Love Between Black & White/C19 Authentication
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Love Between Black & White/C19 Authentication
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C19 Authentication

Now that everyone had left the room, Xie Liaohu started to feel nervous. There was only one person left alive in the room, and there were also two ghosts. As an ordinary person, he suddenly felt that his life was too heavy for him.

Just as he was panicking, a phone call came in. He was instantly startled. The horror movies in his head were full of resentment, and the ferocious bells in the afternoon and night rushed into his head in a steady stream. Although his hands and feet were a little flustered, as a man who had seen quite a bit of the world last night, he should still bravely accept the unknown reality that was Black Impermanence of Yin And Yang Pathway in the future.

He opened his phone and saw that it was the tycoon, Sheng Xiao. This guy finally remembered his poor roommate after a corrupt night of living. Xie Liao felt an inexplicable urge to cry.

"Hey, Xie Liao, where are you?" Sheng Xiao's voice came over the phone, but the background voice was very quiet, it seemed to be in the dorm.

"I, I'm in a new workplace. My boss wants me to work today." Xie Liao looked around and finally decided to lie.

Furthermore, he didn't know what he should say. Did he have to say that he found a new job for Black Impermanence and opened a new world last night? Later, I still have to sign a contract with Hades and it would become an official job in the Underworld.

I'm afraid that after saying this, Sheng Xiao will immediately call 120 and send him directly to the hospital's Psychiatric Department to contribute his part to the development of the country's GDP.

"Ha, when did you find a job that I didn't know about?" Sheng Xiao's voice was filled with surprise. He never expected Xie Liao to act so quickly and find a new job so quickly.

"When did I send you the notice? I didn't know it last night, but you went to work so early in the morning. Bro, don't be fooled by others."

Xie Liao was moved and kept silent for two seconds. According to the current situation, he would rather be tricked than to sincerely get this job.

"I'm fine, this job is real. I have to see the boss later on, actually the work is completely free, so I will take care of it myself. Don't worry about me, I'll treat you to a meal after I pay you."

Hearing Xie Liao's voice full of energy, Sheng Xiao didn't say anything else. He only warned him very carefully, "If you feel that something is wrong, just call me. We don't need to worry about that money. If you don't have money, you can ask me. Don't lend yourself to me."

Xie Liao quickly agreed and said that he knew. He would definitely protect himself well and not be cheated.

"I won't be back this summer. I'll be back when the school starts." In the end, Xie Liao added another sentence, at least he confirmed his location.

"Alright, be careful. Call me if you need anything." Sheng Xiao didn't care too much about it. After all, Xie Liao was an adult and there was no need to remind him like a child.

"Oh, right. Have you seen this morning's news?" At the end, Sheng Xiao suddenly added this sentence.

"What news?" Xie Liao asked in confusion, not knowing what Sheng Xiao was talking about.

I saw on the news this morning that a driver had gotten into a car accident on Yin And Yang Pathway, and the time of the accident was around one o'clock last night. I thought you had gotten into a car accident, but when I came back this morning and saw that all your luggage had been taken away, I was relieved.

Xie Liao's heart skipped a beat as he thought about what happened last night that was even more serious than the accident. However, Sheng Xiao was an outsider after all, so he didn't dare to say the incident out loud.

"What a pity." In the end, he could only say this, as a summary of what happened last night.

"It's good that you're fine." Sheng Xiao was just acting on a whim, so when he heard that Xie Liao didn't have any reaction, he naturally didn't say anything else.

"Then you have to work hard and earn money. Call if you need anything."

"Okay, goodbye, I'll call you." Xie Liao could only say goodbye. After the two hung up the phone, Xie Liao laid on the sofa and felt weak from head to toe.

For some inexplicable reason, when he had a peaceful life in the future, he would run away like a wild dog, and in the future, he could only stand behind it with his mouth wide open as he watched the flying sand mercilessly blocking his path.

This damned life, this heartless world.

Before he could figure out what to do next, a knock came from the door.

When he thought of the demons and ghosts outside, he did not dare to hesitate and immediately ran to the door. He opened the door but did not discover anyone.

"Hello, I'm Ah Wu." Suddenly, a parrot landed on his shoulder. Xie Liao looked at the parrot in shock and suddenly thought of the one he had seen yesterday, the one the fox was talking to. It was the same parrot?

"Hello, I'm Xie Liao." He had thousands of thoughts in his head, but he didn't say them out loud. He just greeted them honestly and told them his name.

"Hello, Xie Liao." Ah Wu was very pleasant to talk to and greeted him naturally.

"Taotie Boss told you to report in and verify your identity. Otherwise, you'll be blocked by the guards outside. Come with me now." Ah Wu stated his purpose very clearly. Xie Liao was shocked. How could he do it so quickly? What should he do? There was no one at home. What should he do? He had no idea what the process would be like!

"Hurry up and leave. What are you waiting for?" As a parrot, Ah Wu couldn't understand Xie Liao's worries at all. He tilted his head and thought for a while before saying: "It's okay, Boss Yan already greeted Taotie Boss in advance, just go and let Taotie Boss get to know you better. No problem, Taotie Boss won't eat his own people."

"What?! He can eat people?" Xie Liao felt that his leg weakness syndrome had signs of recurrence.

"Yeah, it's nothing. It's just that some people with ill intentions wanted to do something bad after discovering the situation here. At this time, we can only have Boss deal with it, but Boss is more afraid of trouble. Usually, it's just eating the corpse, so we don't need to deal with it." The little parrot spoke indifferently, unaware that the man beneath it was drenched in cold sweat.

"Let's go, don't keep Taotie Boss waiting." Awu flapped his wings on Xie Liao's shoulder and suddenly flew into the air.

Xie Liao raised his head and looked at its joyful flying posture. He stretched out his hand to wipe the cold sweat on his forehead and finally decided to honestly meet one of the bosses of this district, a demon that had lived for more than a thousand years.

They followed Ah Wu's flying footsteps all the way to an apartment building. Ah Wu stopped on a branch of a tree, flapped his wings and happily said to him, "You can go up by yourself. This building is the boss. You can sit in the elevator and go up to the 18th floor. Taotie Boss is there."

Just as Xie Liao finished his sentence, he flapped his wings happily and flew away, causing the nervous Xie Liao to swallow his saliva helplessly.

He stood at the bottom of the apartment building, deep in thought. Suddenly, he heard a sound coming from the security door.

"Brat, why are you standing at the door? Hurry up and come up."

Xie Liao's body trembled. He suddenly realized that the voice that spoke should be that of the man that lived for thousands of years. However, why does this voice sound so young?

As expected of a man who had lived for over a thousand years. It was normal for him to change his voice. After he entered the elevator, he pressed on the button for the 18th floor and then quietly waited for the elevator to reach its destination.

As an old demon who had lived for more than a thousand years, Taotie's family background was obviously not a joke. A demon monopolized a building. Thinking about what Ma Tianyue and the others said, there was indeed a difference in status between demons.

The elevator stopped at the 18th floor, Xie Liao trembled as he got to the elevator door. The moment the door was opened, Xie Liao was shocked, seeing a huge tank of fish, almost stretching the entire floor's size, there was no light in the room, only a faint blue light shining from the tank. Xie Liao looked ahead in a daze, suddenly a huge tail appeared in front of him, a tiger shark bared its sharp teeth, charging at him, looking like it wanted to eat him.

Xie Liao reflexively took a few steps back. Tiger Shark seemed to know that he couldn't eat it, so he didn't waste his energy. He turned around and shook his tail confidently, turned around, and ran to scare the other little shrimps.

Xie Liao stood on the spot and looked at it dumbly until he saw a huge sea turtle turn around in front of the glass. It actually threw out the water inside and sprinkled it all over Xie Liao's face.

Xie Liao: "..." In this world, even a turtle could bully people.

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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