Love for tomorrow/C10 Chapter 10
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Love for tomorrow/C10 Chapter 10
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C10 Chapter 10

For the next few days.....Wei Sihan has been going to work early and coming back late....he was so busy that they had not seen each other for a full week.

After a full week of practice Jia was ready for the run way so she was given a break.....She was extremely tired that...she slept for two consecutive days just waking up in between for a meal.

The butler and Jinhai as usual updated Wei Sihan about Jia's status each day after work.


The D-day for the run way finally arrived....the glamour had posted the solo photoshoot pics the day before earning massive amount of the turn out for the launch was expected to be extremely high which means nothing less than perfection was needed.

Jia felt very energetic after sleeping consecutively for two days.She woke up at noon since the launch would start at 5:00pm till 10:00pm....She went to the garden for a stroll....then went to check her studio she had been so busy that she dint confirm the items that the butler had purchased.

She walked in and saw the large glass table and the leather seat....Wei Sihan's employees indeed have a unique taste.

All things were extremely top notch and difficult to get....For a designer, the type of machines and materials show the outcome of the cloth and professionalism of the designer.....which is what Wei Sihan was trying to tell Jia by purchasing expensive materials for her.

She smiled in satisfaction then locked the door and went out.


By 3:00pm, Jinhai and Xiaobai had already arrived...She had instructed them to arrive abit early to avoid traffic jam and avoid colliding with the reporters and other guests.

They left the villa and on the way Xiaobai chatted with Jia li.

"Jia you've not yet introduced your husband to me am so eager to see who caught the block of wood's heart."

Jia then recalled that the other time Wei Sihan had glasses and a face mask so no one could identify him.

Jia then recalled that its been a while since he saw him.

Then looked at Xiaobai and replied.

"Ive not seen him for the past check on him after the launch he must have been busy."

"You live in the same house and yet you've not seen him for a week...My gosh Jia learn to keep your man on toes who knows maybe he is out there having an affair."

She turned and looked at Jia then continued..."especially since you've know" she winks at Jia as she smiles happily.

Jinhai who was keenly following the conversation sighed helplessly....then said .."boss you are in big trouble...Madam's friend is misleading your wife."

Seeing that Jia did not comment anything about it....Jinhai decided to defend his boss..."Madam...i dont think the boss can cheat on you...he is probably busy with something."

He was told not to inform Jia about the ring so he came up with an excuse.

"Hmppph! what do you even know about men.....Just do your work and mind your own business." Xiaobai declared angrily then looked at Jia...

"You better be careful...dont come to me when your about i give you tips on how to make your husband fall in love with you." Xiaobai smiles cunningly.

Jinhai scratches his head worriedly...then speaks..."how about you use those tips to get yourself a man....mmmh." he laughs hysterically.

"Who gave you the permission to talk." Xiaobai eyes Jinhai.

They continue to bicker after ten minutes....tired of hearing their annoying voices Jia finally speaks...

"How about you both shut up."

"Yes boss."

"Yes madam."

After ten minutes they pullover at Glamour's parking lot then go to the main building.

The launch is to take place at the first floor.....beside it is where the models would change into their outfits and come out from.....

They both go to the backstage...Jinhai stands at the door while Xiaobai and Jia goes in...

The beautiful swan

"President...You have received an invitation from....

Before he could finish his statement Wang li heard..."Just throw it away....I wont go...should i remind you your job?"

Wei Sihan has been angry for the past few days....he was like a ticking bomb....he didn't expect designing the ring would be too hard and would consume alot of time denying him time to spend with his little wifey.

No one dared to approach him except his personal assistant Wang li..... During this week Wang li was forced to work overtime babysitting the cold CEO....Wei Sihan would force people to repeat proposals and find the slightest mistake on the report.

"But President....the glamour will launch its new product and from sources ive heard that madam will be the main focus are some of the pics that glamour posted yesterday.....Madam's fan base has grown."

Wang li moves forward trying his get Master to go.

Wei Sihan looks at the phone and the coldness that he had disappears immediately he smiles gently snatching Wang li's phone.

"Cancel all my appointments and go buy 100flowers I'll hand them over after the launch."

The President smiles and speaks gently after a full week of torture....Wang li heaves a sigh of relief then replies...

"Yes,President"....he goes out but before he unlocked the door he turned around and spoke...."President...ive forgotten my phone." he receives a cold glare then laughs awkwardly.

"Hahaha...President please carry on." He hurriedly leaves.

Wei Sihan goes into the office bedroom to prepare himself....He showers then puts on a new white suit with dark glasses looking extremely handsome.

He looks at his rolex watch then noticed that he has about an hour and a half....

A drive to glamour will take about 45minutes if there is no traffic jam....He goes out then finds Wang li waiting for him beside the car....Wang li opens the door then drives away.

They arrived at exactly 15minutes to five.

"President....I suggest we use the backdoor to avoid drawing too much attention....which will lead us to the back seats....ive checked the seats...its more suitable to seat at the corner and the view is also good."

Wei Sihan hums silently then they go in.


"I want the other dress.".....Jiang Yan angrily shouts pointing at Jia li's dress...."But Miss the dresses have been chosen according to one's size and according to one's style....all dresses have been carefully selected we cant make any necessary changes as of now."

"Are you saying that am ugly thats why you gave me this dress .....mmmmmh paaaaaaah...."she slaps the co-ordinator.

Jiang Yan was still angry about the pictures posted by glamour....Once again Jia li had outshined her she was looking for a chance to take out her anger...and looks like she eventually found it.

Zhang Yue had been ignoring her ever since he came to the set. She was extremely angry due to the turn of events.....when she arrived she had whispers about Jia li's dress and wanted it for herself.

"Miss thats not what i mean am only doing my work by following instructions." She replied.

"Jiang please calm down...control your temper for now this will affect you if it gets out publicly." Her manager tries to calm her down.

" not done yet i deserve a better treatment."

"What's going on here....the guests are arriving please dont cause a scene Miss Jiang Yan....I chose the dresses according to one's personality...dont take your anger out on my staff....if there is a problem I'll deal with it but since there is no problem.... Prepare yourself... I'll discipline my workers myself."

The manager was extremely frustrated and angry because of Jiang Yan's treatment.....Jiang Yan was extremely unprofessional and creating dramas was all she could do.

The manager then takes a look at Jiang Yan once more then goes to other models.

She goes to the room assigned to Jia li....and sees her preparing herself....Jia li was to walk down the red carpet the last the dress she wore was the main focus of the event...Its a designer evening gown with only ten produced in the world hence most models were looking forward to it but no one got the chance.

Libre Baskerville
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