas?"

"I. . . " Xia Linna suddenly felt that she was afraid of her classmates and partners who had worked with her for a few years. She didn't dare to look at Rao Linna's beautiful big eyes. "It's because I didn't think it through. . . "

"Owen, with your strength and our hard work, I actually don't care if we have these two clients or not. " Rao Lina sighed. "But I want you to tell me whether this news is good or bad. "

"What kind of news?" Xia Jianqing was puzzled.

Rao Linna turned the laptop screen to Xia Jianqing. "Just now, when you entered the door, I made a simple territory. From the day you sent out the news about the first restaurant in the new city of Dongjiang until this morning, I noticed that the number of followers on your Weibo had increased by nearly five thousand. In comparison, the popularity of 'Sharing All Things' seemed to have increased bit by bit. "

"Hehe, so I said that following the new city will have some effect on our business. This should be considered good news!" Summer Thorned Green had a guilty conscience. He put down the coffee beans he had just bought and gestured for Zhong Dian to help make some coffee.

"But, did you notice the comments on Weibo?" Rao Lina bent down and tapped the words with her slender fingers. "Take a look for yourself. What are these so-called new fans saying?"

"What are they talking about?" A bad feeling rose in Thorned Flower's heart. He bent down to take a look.

"The 'caterpillar' is truly our soulmate, 'wood, oil, and salt' cannot be separated from him. . . 'Sharing all kinds of things' speaks out what we are thinking. For the food and restaurants of the new city of Dongjiang, please continue to work hard! Caterpillar 'Caterpillar' Caterpillar ', you're awesome! Please continue to reflect on the problem of the dishes. We need fresh vegetables, meat products, and frozen half-finished products. We will support you with fresh flowers online! Please accept our admiration for 'Sharing of Patterns'. However, I suggest. . . The name of our client can be changed to 'Sharing of the East River New City'. Isn't that right?"

"Lina, stop reading. . . Hiss, these messages aren't suitable, are they?" After listening to Rao Lina read a few messages, Summer Thorned Green was unwilling to listen anymore. He covered his face with his hands and rubbed them hard.

"Own, is this the business effect you want?" Rao Linna pushed away her long hair that fell on her mother's head and pulled away the hands that Thorned Flower had on her face. She stared into his eyes and said, "Tell me. If this is your choice. . . Then, I'll leave the website immediately! "

"Lina, listen to me. . . I want to say. . . This is definitely not my choice. Of course, it is definitely not our website's choice!" Thorned Green shook his head heavily and nodded again!

He was really unsure what he wanted to say - those messages that made him want to laugh, to spit, and to cry made his brain mush - all the messages looked like. . . There was no malicious intent, and even. . . They were very actively reflecting the recognition and support of the 'fans' towards him. However, such an effect was definitely contrary to the original intention of him building the "sharing of all kinds of things" into the modern city's cutting-edge entertainment web show!

He could totally understand Rao Li's anger, and he was very grateful for the persistence of this female partner who specialized in her career. But why couldn't he find any regret in his subconscious? Could it be that his subconscious would betray him as well?

"Lina, it's my fault!" Thorned Grass knocked hard on her thigh twice. She straightened up and heaved a sigh of relief. "I solemnly declare that this time, when I return. . . Tomorrow, I will go to the few shops that I have been paying attention to recently. . . Lina, look. This is the information I've gathered and compiled recently. It's not bad to have a family restaurant with a new view on the north bank. In addition, on the second floor of Wuyang Commercial Building, there's a new Sichuan Cuisine Restaurant. Although Xiangcuisine has become more popular recently, their improved Sichuan Cuisine should be very unique. . . "

. . . " Let me take a look. " Rao Lina's expression relaxed. She picked up the coffee brought by her aunt and went to look at the information that Sharthorn Qing had spread on the sofa.

The aunt turned around and pulled open the curtains, preparing to wipe the glass windows. The bright sunlight shone into the room. She realized that Rao Linna, who was sitting on the sofa and reading the documents, was so beautiful.

Grandma Xia once again asked about his relationship with Rao Lina when she lived in East River New City. His parents overseas were also worried about him, who was in his twenties. They even tried to introduce him to an outstanding international student. However, Xia Thorned Green seemed to be resisting something. As for getting married abroad, he would avoid it! Then, he would choose the career partner in front of him who had an outstanding appearance and talent. Was it not good?

"Lina. . . "

"Hmm? Looks like you didn't lie to me. I also feel that these few shops have value, but in the end, is it alright? I need to go to the site to inspect and experience them first. " Rao Lina turned to look at Summer Thorn with an apologetic look on her face. "Maybe I'm a little anxious, Own. We've worked hard for years to share all kinds of things, and I don't want to make it tasteless. And I don't want it to become the 'Sharing All New Cities' that the residents speak of! "

"When the new city is shared? Ha, is that possible?" For some reason, the throbbing in Xia Jianqing's heart stopped again. He rubbed his nose.

Forget it. Recently, he had estimated that there was something wrong with his subconscious mind. He could not help but say something. Don't say something that would ruin the scenery and make her angry again. Let's wait a little longer.

- - -

"Xiao Liang, you're the one who brought this up?"

With the district head, the Ministry of Civil Affairs, the head of the Industrial, Commercial, and Communication groups, he led the team to inspect the few thousand square meters of commercial area that the developer had recently handed over. Just as he was about to prepare the meeting materials for the afternoon, he saw the resignation letter placed in the middle of the table. He hurriedly called Liang Bu.

"Yes, I want to resign. " Liang Bu moved his body on the other side of the phone and tried to sit up straight to express his attitude.

"You did well. Why? I mentioned to the street that your working experience in the company is quite useful in the new city community. You have implemented and promoted the construction work of the neighborhood committee. You have gradually become familiar with the lines of advertising, hygiene, civil affairs, and so on. Your colleagues and residents have quite a good reaction to you. " Duan Sunflower knew that Liang Bu was afraid of trouble and problems, but that didn't stop him from displaying his previous work experience. And he tried his best to find the correct route.

"But I don't think this place suits me!"

"If you have any opinions on the arrangement, just tell me. Since you're able to join the community work team in the new city, then we're partners in the residential service. If you have any thoughts, don't take them to heart. "

"Old Uncle, I have an idea!" Liang Bu heard Duan Sunflower speak in a hoarse voice. He could not help but clear his throat and continuously explain to the residents. Sometimes, he had to raise his voice and shout. He was really tired and angry! I moved to Dongjiang New City for more than a year and worked for the neighborhood committee for nearly a year. It can be said that I followed you to worry about the new city every day, but do the residents appreciate our kindness? Because the construction equipment couldn't keep up for a while. Their complaints never stopped. Recently, especially when they were sharing all kinds of things, they started to say weird things and stab us! After solving this problem today, they will talk about that problem tomorrow. This doesn't talk about material motivation, it's psychological encouragement. Not at all. Instead, they were constantly being attacked. Who can take it?"

Sensing Liang Bu's anger on the other end of the phone, he wanted to comfort him, but he subconsciously slowed down his response so that he could think clearly about how he should keep this guy who had decent work ability.

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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