Love for tomorrow/C12 Chapter 12
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Love for tomorrow/C12 Chapter 12
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C12 Chapter 12

The office

Wei Sihan walks in the office building hand in hand with Jia... They draw everyone's attention.

"Woaah am i dreaming...Our workaholic President arrived past nine today and he is holding a woman....this is so unbelievable."

"Oh My Gosh...they are a perfect match..... She's so beautiful.... aaaagh am so envious look at her skin."

Jia li and Wei Sihan went straight to the elevator with no care in the world.

Wang li knocks twice on the door then comes in...."Good morning President and Mrs President....allow me to read today's schedule."

Wei Sihan looks at him then speaks nonchalantly..."Go on."

" At ten o'clock, you have the monthly meeting with all departments."

"At two o'clock you have a meeting with the French ambassador."

"At six o'clock...

"Cancel the evening meeting." Wei Sihan interrupted him.

"Okay... President."

"Prepare the meeting room."

"Can i attend the meeting with you?" Jia looks at Wei Sihan cutely.

Wei Sihan thinks for a minute....then she hears...."If its too confidential then its okay there is no need for me to go."

"Your the CEO's wife of course its not confidential to you....Prepare a seat for my wife next to me.."he looks at Wang li.


At around ten minutes past ten.....

Jua and Wei Sihan walked hand in hand towards the meeting room....Wang li opened for them the door then they both walked in....All managers stood up showing respect then sat down immediately after Jia and Wei Sihan sat.

They all look at the beautiful woman sitting quietly next to the President...

Wei Sihan turns to her then whispers gently..."when your tired or hungry tell me." Jia then nods.

Wei Sihan signalled for them to start the meeting.

After around twenty minutes...Jia tapes Wei Sihan's shoulders....Wei Sihan looks at her then bends down...Jia tries to whisper....which is heard by everyone they look at each awkwardly...."I need a sketchbook and a pencil." Wei Sihan nods then tells Wang li.

The managers whisper among themselves who is this girl that can freely order the the extent that he bends down.

President then looks up and signals the other officials to carry on with the presentation.

After a few minutes Wang li comes back with a box of pencils,an eraser, a big sketch book and a sharpener then hands them to Jia.

Jia moves forward then draws leaning on the table.

After about an hour....She gets bored then takes a nap....Wei Sihan informs the manager's to lower their voices while presenting no one dared to make noise so as not to wake up the CEO's woman.

Wei Sihan adjusted Jia's posture.... by putting her on his lap then tells Wang li to bring a quilt and lower the temperature.

The cold temperature has never once been lowered as that is always the CEO's preference.

The meeting lasted for about 4hours.....Wei Sihan carried Jia back to his office then laid her on his bed. Leaving the manager's in shock.

They gather beside Wang li bounding him with questions....

"200yuan per question." Wang li speaks proudly.

The managers dipped their hands in their pockets then handed him.

"Its time for me to enjoy benefits of being a personal assistant..." Wang li whispered proudly counting the the imaginary amount of money he will make after.

After thirty minutes, he walked out of the meeting room proudly counting his money.


Jia woke up thirty minutes later....She looked at the unfamiliar environment then recalled that Wei Sihan must have carried her back....She opened the door then went to Wei Sihan's main office....He found him discussing work with two men....

Wei Sihan saw her then released his employees then ordered Wang li to warm the food.

"what's the time?" Jia asked.

"its 2:30pm...Ive brought the script...lets eat first then you can look at it after."

Wang li walked in pushing a trolly full of food....

Wei Sihan had already gotten accustomed to Jia's favorite he had ordered beforehand.....he served Jia food then fed her...

After eating....Wei Sihan went to meet the foreign leaders while Jia remained in the office reading the script.

After reading for about 40minutes.....she finally made up her mind to was indeed a good script the third female lead seemed more suitable due to her personality.

The third female lead 'Xiarou'...was an introvert naive girl who was bullied each time but one time she met an injured old lady....then she saved her...the old lady was a fortune teller...she changed Xiarou's life from being the girl who was being bullied to seeking revenge.

Although it was not the main role but it was on par with the main role.....and Jia loved 'Xiarou's' character.

"Let's go for dinner...." Wei Sihan walked in after the meeting....

Jia nodded her head then kept the script inside her bag...Wei Sihan kept his documents then followed Jia to the elevator.

Most employees had not yet left...they were still astonished seeing the couple...


After ten minutes, they arrived at the hotel....The hotel is just a ten minutes walk from the company but Wei Sihan insisted that...she didn't want to tire her by walking so they drove.

They walked in and were lead to the VIP room by the manager....after placing their orders they began eating.

Jia finished her meal then excused herself and went to the bathroom.

On the way back, she met Zhang Yue who was having dinner with a client.

He held Jia's hand then pulled her forcefully into his embrace..."So now you sleep with rich can you afford this place."...he seemed to recall something then continued.

"Oooh, thats why you were able to land a role in the glamour....since you have the audacity to sleep around how about i taste you after all i know you still love me."

Jia was extremely pissed that she slapped him.."Your so shameless let me go."

"How dare you slut slap me mmmhh.".....he bent down trying to forcefully kiss her but before he could he received a strong kick on his thigh let going Jia.

Jia then stumbled backwards but was held by Wei Sihan..

She felt his farmiliar masculine scent then smiled.

"Are you okay?" his deep voice rang worriedly.

"Am okay." Wei Sihan heaved a sigh of relief then turned to Wang li and spoke..."teach him a lesson how dare he mess with my wife."

Zhang Yue who had not yet recovered looked up and saw Wei Sihan's cold glare he shivered....then quickly spoke afraid of what will happen to him...."President Wei am sorry i din't know that she's your wife."

He had heard rumors about Wei Sihan being the head of the world's underground assasin group and that he was extremely ruthless and dangerous ....but no one had confirmed it but will he really be the one to confirm the rumors No.

"Let him be, he is just a useless man." Jia finally spoke.

Hearing Jia call him useless...he felt extremely betrayed...then he looked at her...seeing her expressionless face he thought that Jia was over him.

How can that be after all I am her first love.

He thought for a minute then concluded that she might still love him seeing that she was pleading for his life.

But the next statement shattered his thoughts.

Wei Sihan looked at Jia thinking that Jia might still be in love with him he sighed silently feeling helpless.

Wei Sihan has always wanted to look for a chance to deal with him but he did not want to destroy his image infront of Jia....Their relationship was still on progress so he couldn't show his dark side yet.

Seeing him she suddenly realized his thoughts then continued..."dont get me wrong i just dont want you to dirty your hands with this piece of shit....he is not worth your attention."

Wei Sihan smiled then turned to him "dont you dare show,touch or even think about my wife ever....i wont be so soft again....LEAVE."

"Yes , President." He stood up and quickly limped away.

"Next time just shout for help...dont endure it.....lets go home."



Zhang Yue went back to his private room...he was in deep thoughts and seemed extremely annoyed that he cancelled the meeting and went home.

He couldn't sleep that night.

He couldn't accept the fact that Wei Sihan was better than him in everything and that he married Jia....The person who still held a large part of his heart.

He looked at the figure sleeping soundly beside him and he felt disgusted with himself.

The reason why he chose Jiang Yan was that Jia could not satisfy his desires...

She could not let him touch her which frustrated him but the moment Jiang Yan seduced him....they had agreed to have a hidden affair but were eventually discovered.

Jiang Yan was just a spoilt girl who depended on her parents and him.

After a while he sighed....then spoke silently..."this is the life I chose I'll just bear with it till i become rich and powerful to take back Jia." Thinking of that made him happy that he slept soundly.


"Young Master,Young Miss welcome home." The butler moved forward and took Wei Sihan's and Jia's coat.

They both go upstairs....Jia received a call from Xiaobai.

"Jia I have good news...Allen contacted me...she said that she couldn't find your manager's email so she had no option....She wants to sign you up for a full time model....what do you think?" She remains silent for a few seconds then continued.

"I think its a good opportunity."

" Lemme talk to my manager about it first... I'll give you a feedback tomorrow morning."

"okay." Jia hangs up the call then goes to Wei Sihan's room. She knocked twice then Wei Sihan opens the door his hair trickling with water....looks like he just had a bath.

"Missed me? " he teases her.

"keep dreaming." Jia replies straightforwardly.

" I want to discuss something with you."

"okay...come in."

Jia follows him and stares at the large dark bedroom.

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