Love for tomorrow/C24 Chapter 24
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Love for tomorrow/C24 Chapter 24
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C24 Chapter 24

She walked then saw Wei Sihan's silhouette facing her.....He was dressed in a white suit. He was so handsome one hand was kept behind him while his other hand held a bouquet of flowers which seemed to be around a hundred roses.

Jia walked slowly towards him staring deep into his blue eyes passionately. She stood a step infront of him then suddenly he kneeled down then handed her the flowers. Her smile was not hidden she smiled brightly at the sight before her.

Calling him the most handsome man in the country was an understatement.....he was the most handsome man he had ever seen.

She took the flowers then smelt was so refreshing her anger immediately dissapeared.

"Wifey....I may not know how to love you but that doesn't mean I dont love you any less....You are the sunshine that cleared my darkness.....Seeing you each and every morning lightens my day, seeing you each and every night brightens up my evening. This is the beginning of our own chapter and story.....from this day on let me love and pamper you as the queen you deserve. " After saying that he opened the box....the ring was so bright and beautiful.

Jia looked at was indeed one of a kind.

"I made this ring myself.....this is how much I love you.."

He stood up then placed the ring on Jia's beautiful hands.

"Its so beautiful." Jia finally spoke admiring her hand.

"Of course...its the only ring in the world made by me...WEI SIHAN so it must be beautiful." The narcissist stated proudly.

"Its not that pretty anyway...lets eat." Jia replied trying to anger him.

Wei Sihan moved the chair for her to sit then went around and sat facing her.

"Mmh yummy..." Jia moaned as she tasted the food.

"You should normalize cooking from now on."

"Whatever my wife wants." Wei Sihan blushed.

After dinner they went to the hot water spring for a swim.

"This is so refreshing....." Jia sighed while sipping a glass of wine.


Jiang Yan dressed up then sneakily went back to the house.....He met Zhang Yue who was driving in from work...he would attyms come back or send his assistant to bring him clean clothes.

He got out of the car then saw Jiang Yan walking in with a short tight dress.

"Where are you coming from?" He asked.....

He felt abit guilty ignoring her so he decided to come back to the house.

"Why are you dressed like that?" He asked impatiently.....

"I went to the club.... Of course....Dad was so angry so he refused to help me.....You ignored me in turn was I supposed to wait and cry all day." Jiang Yan replied.

"Enough.....we just want you to learn how to be more responsible and be more like your older sister." Jiang Yan became agitated hearing Zhang Yue compare her she shouted.....

" Dont you dare mention her name....Its not always about her." She spoke acting like the victim.

"Fine...your my fiancee anyway.....lets go in."


The next morning, Wei Sihan prepared breakfast then after breakfast they went out.

"Lets go hiking....there is a beautiful scenery on top of the mountain where you will take good pictures."

"And the weather is quite nice today.....dress warmly."

"Okay....lemme bring my equipments."

They drove then packed near the mountain....they walked for the rest of the journey.....As they climbed it became extremely cold. Jia started sneezing.

"Your going to catch a cold....lets go back first."

"No we have come a long way just to go back....No way.....Am fine dont worry...Its useless going down let's just continue walking ill take pictures as fast as I can then we will go back."

They were already more than half way up the mountain.

Wei Sihan sighed defeatedly....He took out his jacket then helped her put on...

"Put mine on then...dont be so stubborn take care of your body."

"I told you to dress warmly but you ended up with this..." He sighed looking at her.

"Mmh, got it."

After thirty minutes, they arrived at the top of the was extremely beautiful Jia took alot of pictures.....He ended up making Wei Sihan take endless pictures of her.

"This is not good enough."

"I look to short in this retake."

"I look too fat.....Cant you just take good pictures."

"This is nice..... hearing that Wei Sihan smiled receiving the complement but the next statement shut down his hopes completely.... but you dint focus on my face."

"Never mind....I cant expect a workaholic like you to know everything let alone photography." Jia spoke looking at the photos Wei Sihan had taken of her.

Wei Sihan felt frustrated he had tried his best considering all the comments she had said and clicked more than a hundred photos.

He turned and look at Murphy...they looked at each other as if communicating seeing Murphy shake his head he sighed silently.

What was wrong with women and photos....he looked at the photos once more...

"They all look fine to me."

"What do men even know...." Jia replied hurriedly.

"Here lemme show you..." Jia spoke clicking Murphy's photo then she showed Wei Sihan...

" See the difference."

"I think it still looks the same.....mine looks way better." Wei Sihan replied seriously.

"Forget it am going back.....your so useless." Wei Sihan scratched his head feeling ashamed. He turned then saw Murphy trying his best to hide his laughter.

"I dare you to laugh." He warned angrily.

When they arrived Jia went and changed then went straight to the hot water spring.....She sat inside the pool looking at the pictures Wei Sihan had taken.

I guess ill just have to edit and post them. She began editing then after twenty minutes she took her phone then logged in her weibo account.

Ever since Jiang Yan had caused a scandal she had not logged in....She looked at the massive followers almost Five million then went to the fan group that she had created....She had about a hundred thousand fans who had joined.

She posted her photo then captioned it....

"Went hiking with my favorite person."

Oh my gosh....goddess Jia is finally online. Her fans responded happily...In about five minutes she had over a hundred likes and comments.

"She looks so beautiful."

"Is our goddess in love?"

"It seems so."

"goddess Jia quickly show us who is the lucky guy."

Dont worry ill post him soon for now he wants privacy... Jia replied seeing her fans comments.

"Oh my gosh she replied."

"goddess Jia you promised us a video....we are eargerly waiting."

Its coming soon...Jia replied back.

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