Love for tomorrow/C30 Chapter 30
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Love for tomorrow/C30 Chapter 30
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C30 Chapter 30

"That brat left you alone...." Old Master wei walked forward towards Jia.

Jia stood up then bowed respectfully. "No need to be so courteous with me....That brat is not around how about you come and stay with me at the Wei family mansion for a while..."

"Grandpa am fine here." Jia said softly.

"That Brat wont let me see you." Old Wei acted pitiful pretending to snob.

"Okay.." Jia reluctantly agreed seeing his show.

"Hahahaha...thats good then..... continue drawing lemme make some calls." He went out cheerfully then picked up his phone.

"Old Chao lets have a game of mahjong tomorrow."

"Uh-huhh at the house."

"Okay see you soon."

"Old Lu....long time..."

"Old Wei we are just neighbors...I just saw you this morning." Old Lu replied sternly.

"Lets have a game of mahjong like old times at my house."

" better behave yourself your so old yet still playful."

Old Wei's call went on for two hours. Jia looked at him suspiciously...what was this old man up to. After inviting all his friends....he walked to Jia then looked at her sketches.

"Not will make a good designer in future."

"Thank you....these are just rough sketches for practice I plan on having my own brand after modelling."

"Thats good indeed.."

"Help me design a suit."

"No i dont think am on that level yet.."

"How about this.....I have an old friend who owns Zivri designs...Carry your sketches then we will show him...he will judge."

Zivri designs was the number one fashion brand in the country....Each designer was a top notch it is said that the Old Master was mysterious and that he had no disciples....Many people wanted to be his disciples but his reply was always...."Not good enough."

He was also Jia's role model.

"Thank you grandpa...I wont disappoint you."

"I know you wont....when will you move in?"

"Tomorrow afternoon...after I handle everything."

"My assistant will pick you up."

"Okay grandpa.... I'll walk you out."

Jia held Old Wei's hand then walked him back to his car....He smiles happily knowing he had accomplished his mission.

She went back to her work on the sketches after two hours she walked out then went to the main house.

"Young Miss dinner is ready." the butler spoke.

Jia walked to the dining room then sat down....She looked at Wei Sihan's seat then sighed pitifully he missed him so much this was also one of the reasons she had agreed to move in the Wei's family mansion.

She looked at the butler then said....

"Help me pack up my things tomorrow ill stay with grandpa for a while." She thought for a while then continued.

"Also pack my sketches,books and all other drawing materials from the studio."

"Yes Young Miss."

"Inform Jinhai of the same....he will move in with me."

"Okay...ill take my leave first." The butler left then Jia ate quietly, after dinner she went upstairs took a shower then logged into her weibo account then posted.

"I'll post the video tomorrow at 9:00pm....Stay tuned."

"The goddess is online."

"Oh My Gosh I cant wait...I cant wait to see my goddess."

"What do you think is the main theme?"

"Yes goddess tell us."

"You will see tomorrow...what's the fun in it if I leak it." Jia replied.

"goddess your so mysterious."

Her fan group had reached a million.....She was now used to chatting and interacting with her fans this news spread which led to an increase in number of fans and followers....She had now reached 20million followers.


The next morning, Jia met with the other brand endorsers then signed a contract....After that they went to the venue....the team that Wei Sihan had got her had already arrived at the venue. One of the videographers walked towards her then greeted her politely then asked her...

"What is the main theme of the shoot and video?"

"I want to portray something natural and beautiful...."

"Come I have the right outfit for that."

They walked towards the changing room then showed Jia a couple of historical clothes....

"I had prepared this in advance as I knew they would look really good in you and would suit you."

Jia picked a white dress....mixed with green then looked at it in satisfaction then nodded her head.

"Good Choice Miss Jia....You can change first then do your make up we will begin with a photo shoot then a small video."

Jia nodded then he walked out.

"Jia this is a good will look extremely beautiful."

"I know...."

After about twenty minutes Jia walked out.....She was extremely beautiful....her long legs made her look extremely young and more pretty.....She walked slowly yet elegantly.

Everyone on set was mesmerized by her beauty...The photographer began taking pictures as soon as Jia came out he had never seen a person look so beautiful in a traditional costume.

"Lets take a few pictures." He clicked several pictures then nodded in satisfaction.

"Walk towards the flowers then pick one of them." His main focus was to let Jia blend with the nature....Jia did as instructed....After about an hour they had concluded.

"Miss Jia is extremely professional I thought we would take some time....luckily its done."

"Yeah she is also very kind and lovable."

"Am her fan from now on."

"Me too."

The rest of the team commented Jia went and changed back then walked towards the photographer.

"Will you be able to finish editing the video and photos by 8:00pm.....I want to post them at 9:00pm for my fans."

"Sure I'll send you the video before time."

"Miss Jia it was nice working with you.....Contact me if you need to take another video." Jia shook his hand then nodded her head.

"Thank you all for your hard work." She said.

"Its not a problem Miss Jia."


Hearing that she went back to the car.

"Xiaobai am moving in with grandpa Wei....Its abit far from the city so you dont need to fetch me anymore."

"Okay.." Xiaobai replied.

"Jinhai we'll drop Xiaobai first then head to the villa to pick up my things."

"Young Miss the butler sent your things to the mansion in the morning."

"Okay fine.....then drop Xiaobai first then head off the the Mansion directly."

"Yes Miss."

Jia lay her head down then slept....A drive to the mansion will take about an hour and a half at most plus dropping Xiaobai probably two hours she might as well sleep.

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