Love for tomorrow/C28 Chapter 28
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Love for tomorrow/C28 Chapter 28
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C28 Chapter 28

"Jia ive received so many endorsements.....should I reject them?" Jia's phone rang...she picked up the heard Xiaobai's voice. She thought for a while then replied...

"Contract signing will take about two weeks then another two weeks before filming officially starts get me as many endorsements as I can...Wei Sihan is on a business trip...he might not be back anytime soon I want to keep myself busy."

"Okay ill come over now so that we can choose."


Jia took her phone then tried calling Wei Sihan but found out that his phone was switched off....he texted him..." take care of yourself."

She stood up then went to the bathroom to washed up....then went downstairs for breakfast.

Xiaobai arrived a few minutes later.....She opened her laptop then scrolled through her emails.

"Jia before I came I did a background check on the companies....ive selected a few that seem suitable here have a look." She said as she handed Jia the laptop.

Jia looked at the "a few" that Xiaobai was talking about....She selected three then spoke.

"Contact the managers and find out their schedule....if they are colluding with each other....if not settle them immediately."


The butler walked in then bowed...

" Young Miss the professional team are here to see you."

Jia looked up then said .."bring them in." She had forgotten about filming a short video ever since she mentioned it she never thought about it anymore.

Six people walked in carrying gadgets then stood before her.

"Have a seat." They sat down then the leader stood and spoke...."Miss Jia, President Wei asked us to help you film a short video....we are at your call whenever your ready."

"Okay.....lets do that tomorrow afternoon.." She turned then looked at Xiaobai...." Find us a good spot where we can film a short video with a good scenery....I want to use it to build my fan base."

"Thats a good idea.....Im on leaving." Jia nodded.

"You can leave your details I'll contact you tomorrow when we get a suitable venue."


"Hello, President Gao....did I get a role?"

" me at 2:00pm at the hotel."

"Okay." Jiang Yan replied excitedly.....her efforts had paid off...she thought about how famous she would be after Revenge gets aired on.....she giggled happily thinking of that.


"When will K arrive?" Nikita asked...

"Soon....they just left the airport Zichen just picked him up." Echo replied.

Nikita, Echo and Zichen were K's loyal subordinates they were recruited when they were around ten years old.....Wei Sihan saved them from a mysterious organization used for children trafficking....ever since, they decided to be loyal and devoted their lives to him.

He built the red assassin mainly for one reason....To Avenge his parent's death....he suspected the mysterious organization to have something to do with it but had not yet confirmed his suspicions. So every two months he would dissapear and go there to check on the progress despite forming it ten years ago he still could not find anything.

K walked in majestically nobody knew his true identity apart from Echo, Nikita ,Murphy,Zichen and his assistant Wang Li....He walked in wearing all black and covered in a mask then went and sat on the king like seat preserved for him.

"Master K...." Echo and Nikita spoke at once then bowed.

"Welcome back...."

"What is so urgent that you guys cannot handle." His loud voice rang.

"Any information."

"None yet ." they lowered their heads feeling guilty.

"Master K the leaders have scheduled a meeting tonight." Wei Sihan nodded calmly.

"Am going to rest....ill meet them later." He stood up then walked upstairs to his room....He looked at the dark room that was filled with knives,guns and daggers he opened another door then lay on his bed then slept.

This was his life before marrying Jia Li.....Wei group was just one of his many hobbies to cover his organization he could not reveal himself yet.....forming red assassin and making it the biggest organization worldwide in 3yrs came with a price and that was offending numerous people. But he was so powerful so they could not offend him directly. After all nobody was his match.

After two hours, he woke up then opened his phone he looked at Jia's message then replied...

"Its not safe to contact you for now....Dont call... I'll get another phone to message you." After replying he shut off his phone then went to shower.

"Master K the leaders are here." Zichen spoke immediately he saw him....Wei Sihan nodded his head then walked to the meeting room.

The leaders stood up as they watched him walking coldly. They sat down after he sat..

"Speak." Wei Sihan spoke coldy.

"Master K, empire organization have been attacking the industry...we have managed to stop them but i dont think we can hold on.....Most of our men are injured what should we do?"

Aside from taking different missions, the red assasins are the biggest manufacturers of guns...So the empire have been trying to get them to sell their guns for them but Wei Sihan has never agreed. So they began attacking them.

Wei Sihan thought for a while then folded his legs and replied..."Let them be.....we will fight back once and for all.....Prepare yourselves."

The meeting went for about two hours then Wei Sihan left....all matters were usually handled by Zichen....he would come back once in a while to handle the important decisions that Zichen could not handle.

He walked out of the room with Zichen behind him.

"K here is the document you wanted concerning the Young Miss's investigation."

"You can go." Wei Sihan took it then went to his study. He looked at the document in shock after a few seconds he closed it then spoke silently stroking his chin...

"What is Xia Ren really hiding." He removed his mask took out a small phone from his drawer compartment then called Zichen...

"Investigate Xia Ren and Fen Hua find out what they are hiding." After that he hung up then called Wang Li.

"President...." Wang Li spoke.

"Get me Jia's DNA test."

"But President."

"Find a way I dont pay you a high salary just to sit around."

" Yes President."

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