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"Liszt, the ascension pool and ascension passage you mentioned earlier, does it mean that we can ascend to the Immortal World?"

"Yes master, the universe we are in is a secondary universe. The creation of the secondary universe is mostly due to special reasons connecting it to the primal universe, allowing the primal universe's energy to enter the secondary universe …" Following Lithur's explanation, Chen Jing began to understand the principle of the formation of the universe.

Due to the difference in the laws of composition between the secondary universe and the primal universe, the primordial universe's energy, after entering the secondary universe, would decompose into space energy, positive and negative matter. The creation of spatial energy naturally caused the expansion of space itself. Of course, the new materials that appeared along with the expansion of space itself.

Of course, there was a limit to the expansion of space. When space expanded to its limit, goods and materials would gradually pile up on the outer edges of space as time passed. With the increase of material density, the distance between particles of positive and negative matter decreases gradually. When the distance between the positive and negative particles was reduced to a certain extent, the positive and negative matter would inevitably be annihilated. This was the so-called Big Bang of the Universe.

The annihilation of the positive and negative forces produced the Yang and Yin energies, and the appearance of a large amount of energy facilitated the second expansion of the space. Thus, a new layer of space was created at the outer edge of the first layer.

Of course, the energy of the primal universe was constantly flowing into the secondary universe, so the newly generated space energy would also continuously push the newly produced positive and negative energies towards the outer edge. As time passed, there would definitely be a second, third or even more big bang, naturally creating layers of space. However, due to the collision and accumulation of energy between the two layers of space, a spatial barrier formed, which meant that the two layers of space were separated!

In the early days of the new space, the positive and negative matter were not balanced. For our universe, the positive matter was a little more. Therefore, there were still some positive matter left in the new space after the annihilation.

In the beginning, matter existed in a superstring state, but over time, under the effect of mutual gravity, these tiny bowstring particles gradually condensed into larger quarks, then into larger electrons, protons, neutrons, and finally hydrogen atoms.

Naturally, the gathering process wouldn't stop, so more and more hydrogen atoms would gather, until finally forming a large cluster of stars. Of course, within the cluster of stars, as the pressure increased, the temperature naturally rose higher and higher. When the temperature exceeded a certain limit, a nuclear fusion reaction of hydrogen atoms occurred. Naturally, the products of the hydrogen atom transformation are the yang energy and the helium atom.

As I said, the gathering won't stop until all of the space materials have been used up. Therefore, although the inner part of the star cluster was undergoing a drastic change, the outer parts of the mass was still continuously gathering. Naturally, the inner parts of the star cluster would constantly break through, causing helium fusion, lithium fusion, beryllium fusion, and so on to happen one after another until iron atoms were produced.

Iron atoms are a relatively stable substance, and the conditions for fusion are very high. Therefore, iron atoms will gather more and more in the center of the star cluster. Of course, if the mass of the cluster continued to accumulate more and more, it would eventually exceed the limits required for the fusion of iron atoms. Thus, the fusion of iron atoms occurred, and since the cobalt atoms produced by the fusion of iron atoms and the later conditions for the fusion of nickel, copper, and zinc were not as high as the iron atoms, the explosions were continuous, only second to the supernova explosions, the Big Bang of the universe where the positive and negative materials were annihilated. Due to the intensity of the explosion, the mass of matter would be scattered all around.

After the first supernova exploded, the new dimension entered its second phase. Due to the addition of the supernova's explosive energy, space entered a period of rapid expansion.

After the Big Bang, the outer mass of the cluster of stars forms a vast nebula, while the mass in the center of the cluster forms a smaller cluster. Generally, a small cluster of stars can still meet the conditions for iron fusion. Generally speaking, the life span of a star is inversely proportional to the mass of the star. The central cluster is naturally a super giant star at first, so, within a short period of time, the cluster will explode again, and the mass of matter will once again be scattered to the periphery. Of course, this wasn't something that could be done in just one or two explosions. It could be done ten times or even thousands of times. It all depended on how much material the star cluster gathered in the past.

In the end, the mass in the center of the star cluster gradually decreased, and most of them were extremely heavy metal atoms that were more difficult to fuse with. Thus, under the huge gravitational force, a black hole appeared. In addition, the large area of nebulae surrounding the cluster of stars was the hot bed created by the stars. Of course, it took time for the nebulae to gather to form a star, perhaps stars would appear during the process of the explosion of the central cluster of stars, or perhaps it would take a very long time for the nebulae surrounding the cluster of stars to form a star. At this point, the outer nebulae and newborn stars spin slowly under the pull of the central black hole. This is the galaxy.

With the appearance of galaxies, space entered its third period of development. During this period, due to the appearance of black holes that absorbed large amounts of matter and energy, the motivation to promote space expansion slowly decreased.

Of course, this period was still a world of ice and fire. Because most of the material density inside the nebula was very high back then, most of the newly formed stars were gigantic stars with a very high mass, so it was naturally not difficult to meet the requirements for a super nova explosion. Of course, this wasn't a long period of time. After all, the larger the star, the shorter the period of evolution it would have. Therefore, before long, large stars and giant stars would constantly explode, turning into nebulae and white dwarfs, neutrons, protons, and small black holes.

After this period, the galaxies' nebulae became thin, and the conditions for the birth of giant stars gradually disappeared. As a result, a large number of medium stars with relatively long lifespans appeared, and space entered the third period. During this period of time, although the stars lost the ability to trigger supernova explosions, the polymerization of manganese, vanadium, oxygen, nitrogen, and other elements could still be achieved. However, because the amount of energy from these explosions was too small, the materials inside the stars could no longer explode into nebulae, and the outer materials could only revolve in circles around the central star.

Since the most abundant matter in the star is naturally hydrogen, and the smaller the atom, the greater is the proportion of gaseous matter in the early stages of planetary formation. However, due to the action of the solar wind, the gravitational force of the smaller planets naturally cannot resist the solar wind. Thus, all the gaseous matter in the asteroid is blown away by the solar wind, leaving only the solid matter that cannot be blown away. The gravity of the planets was so great that they could not only preserve their own gaseous substances, but could also capture the gaseous substances of other planets that had been blown away by the solar wind. Thus, most of the planets were covered with thick gases. Only a small planet like Earth can maintain a thin gas layer, because its gravity can seize oxygen, nitrogen and other gases with a larger specific gravity, but not hydrogen, helium and other gases with a smaller specific gravity.

The third period wasn't very long, because the stars were still fairly large and the evolution cycle wasn't too long. After this period, there was a long fourth period, during which most of the stars were small and medium-sized stars the size of or smaller than the sun, and their life spans were ten or a hundred times as long as before, most of them billions of years old.

With small and medium-sized stars providing long periods of light and heat, life, like the life processes on Earth, is naturally occurring on medium-sized planets where the stars are suitable.

The fourth period of galaxies is unusually long, tens or even hundreds of times longer than the first three. During this long period of time, the energy of the stars would naturally be consumed. Medium-sized stars like the sun have a lifespan of about 1 billion years. After 1 billion years, helium has accumulated inside the sun to a certain extent, and helium fusion is ignited. The helium fusion and burning energy will blow up the sun into a red giant star.

Over time, billions of years, the helium would eventually run out of helium to maintain the fusion reaction, and the red giant would collapse, and when it had shrunk to a certain degree, the rest of the sun's hydrogen would continue to spin. However, the mass of the sun was much lower than before. The intensity of the hydrogen combustion was naturally much lower than before, so the sun's life this time was longer. 8 billion years? 1 billion years? Or longer. By that time, the Earth would no longer be a habitable zone, and the habitable zone would have to be retracted back to Mercury. If the Red Giant could reproduce a planet the size of the Earth after the Age of Mercury, the new life would be a lot luckier than it is now, because they would have a much longer evolutionary time.

There is, of course, another possibility that Jupiter is perfectly capable of absorbing hydrogen and other matter that was sent out into outer space by the Big Bang by a massive gravitational pull. If Jupiter could gather enough hydrogen to sustain a hydrogen fusion, then a new star would be born. Many of the two or even many star systems in the universe were formed this way.

During the 4th period, as more and more super novae were exploding, the expansion of space gradually became unable to withstand the contraction of space due to gravity. Thus, during this long period, the expansion of space slowly slowed down, then expanded to its limit, and then began to slowly shrink. Of course, this period of time wasn't too fast either, after all, the star fusion reaction also released a large amount of energy.

The fourth period was long, but it was not infinite. The fuel of the stars would eventually run out, and when all the planets were extinguished, space entered the fifth period. At this time, the entire space was filled with black holes, dwarfs, neutrons, protons, and so on.

At this time, there was basically no more energy produced in space. On the contrary, besides the gravitational force that helped shrink, there were also various black holes that absorbed a large amount of energy. At this time, due to the continuous collapse of space, the distance between black holes, galaxies, and even space became smaller and smaller. Under the huge gravitational force, the black holes inevitably merged, even transcended galaxies and space. In the center of the super black hole, as the mass of the black hole increased, the pressure naturally increased, thus, the pressure constantly increasing broke through the limit, finally breaking the space barrier of the primal universe, the center of the black hole formed a white hole, matter and energy continuously returned to the primal universe, a super great cycle finally drew a perfect end.

After the appearance of the super black hole, a new dimension slowly came to an end. However, the universe was not finished yet, because the center of the universe was still constantly absorbing energy from the primal universe.

Hence, the entire universe was formed from the birth to destruction of layers of space. Naturally, the density of free energy in space also decreased layer by layer. In the most outer space, almost all of the energy was absorbed by the black hole. There was almost no free energy here, so this boundary was generally defined as a dead zone. The Dead World was naturally more than just a single level of space. Because at the edge of the universe, space was compressed, like a thousand layers of cake.

Inside the Dead World was the Mortal Realm. Although the energy was thin, there were still large amounts of burning stars in this world, so life existed. However, because there wasn't enough energy to cultivate, this world was still mortal, hence it was called the Mortal Realm.

The mortal world should be the world we live in right now. This world already has a certain density of energy, and the living beings in the space can also borrow the spiritual energy to cultivate. Therefore, this world is called the Spiritual World.

Above the Spiritual Realm was naturally the Spiritual Energy that was even denser in the Spiritual Realm and the Spiritual Realm of the Gods. However, because Chen Jing's current authority wasn't yet here, Lisi Er didn't talk much about it. The following layers were all worlds of ice and fire. Although the energy density was very high, it was impossible for there to be living beings.

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