Love Between Black & White/C9 Vulnerable Groups
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Love Between Black & White/C9 Vulnerable Groups
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C9 Vulnerable Groups

There was a sudden silence in the phone and after a long while, there was no sound. Xie Liao only felt that his heart was clenching nervously. Before he could ask, he heard a loud shout from the phone.

"You dare to behave so atrociously in front of me with all kinds of trash? I think you guys are courting death." There was a pinging sound from the phone. Xie Liao felt something was wrong. He handed the phone to Ma Tianyue and asked worriedly, "There's a sound of fighting on the phone, look what's going on?"

Ma Tianyue and Ma Xiao looked at each other. They weren't too nervous. They calmly answered the phone and asked: "Boss, what happened over there?"

The voice on the phone was amplified. There was an ear-piercing scream that gradually calmed down. There were still many English words coming from the phone. Presumably, there were foreigners talking inside.

A casual voice came from the other end of the phone, "Nothing much, just some blind people seeking death. I'll take care of it first. You guys take your time." Then, he hung up the phone.

Ma Tianyue's expression was very calm, as if he wasn't worried about his boss getting hurt at all. He calmly threw his phone at Xie Liao and turned on the TV to watch indifferently.

"It's fine, don't worry. Boss is going to participate in the Chinese and Western Culture Exchange Convention. Recently, all the vampires from overseas have sneaked in to cause some trouble. "Recently, the zombies have been getting angry and resentful, those vampires did bad things and blamed the name of the family, which caused them to be searched several times by the higher-ups, so it probably isn't very peaceful these days."

Zombie? Xie Liao's legs felt like kneeling down again. He just saw a ghost and saw a willow tree spirit, and now even the zombies came out. What happened before was weird and messy, and what happened after the founding of a country couldn't become a spirit.

What made Xie Liao even more scared was their attitude towards these monsters. They were like fifty-six monsters with fifty-six flowers blossoming under the banner of communism. Even though our recipes are different, but we can still befriend him, a young man who grew up under the banner of communism, to the point of chills.

"Um, aren't you afraid of zombies? Speaking of which, aren't there any exorcist or something like that?" he asked stiffly.

Ma Xiao had an apple in his hand, but it was unknown what he did before he turned into the little ghost who smiled next to him. Ma Xiao had an apple in his hand, but after he did something, he turned into the little ghost who smiled next to him. He completely had the look of an old man and his disciple as he slowly said: "What's there to be afraid of.

Xie Liao had the look of someone who had seen through the world, and he was lying quietly on the sofa, not wanting to say anything else.

"Don't worry, in fact, there's almost no one in the whole area other than us." Ma Tianyue advised on the side, which made Xie Liao even more terrified.

"I remember when the whole community was sold out?" Ma Tianyue smiled sinisterly at his expression of "Don't lie to me, don't you lie to me".

"That's right. Other than us Messengers, the rest of them are all demons from before the establishment of the country. You can get to know them in the future."

Xie Liao: "."

In this heartless world, the wrong world was definitely this world.

"Why are they all demons before the establishment of the country? Can't they really become spirits after the establishment of the country?"

"Oh," Ma Tianyue ate a biscuit carelessly, "After the establishment of the country, the demons would not be strong enough to buy a house. All the people living in the forest have been eaten."

At this point, Ma Xiao couldn't help but sigh, "Now everyone is looking at the money, regardless of whether you're a demon or not, if you don't have enough mana, you'll be caught and taken to the exhibition. The Monster Bureau spent a lot of money to redeem the captured demons, and a few good-looking monsters can't afford a house in the city.

Xie Liao held his forehead silently and was no longer able to say anything. Were all the demons now in such a miserable state? Why did they feel like laughing so much?

Seemingly sensing Xie Liao's thoughts, Ma Tianyue said coldly, "Demons are not easy to deal with right now. If it's a human, they can earn money working properly, but demons are limited in the end. If you don't cultivate properly, you can still return to your original form, and what's scarier is that some of the greater demons will eat the smaller demons to increase their mana. So, in the end, the lesser demons can only hide carefully, afraid of being caught by the greater demons to supplement their mana."

"So much like a zombie, aren't you worried that something might happen to them?" he asked cautiously, looking at Ma Xiao, who would come to visit during the new year, wanting to know what he was thinking.

"This sort of thing happened a few years before the founding of the country. However, there hasn't been a lot of things happening these few years. After all, it's not worth it to cause a huge commotion for a little food." Ma Tianyue explained.

"Now we humans are getting more and more advanced in our technology, what tracking and monitoring, people like them who have a physical body will be caught steal as long as they do something bad. Besides, with how advanced technology we are, we can just go to the blood station or open a few hospitals if we want to suck blood. There's nothing good about putting ourselves in an anti-human position for a few drops of blood."

"You mean, the zombies run the hospital?" Xie Liao shuddered and silently hugged his frightened self.

"That's right, most of the hospitals in this city belong to the zombie families. If you become one of them, you can get a discount later." Ma Xiao nodded calmly.

"Please, that's a zombie, how could that be?" Thinking that the doctor who treated him might be a zombie, Xie Liao suddenly felt bad. Is this world really normal? What's even weirder is to let him see how far his imagination can go?

There's nothing to be afraid of, the zombies are just a little bit too strong and too fast, if the humans really saw through it, it would only be a matter of time before they die. Now, the monsters are all vulnerable groups, their bodies are different, so they have to have a physical examination in the school, do their work, and draw blood from time to time. Ma Xiao used a very calm tone to start his blabbering mode.

"Every year when my family's zombie ancestor comes to visit us, he's always complaining that he can't get on the plane. He's too old, and his bones are all stiff, and when the inspection personnel saw his appearance, they immediately told him to do a physical examination. Also, we don't allow him to buy a private plane in the country, so he can only be stuffed into the trunk of the plane every New Year."

Ma Tianyue nodded with a sympathetic look and forcefully held back his laughter, "Right, their family always come for New Year's in a bus. After the bus stops, we will open the luggage area and the older generation will come out from the bottom. I want to laugh every time I see them drag the zombie out."

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