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C39 The Real Mistress

Ever since her parents died, she was homeless and could only be raised by her grandfather. Later, after her grandfather went to America, she could only stay at her uncle's house. Her aunt treated her like a servant. If it wasn't for her uncle and grandfather's deterrence, she would probably be treated as a servant in Lin family.

Huang Zhi's eyes made Lin Yu sad, but the most fatal part was the content of her words.

Lin Huan was going to move in?

She laughed mockingly.

Hua Minghao, are you really that impatient?

Forget it, if this person doesn't belong to her, no matter how hard she tries, it's useless. Letting go might be the best choice.

At this moment, the sound of high heels could be heard from not far away. She looked up and saw Lin Huan descending from the second floor. Lin Huan's high heels hit the marble steps and made a sound.

Lin Huan seemed to be very happy to see her. She jogged down the stairs and said, "Cousin, you are back?"

"Lin Huan, I have been back for a while. Where did you go?" Lin Yu stiffly smiled at Lin Dong. No matter what, she owed Lin Huan.

After all, this position really belonged to Lin Huan!

Originally, Lin Huan should have been the hostess to welcome her, but now she was the hostess.

"Where can Lin Huan go? Of course she wants to go upstairs to see the house that should belong to her. You took her place. You robbed her man and the room that she should have stayed in. Can't she even go and take a look? " Huang Zhi took the words from the side and said it very straightforwardly. Lin Yu, who was unprepared, turned pale.

Seeing this, Lin Huan immediately said, "Cousin, don't listen to my mother! I was just bored and saw that this villa was many times bigger than our house, so I was just curious. I didn't mean what my mother said, don't mind it. "

"Okay, I won't mind. "

Even if she did, what could she do?

"Lin Huan, do you have to lower yourself to talk to her? Don't forget, This position is yours. You should be the mistress here. You don't need to please her! " Huang Zhi was very angry at her weak attitude. She did not know why she gave birth to a daughter who was so easily bullied.

"Mom, don't be like this!" Lin Huan felt very wronged. Her eyes were red as she said, "Since some things have already happened, don't mention these things anymore. It's useless to mention these things now. My cousin is also innocent. She is now married to Minghao. This is also good. If something happens. . . At least we can help each other. "

"Alright, I won't bring this up today. " Huang Zhi stared at Lin Yu as if it was all because of Lin Huan that she let her go.

Lin Yu only acted as if she did not see Huang Zhi's expression and did not say anything. Anyway, there would be someone who would speak first.

"Lin Yu, your uncle and grandfather are in America. Although they have a nanny by their side, I am still worried about them so I have to make a trip to America tomorrow. " At this point, Huang Zhi stopped and looked at Lin Yu.

Lin Yu had already guessed her intentions, but she still maintained her smile and did not reply.

There were some words that when she said it, it would be understood as another meaning. Since the result was the same, why did she want to make herself feel uncomfortable?

Seeing that Lin Yu did not reply, Huang Zhi could only continue speaking. She said, "I am also not at ease to let Lin Huan stay at home alone. You guys grew up together. So I let her stay at your place for a period of time. After all, you are sisters. It's not safe for her to stay in a hotel. I plan to take her to America. But your uncle and grandfather still want me to go by myself. Furthermore, they also feel that it is not safe for Lin Huan to live alone. So they let me bring her here to you. What do you think? "

Her luggage had already been moved here. Was there still a need for her to ask her?

Her heart was very cold, and the smile on her face was very brilliant.

Lin Yu did not immediately reply. She first maintained silence.

Lin Huan saw this and her eyes were red as she said to Huang Zhi, "Mom, I told you that if I come over, it will make cousin feel awkward. Why don't I stay at home alone? Anyway, there are maids at home. "

"How can I do that? How can you not be afraid in such a big villa by yourself? This is your sister's residence, and it is not someone else's home. There will not be any inconvenience. Don't you think so, Lin Yu?"

She finally saw her aunt smile at her, but this smile had a deeper meaning.

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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