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C25 Fights

Ever since Hsu Yan got a hold of his weakness, the length of freedom that Hua Ming could control in his life had significantly shortened. In the past, his life was very monotonous. Other than going to the cafeteria for lunch and going to the toilet when necessary, he spent the whole day in the classroom, studying, studying, only studying endlessly, living his own little life, blocking himself from the sight of others with his cold shell.

Quiet, and lonely!

However, the fortress he built had been destroyed. That man broke into the fortress with his own way. He was so powerful that there was no room for negotiation.


Usually, there were only three classes on Friday afternoon. The third class was a self-study class, which meant there would be no teacher in charge of this class.

As usual, Hua Ming planned to do all his homework for the weekend. Even now, he still went to tutor Lee Yunyun every week. The money he had saved up was already enough to pay Hsu Yan back, but he had never found a chance to talk to Hsu Yan properly. When they were together, either Hsu Yan was bullying him, or during class, or when there were a lot of people outside. As time passed, Hua Ming himself forgot about the matter. However, this was a matter of principle. He felt that he would definitely be able to find an opportunity to return the money.

Hsu Yan had not come to class for two periods, so Hua Ming was happy to be free. Just as he was seriously thinking about how to solve the problem, someone sat down beside him.

Hua Ming looked up and was a little surprised to see that it was Hsu Yan.

Hsu Yan looked at Hua Ming and said, "Come, follow me out."

"Where are you going? Class is still ongoing."

"What's there to go? It's not like there will be any teachers coming. Let's go, everyone is waiting outside."

Hua Ming felt that something was wrong and asked, "Where are you going?"

Hsu Yan smiled and said, "Doing something that will make your blood boil."

In the past few months, Hua Ming had almost forgotten what kind of person Hsu Yan was. It was only now that he clearly realized that Hsu Yan was really ignorant and incompetent. He often fought and was called School Bully by the people in the city.

Hua Ming was half threatened and half coaxed to skip class. Hsu Yan brought him out of the school gate. After walking for about a hundred meters or so, an abandoned old garage appeared in front of them. There were already twenty or thirty people waiting inside. Hua Ming had seen many of them before. During this period of time, Hua Ming had interacted with them before.

Hua Ming looked at the situation and felt even more uneasy in his heart. He clenched his hands tightly and his voice was even trembling a little. He asked Hsu Yan again what he wanted to do. Hsu Yan glanced at him indifferently and did not say anything. The two of them quickly arrived in front of the group of people.

Lu Linzhi raised his eyebrows and looked at Hua Ming, who was at a loss as to what to do and followed Hsu Yan. Then he turned to Hsu Yan and asked, "Why did you bring him here?"

"Why can't I bring him here? All the people who follow me, Hsu Yan, have experienced this."

At this moment, Hsu Yan still did not know how regretful he would be for what he did today.

Lu Linzhi shook his head and advised, "He's not like us. You shouldn't have brought him here."

Hsu Yan looked at Lu Linzhi in surprise, as if he did not expect his good friend to say such a thing. The corner of his mouth turned down to show that he was a little unhappy.

Lu Linzhi sighed and said, "Forget it, just pretend I didn't say anything."

He took a few steps back and stopped looking at Hsu Yan.

Yang Tianle carefully moved closer to Lu Linzhi and whispered, "Are you alright?"

Lu Linzhi shook his head and whispered to him, "Later, pull Hua Ming and hide. Don't come with us, okay?"

Yang Tianle pouted in dissatisfaction and complained, "Why? I can fight too. I'm good at fighting."

Lu Linzhi looked at him helplessly, "I know you can fight, that's why I asked you to protect others."

"Oh..." Hmph, he clearly did not want him to show off his might. Damn Lu Linzhi.

Hsu Yan glanced at one of the people in the arena and said lightly, "You'll know what to do later."

"I know."

Not long after, another group of people appeared at the other end of the garage. They were all wearing the school uniform of another school. Some of them even looked like hooligans from the society.

Someone in the crowd noticed and exclaimed, "Boss Hsu, they have external help from the society."

Hsu Yan glared at the person who spoke without any fear, "What are you afraid of? They are just a bunch of useless people."

"Pay attention to protecting yourself and the people around you who are weak."

The group of people stopped when they were dozens of meters away. The leader of the group looked like a monster. His strong muscles almost made his school uniform burst.

He glanced at Hsu Yan's side and suddenly burst into laughter. While laughing, he said, "Fuck, Hsu Yan, what kind of weaklings did you bring with you? They won't be here to make up the numbers, right? Haha, I'm dying of laughter. How much do you believe in yourself that you can beat me like this?"

Indeed, the people on Hsu Yan's side were all tall and thin, and could not compare to the fat heads and big ears on the other side.

Hsu Yan sneered and did not say anything. He had always been very arrogant. This time, he had arranged to have a group fight here because he had accidentally heard from the people on the other side that their City No.1 High School was like a chicken that had been slaughtered. They relied on their stinking money to be lawless. If they really fought, they would make them cry for their parents.

Some people could not take this lying down and asked Hsu Yan to help them vent their anger. Hsu Yan thought for a moment and agreed. First of all, he had not fought for a long time and wanted to relax his muscles and bones. Secondly, there were people who were crazier than him, which he could not bear.

When that person saw Hsu Yan ignoring him, his words became more and more unpleasant to hear. His eyes turned to Hua Ming, who was standing beside Hsu Yan, and his eyes instantly lit up. Then he laughed strangely, pointed at Hua Ming and said evilly: " Yo, Boss Hsu's subordinates really have all kinds of beauties. It's rare for a man to be so beautiful. Why? Boss Hsu has changed his taste recently and started to mess with men's butts. Why don't you lend it to me after the meeting is over? Isn't it better than women?"

Hua Ming's face turned pale, and he subconsciously pulled Hsu Yan.

Hsu Yan's face was already covered in dark clouds at this moment. His eyes were so dark and terrifying that it made Hu Tianlai feel afraid.

Hsu Yan looked at Hu Tianlai and said word by word, "Are you courting death?"

By the time Hu Tianlai realized that something was wrong, Hsu Yan had already kicked him in the stomach. He didn't know how Hsu Yan arrived in front of him in an instant. He was kicked to the ground and wailed in pain. When the people on both sides saw that Hsu Yan had already made a move, they immediately went forward and started fighting.

Taking advantage of the chaos, Hua Ming was pulled by someone and ran to a small corner to hide. Hua Ming took a look and saw that it was the yellow-haired youth who asked for protection money from him. Now he knew his name - Yang Tianle.

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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