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C6 Hope

Aria POV

I was doing the dishes in the kitchen when suddenly Becca rushed in screaming,


“Ugh Becca!, your screams would eventually damage my poor eardrums one day.” Ma’am Serena groaned.

“Sorry aunt Serena.” She giggled.

“But you have to come to the Veranda now Aria, Mr De’Leon Relatives are here, his aunt Salma and cousin Renee. Oh my days, they came with a lot of gifts, they said it’s all from Theodore.” She exclaimed with an excited squeal.

I tilted my head in confusion, “Really?”

“Of course girl, I told you, he’s so into you.” She gushed dramatically.

“Alright dear, you should go , don’t keep them waiting. I will prepare some snacks and bring them along.” Ma’am Serena offered with a smile.

I muttered a thank you before Becca squealed again and took my hands, pulling me out of the kitchen.

I got to the Veranda and Becca was right; there was a lot of gifts bags, wow!.

“Hi Ma’am.” I greeted the older woman politely.

“Call me aunt Salma dear.” She smiled at me, then turned to look at her daughter.

“Renee.” She said non-chalantly.

I smiled.

Then aunt Salma gave me a bigger bag, “try that on”

I nodded and took it to the room to change, Becca followed me.

I opened the box and saw a very gorgeous wedding dress.

“Wow, this is so beautiful Aria. I want my own Theodore too.” Becca whined playfully. I chuckled.

“Come on, try it on already.” She urged.

I pulled off the gown I was wearing and tried on the wedding dress, then stood in front of the mirror.

“you look so beautiful Aria.” She cooed with little tears of joy in her eyes.

“Becca.” I laughed at her reaction.

“Let’s show them.” She giggled and we walked out back to the Veranda.

“It’s really beautiful just like Renee guessed.” Aunt Salma complimented, then I turned to look at Renee.

“Yes, I picked it.” She smiled slightly, which looked forced.

“Thank you so much, I love it.” I said appreciatively with a wide smile.

She simply nodded in response, I guess she doesn’t talk much.

“We are glad you do.” Aunt Salma added instead.

Just then Ma’am Celine walked in, when she saw Aunt Salma and Renee, she forced a smile and walked towards me.

“Daughter, why didn’t you inform me we had guests?” She asked still smiling.

“You are so very much welcome.” She greeted them warmly.

“We didn’t want to bother, we just had to deliver the gifts.” Aunt Salma clarified.

Then Ma’am Celine turned to look at me, her eyes roamed over the wedding gown and I could see the disdain in her eyes, but she was quick to cover it up with a fake smile again.

“it looks very beautiful on you sweetie.” She choked out.

Sweetie?, I mentally rolled my eyes at her acting, she should definitely win an Oscar as the best actress.

“Come on, let’s have tea together before you go.” She suggested to aunt Salma, who nodded and looked at Renee.

“Alright, Renee?” She beckoned.

“It’s fine mom, I can just stay here with Aria.” Renee offered.

Then they left and it was just me and her. There was utter silence that clouded the room.

“Thanks for the dress again.” I spoke up, trying to form a conversation.

“Aria, can I ask you something?” She suddenly requested.

I nodded in response.

“Are you in love with my cousin brother?” She asked, staring at me intently.

“Uhm, I...I really don’t know, I mean we.. we just met.” I stuttered shyly.

“sorry I asked, I just wanted to know if you really want to get married to him and you aren’t being pressured, if you ever feel pressured, you don’t have to do it okay?.” She advised, but almost felt like she was trying to talk me out of the marriage, why?.

I simply nodded, not knowing what to say to her.

“Renee .” Aunt Salma called out to her.

“Think about it well.” She insisted and then left with her mom.

I sighed, I guess she really cares about her cousin.

I didn’t even know what to tell her, I’m not sure of my feelings for him yet.

I was also surprised when he insisted he wanted to marry me, could he already be in love with me?.

I blushed and shook my head to come back form my dreamy land.

I am not stupid, I am sure this marriage is all a business deal for dad. He’s selling me.

I gulped sadly at the thought of him getting rid of me, but the hope that I would be getting out of here soon and to probably somewhere better, gave me hope.

Soon, it was evening. Preparation for my engagement party was going on, it was tomorrow.

I was restless, I couldn’t sleep, so I decided to go to the swing.

I told Becca to cover for me, not that anybody would really notice, they seem so busy and I haven’t even seen dad around much these days.

I would just go and return quickly anyways.

I rode Silvia to our favorite place, but when I got there, the old rusty swing wasn’t there anymore, it was replaced with a brand new one.

“Wow, amazing.” I squealed like a little girl.

“I’m glad you like it.” I heard Theodore’s voice, I spun around in surprise.

“let me guess, you followed me again.” I smiled.

He chuckled, “kind of. I actually wanted to see you, I came to the mansion but I saw you leaving, so I decided to follow you.”

“Why did you want to see me?” I blushed.

He tucked the hair covering a little part of my face away,

“I wanted to see this, the way your face lits up when you blush.”

I giggled, my blush growing wider,

“but you could have seen it tomorrow.”

“Well, I couldn’t wait.” He shrugged, I looked away from him trying to hide my red cheeks.

“Did you change it?” I pointed to the swing, he nodded.

I felt my heart swell again in appreciation and without thinking, I hugged him.

I felt him stiffen, he was probably surprised.

“Thank you for everything, no one has ever done these for me.” I whispered and pecked him.

He looked at me as if he was studying every part of my face.

I smiled and walked to the swing, then sat on it.

“Push me, I want to go higher.” I giggled.

He chuckled and pushed me lightly, then slowly increased the effort.

The night got darker, it was getting late.

“It’s getting late now, I will head home.” I said trying to get on Silvia but he held my hands, stopping me.

“I will walk you home.” He offered.


“No buts Aria”

Our hands entwined as he held Silvia’s Leash in one hands.

This was so sweet, but I was also very scared, now Dad is going to find out I sneaked out of the house again.

We got to the gate of the mansion and I collected Silvia’s leash from him.

I smiled nervously, “thanks, but you should get going now.”

He ignored me and opened the gate, my heart was pounding loudly against my chest in fear.

He still held my hands and then we walked inside.

Dad was sitting at the Veranda with Ma’am Celine and Martina.

“Mr Romano, I hope you don’t get angry that I kept your princess out so late.” Theodore said.

I practically cringed at the word ‘princess’.

If only he knew, I was the complete opposite of that, but of course I can’t tell him.

Dad was his business partner, I wouldn’t want anything to affect that, moreover we would soon be married and I would be starting a new life with him and finally forget about all the torments I received in this mansion.

“It’s fine, she’s your wife after all.” Dad said with a forced smile.

“Alright then, I would take my leave, have a nice night.” He announced curtly to Dad and then turned to me, placing a kiss on my cheeks before he left.

I watched as he walked out of the gate, I gulped fearfully because my fantasy was over, I was back to my reality.

I was about going to my room when I heard,

“Aria!” Dad called out angrily, stopping me abrupt.

“Is this how you carry yourself!, you are a disgrace to the Romano family, going out with a man at this time of the night!” He chided.

“Dad please..” I tried explaining, but as always, he cut me off.

“You should be thanking us for doing you a Favor by finding you a husband, otherwise no man would ever marry a bad luck like you.” He snorted

“Is that why you gave him Martina even when he chose me initially!” I yelled back.

Everywhere went silent, ma’am Celine had a shocked expression, probably wondering how I found out, while Martina glared at me viciously.

His shocked look quickly adjusted into his usual hateful one,

“It’s a good thing you are getting married, take your badluck with you. Once you finally leave this mansion, there’s no coming back.” He gritted and stormed off angrily.

I cried bitterly, ma’am Serena and Becca rushed to meet me.

They hugged me.

“Why, why me?” I cried.

“It’s okay my child, it’s going to be over soon. You are getting married, you are leaving here to a better place, with a man who will treat you right, it’s okay dear.” Ma’am Serena comforted, rubbing my back soothingly.

I sniffled. she’s right, everything will be fine soon, I just have only one hope and that’s Theodore.

Renee POV

“Renee.” I heard my mom called.

“Are you asleep?” She asked.

“No mom.” I sat up.

“How are you?” She asked concernedly.

“Sad, bitter, depressed.” I groaned.

“All those gifts mom, we have been married for a year but I haven’t even received any from him. Heck! He doesn’t even acknowledge me as his wife.”

“I can’t sleep in his room, he doesn’t allow me to. I can’t touch him, I can’t talk to him.” I lamented bitterly.

“My dear girl.” She cooed, stroking my hair lovingly.

“I know, but we have to be patient.”

“For how long Mom, how long?. I am a witness to my own husband getting married to another woman!” I yelled in frustration.

“This is all for the revenge, you are his only wife, even if Theodore forgets that, Mrs Alexandra will never forget. This whole property, the wealth, everything would be ours someday, just a little patient.” Mom urged.

“I don’t even care about the wealth, I just want Theodore to be mine only.” I groaned tiredly.

“And he would, but not this way daughter, pull yourself together!” She chided, I nodded begrudgingly in response.

“goodnight my sweet girl.” She whispered in a much softer tone, then kissed my forehead and walked out of the room.

I threw the pillow at the door angrily.

If Theodore thinks he can get rid of me easily, he has another thing coming.

I will do everything in my power to make sure I remain the only woman in his life.

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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