Love Between Black & White/C2 Finally I Saw a Ghost
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Love Between Black & White/C2 Finally I Saw a Ghost
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C2 Finally I Saw a Ghost

Xie Liao's heart beat rapidly. His throat was dry and his chest felt stuffy. Looking at the scene in front of him, he couldn't believe it. The path of rebirth, wasn't this the address given by that strange call this morning?

He looked around. Although the driver's voice was a bit shaky, he tried his best to remain calm and said, "I'll go to the front of the car to take a look." As soon as he said that, he took a few steps forward. Before Xie Liao could stop him, he could only watch as the driver disappeared in an instant.

"Big brother? Driver, what do you see? " Xie Liao asked while standing beside the car door.

There was no sound, only silence. The only thing that could be seen was the dense fog. There was only whiteness in front of his eyes. Not long after, Xie Liao thought he was blind.

He had almost never seen such a dense fog. The people protected by the country were clearly infants when they were under his protection. They were only a few steps away, yet he couldn't hear their voices. Xie Liao already felt that something was wrong, but after thinking for a while, he still decided to look for them.

He held the edge of the car and walked a few steps forward. His vision was empty. The fear of the unknown made his adrenaline surge to the limit. He took out his phone, trembled, turned on the light, and wanted to make a call.

At this time, a child's laughter could be heard in front of them. The laughter was abrupt and sudden. It was as if the child was speaking in a distant place, but it also seemed to be whispering in your ear.

Imagine, midnight, in the wilderness, in the wilderness, with the fog obscuring you from sight, and the people around you disappearing before your eyes." Suddenly there was the sound of a child laughing in front of your eyes.

Xie Liao threw his phone on the ground, then turned around and was about to get on the car. The situation now was simply too strange. As a man who spent most of his time in wars and horror movies and novels, he was able to draw the truth from this: NOZuoNODie.

Curiosity killing a cat was definitely not a joke. Xie Liao said that he knew how to understand the situation.

However, if he wanted to run, he would have to see if the other party was willing to let him go. Before he even had the chance to open the car door, he felt someone tug at his pants. He looked down and saw a little girl in a white dress holding a rope and looking up at him pitifully.

Xie Liao's head exploded. Why did a little girl appear in the wilderness? Where did this prank come from? He clearly didn't feel anything just now, but where did this little girl come from?

The girl's face was extremely pale, almost pale without the slightest trace of blood. Her eyes were extremely wide, almost to the point where one could not see the whites of her eyes. Only two bottomless black pupils could be seen staring at him, their expressions stiff and rigid.

"Big brother, play with me." She tugged at his pants.

In just a split-second, Xie Liao felt that his entire body was about to freeze. A strange chill came from underneath his body and instantly washed over his entire body, causing him to be unable to help from shivering.

Then, under the little girl's control, he walked forward on his own, as if he couldn't control his own body. Although he wanted to grab the car beside him, after losing control of his body, he could only allow the little girl to lead him like a puppet.

What was strange was that the fog around them had dispersed a lot. Although the surroundings still could not be seen clearly, he could still see at least one or two meters away. Thus, Xie Liao successfully saw the big hole at the back of the girl's head.

It was the sound of him swallowing saliva.

The fog was too big at first, and because he was frightened, he didn't look at this little girl seriously. But at this moment, he saw that there was a huge hole the size of a fist in front of him, and the strange little girl's back was dyed red with black blood.

The little girl didn't seem to have any consciousness, perhaps she could no longer be called a little girl. Instead, she should be called an undead, or a ghost.

Walking into an empty space, Xie Liao finally saw the missing driver. At this moment, he was standing at a place jumping up and down with a flushed face and big drops of sweat dripping from his forehead.

Xie Liao was wondering why Ye Zichen did this, then he quickly found out the reason.

"Big brother, let's jump rope, no stopping. We'll see who jumps the most." The little girl stared at him with a pair of unblinking black eyes. She passed the rope in her hand to him. Xie Liao took the rope with a stiff hand and jumped up uncontrollably.

"Those who stop will have their legs chopped off." He was so angry that Xie Liao wanted to curse. It didn't matter if he was strong or strong, but the driver had clearly reached his limit. With a "pa ji" sound, he fell onto the ground stiffly and didn't get up.

The little girl's expression was a bit sad. Yes, it was sad. Although her face was stiff as always, Xie Liao could clearly see that she had a trace of sadness on her face.

"Uncle really is useless. He only died after more than three hundred leaps. It's really useless. Since it's so useless, I'll just eat it."

Then, Xie Liao watched as another driver popped out from the fallen driver's body.

He really wanted to slap his face to see if he was dreaming. However, he was currently in a situation where he couldn't do anything and couldn't control himself.

Thus, he could only watch helplessly as the little girl grabbed the Undead that came out of the driver's body and put it into her mouth. The Undead didn't struggle at all, perhaps it didn't even have time to react before it turned into a wisp of green smoke and was sucked into the little girl's mouth.

Xie Liao started to sweat profusely. He finally realized that the new driver was obviously the driver's soul and was then eaten by a ghost. That means his fate would be the same as the old man.

He was still young and didn't want to die yet. His parents had sacrificed themselves to protect him, so how could he die in such a ridiculous situation? The next day's news would probably be that the two men died of heart failure on the highway.

He thought of all sorts of countermeasures, and wondered why he saw ghosts. Why did he encounter such an unscientific thing, and he suddenly thought of the text message he received today. Since he saw ghosts, why wouldn't he believe that White Impermanence could recruit them?

Looking at Xie Liao jumping nonstop with a flushed face, the little girl blinked her eyes and actually dropped off from his eye sockets. She seemed not to have noticed at all, as Xie Liao was still sweating profusely, but Xie Liao realized that his eyeballs had fallen out when Xie Liao was too shocked to react. Xie Liao watched helplessly as she bent down to pick up the eyeballs, and then directly popped them into his mouth and ate them.

The eyeball was like a peanut, and when placed in the little girl's mouth, it did not even make a sound. The little girl's face was as pale as paper, with a deep eye hole.

Eat, eat, eat.

Xie Liao's mind was filled with these three words and he almost didn't know what to think. Then he saw the little girl walk to the corpse of the driver, dig out the driver's eyeballs and put them into his eye sockets. She giggled and said, "Ah, I have a new eye to use now."

If it wasn't for the previous example of the driver, he would have immediately sat down on the ground. However, his great fear had triggered his potential, very well, if he didn't resist, then his ending today would probably be like that. Then, how would he resist?

In fact ghosts were very afraid of human yang energy, but at midnight was the time when human yang energy was at its weakest. At this time, once one touched something dirty and had some kind of defensive weapon, one could spit at it. It was not enough to protect one's life, but it was still enough to keep the little ghost away from oneself, or it could delay time.

He couldn't even move his eyeballs and could only watch as the little girl changed her eyeballs before returning to his side. He clapped his hands and said, "Big brother is so strong, there's already more than 500 of them. Good luck, big brother."

Come on, come on, you old man. A human's life is only worth one sentence. Is this how you come out to harm people? Do you think you're the best?

His eyes widened as he bit down on the tip of his tongue. Saliva mixed with blood gushed out of his mouth and rushed towards the little girl.

"AHH!" "The girl screamed as the blood spurted out. Her body was corroding rapidly, and her face was charred black.

He suddenly rushed to the side of the car that he could clearly see, picked up the phone that was dropped on the ground, dialed that text message number, and shouted loudly, "Save me, I met a ghost on the path of rebirth."

There was a rope around her neck, which was probably used for jumping off the rope just now. The little girl's appearance had completely changed, and now, she was completely black, and it was obvious that she had been burnt to death by the fire. Only two deep holes were left in her eye sockets, and only her bony hands tightly gripped onto the rope as she said in a cold and hoarse voice, "Brother, you're not obedient, I'm going to kill you."

Xie Liao had no choice but to block the hand that was holding the phone. The moment the phone and the dried bone touched, the little girl's face changed again, this time it was simply a heart-wrenching scream, compared to the blood spurted by Xie Liao, the power of the phone was clearly much stronger.

Xie Liao was thrown onto the ground, while he held his ears with a headache. The screams of the evil spirits were really devastating to people's ears. He helplessly looked at the skeletal ghost girl who backed away like a mouse and stared at him with eyes filled with hatred, causing people's hair to stand on her back.

At this moment, a voice came out of the phone. This time, it was a crisp male voice. At this crucial moment, Xie Liao actually thought of such an expression.

Juan was like a flowing stream.

Why did it sound so nice? If it wasn't for the fact that he could rely on this voice at such a crucial moment, he would have been able to live an entire night by himself.

However, the tone of this man's voice was obviously not very good. He said with extreme impatience, "This road has long been cleared, it's just a few brats, just take care of them conveniently. The place you're standing at now is 100 meters ahead of us, quickly come over here, we're going to get off work."

After he said that, the man hung up the phone very straightforwardly, leaving Xie Liao with a bullsh * t face.

What did he mean by "a bunch of kids easily getting rid of him"? Did that mean there were still a lot of "ghosts" on the road?

Do you have to be so darned?

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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