Love for tomorrow/C29 Chapter 29
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Love for tomorrow/C29 Chapter 29
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C29 Chapter 29

"How will you repay me?" President Gao spoke looking at Jiang Yan...

He pulled Jiang Yan then kissed her ferociously...Jiang Yan then pulled back and whispered on his ears.

"Dont ever contact me....this did not happen.." She took out her phone then clicked a video of them having sex.

"If you dare to say a word I'll bring you down with me." She threatened him then walked out.

"That stupid bitch did she think she is the only one with evidence Hmmph." He hit the table angrily.


"Jia isn't that your sister Jiang Yan?" Xiaobai spoke.

"Yeah....lets go find out what she's been up to.." Jia smiled wickedly.

The hotel was under the Wei group....Wei Sihan had brought her here a few times so the manager knew Jia's identity.

"Mrs Wei how can I help you?" The manager immediately bowed when she saw Jia walking towards her.

"Get me the hotel's records for the past two months."

"Okay...have a rest here I'll go bring the documents." Jia nodded calmly then sat down patiently.

"What time will Manager Si arrive?" Jia asked Xiaobai....

"He said he would be here in about thirty minutes....."


Manager Si was in charge of the company that Jia Li chose to endorse....they will be signing the contract today.

"Ooh by the way....Ive found a place for the take a look." She handed Jia the phone.

"Its quite affordable ive managed to book the venue... tomorrow afternoon.."

"Not bad....this can do contact the professional team about it.."

"Okay boss."

"Mrs Wei, these are the records for everyone that checked in and out for the past two months." The manager handed Jia the documents.

Jia looked at her wrist watch then saw she still had time she quickly flipped the pages looking for Jiang Yan's name but couldn't find it.

"Do you know the man Jiang Yan was with the other time?" She asked Xiaobai.

"Yeah President Gao he owns an entertainment company and he is one of Revenge's investors."

"I see." She flipped then saw he had booked the room around six times...She smiled then looked at the manager....Get me the surveillance footage for this room."

"Yes Mrs Wei."

"Just call me Jia.....when am alone."

"okay Miss Jia." He bowed then walked away.

"Jia what do you plan to do." Xiaobai asked curiously.

"Nothing at the moment....ill keep it for future use." She smiled looking at the records.

Xiaobai looked at her phone then whispered..."Manager Si has arrived."

Jinhai opened the door then Manager Si walked in....he was around 31years old....

Jia stood up then stretched her hand..

"Manager Si." He shook it then nodded his head...

"Finally I get to meet the upcoming superstar...Its an honor working with you."

"The honor is all mine." Jia smiled.

"Ill cut the have a look at the contract."

Jia flipped the contract then passed it to Jinhai who nodded in return.

"I see no problem..." Xiaobai handed her a pen then signed it.

"Welcome to Deluxe Jewellery brand.....I look forward to our co-operation." After saying that he shook Jia's hand.

"Thank you Manager Si."

"Ill take my leave." Jia nodded then spoke..."I'll walk you out."

"No need...have a good afternoon."

"You too Manager Si."

"That went well..." Xiaobai spoke....

"When should I schedule the other meetings?" Xiaobai asked....

"After filming the video for now prepare for the venue and everything."

"Dont worry Jia I won't dissapoint you."

"Miss Jia here is surveillance footage." The Manager came back then handed Jia a small USB flash.

"Thank you."

"Is there anything else?"

"No....this will do for now."

"Then ill take my leave."

"okay." She stood up then walked out with Jinhai and Xiaobai following her.

"Where to Jia?"

"Home." She answered nonchalantly.

She recalled Wei Sihan's message its been a day yet she missed him so much. She sighed silently then went back to her car.


"Young Miss welcome back." The butler spoke....Jia went upstairs then showered....She walked out of her room then went to her studio....She stood at the main door then remember something....


"Yes Young Miss."

"Did you change my toothbrush and towels."

"Yes Young Miss... Master has OCD so he changes his personal items every he requested to do the same for you."

Jia uttered an 'ooh' then walked out.She wanted to keep herself busy each and every time to avoid thinking about Wei Sihan.

"Hello..." Her phone rang.

"Ive heard that you got the main role?" Lu San asked.

"Of course...Cant I?"

"Lets celebrate...first for getting the female role and for the first film we'll be working together....I know you are a bit bored since Wei Sihan went for a business trip..... I'll come keep you company."

Before she could reply she didn't need it....he had hanged the call....Lu San was extremely troublesome thats why Jia always avoided him.


"Did you manage to get anything?" Wang Li asked the maid impatiently.

He had sent an undercover maid to Xia's mansion to help retrieve Xia Ren and Fen Hua's personal items for a DNA test but had not yet gotten any report which made him very anxious.

"Not yet...No one is allowed to go into their bedroom.... I am a gardener so its abit hard accessing their utensils but I have a plan I'll give you a feedback by tomorrow noon."

"You better do."


"Master insider has informed us of an attack tonight what should we do?"

"We fight back once and for all then take over their territory.....They dare to provoke me." Zichen looked at him in fear seeing his cold smile.

"Alert everyone.....also get me a new phone."

"Yes Master."

Wei Sihan was extremely skilled in Martial arts...The Wei family has been one of the most powerful families so their power were passed on generations from generations..... Every Wei family's heir was supposed to pass through training for 5years before taking over the business as they had a lot of enemies so Wei Sihan was not an exception. He had never missed a target.


"Old Master welcome."

"Are you here for the Young Master?He went for a business trip." The butler spoke seeing Old Wei's alighting from the car.. He had heard about Wei Sihan's business trip so he decided to come to the mansion to look at her granddaughter-in-law.

"Where is my granddaughter-in-law?" He asked impatiently.

"In the studio Old Master....Let me take you there."

He brought Old Master Wei to the studio then left....Old Master Wei walked in then saw a tiny silhouette sitting on the floor drawing something seriously he looked around the studio then smiled in satisfaction.

"Indeed my grandson dint dissapoint me." Jia heard a voice then turned back she stood up then bowed..."Grandpa."

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