Love for tomorrow/C38 Chapter 38
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Love for tomorrow/C38 Chapter 38
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C38 Chapter 38

"Hold on missy...we are almost there....gosh." Lu San tried holding Jia's arm..

"Its hot its so hot...." Jia spoke trying to pull her dress off.

"Dont do that little missy.....Your husband will kill me."

"We are here..." He spoke driving into the compound.

"Wei Sihan relax am sure its not that bad...sit down you pacing to and fro makes me want to puke." Old Master Wei massaged his temples feeling frustrated seeing Wei Sihan pacing back and forth.

"How can I relax when my little wifey is out there alone....I couldn't even protect her when she needed me the most."

"Technically, She has Lu San." Old Wei provoked him.

"Its not funny."

"Young Master they are here..." The butler spoke. Wei Sihan hurriedly ran towards the door.

"What happened?" He spoke nervously unbuckling Jia's seat belt.

"She's allergic to alcohol.... Xiaobai said its not that serious she'll be okay." Lu San spoke looking at Wei Sihan nervously.

"Who gave her.... weren't you supposed to take care of her." Wei Sihan eyed Lu San angrily.

Lu San scratched his head while facing down feeling extremely guilty.

"I'll deal with you later." He walked away angrily with Jia in his arms.

"Where is the doctor?" Wei Sihan yelled angrily as soon as he entered the house.

"He's on his way Young Master."

"I know that....he better be here or else...."

"Am here....Sorry am late.."

The family doctor walked in hurriedly he was already accustomed to Wei Sihan's temper but he had never seen him this scared and worried he was always composed and calm when facing a situation but what he saw today changed his view he promised to always look after his wife.

"Can you bear the consequences when something happens to my wife...." Wei Sihan yelled at him...

"Ignore him he's just better handle her if you still need your job." Old Wei spoke taking off his glasses.

"Am going to bed take care of her." Old Master Wei spoke as he walked to the elevator.

"Lemme take a look at her." The doctor spoke.

"Follow me." Wei Sihan carried Jia upstairs then placed her on the bed carefully then held her left hand nervously.

The doctor walked towards her then checked her pulse and her vitals...

He looked at Wei Sihan then nodded his head..."She seems fine."

"What do you mean she seems fine..."

"She's just asleep...Some victims may become unconscious for days after drinking alcohol or may have violent reactions but in this case Miss Jia seems to have none of the above.....Let her rest call me if something comes up."


He bowed then walked out. Wei Sihan went to the bathroom then came back with a wet towel he cleaned her body and wiped off her make up then changed her dress.

"Am sorry I dint do a good job in taking care of you." He spoke silently then kissed her cheeks.

Jia suddenly placed her arms on his neck then pulled him down aggressively....She slapped him on his back then spoke with her eyes closed...

"Zhang Yue you bastard how could you..."

"Wifey don't worry ill definitely make them pay all of them.."

"Its hot...its hot....its hot." She continued pulling his clothes.

"Butler call the doctor back." Wei Sihan yelled at the butler who was standing at the door.

After five minutes, the doctor walked in feeling agitated...."What is it now?"

"She might have a fever check on her again....she keeps saying that its hot." Wei Sihan paced around the room.

He walked forward then took Jia's hand then felt her pulse....

"She's fine.."

"What do you mean she's fine."

"She's uuhhm sexually active." The doctor scratched her head as he replied.

"How the hell did that happen."

"Calm down...its just a side effect...she'll be fine after sex."

"Is there any other way?"

"Am afraid not...Or you can place her in a cold bath tub but it might give her a cold."

"Okay you can leave."

He hurriedly walked out if the room afraid of being called back.


"Why dint you help me earlier?" Jiang Yan spoke after being silent for a while.

"You wanted me to come and help you embarrass yourself?" Zhang Yue spoke while driving.

"Remember what you promised me before you came said you would stay away from Jia.."

"Well I din't are you angry because i embarrassed your ex girlfriend...oooh wait the person you love."

"Stop it Jiang Yan you've done more harm than good."

"You think I don't know that you still love her."

"Why do you care about her anyway its not like she'll get back together with you.....who will even want you..

your stuck with me."

"Shut up Jiang Yan."

She immediately kept quiet as she dint want to go back to the country house. She took out her phone then texted President Gao.

"I need a favor."

"I thought you toased me away after using me."

"I did but not anymore."

"Meet me at the hotel tomorrow afternoon."


"Who are you texting?" Zhang Yue asked curiously...

"Nobody." Jiang Yan replied quickly putting the phone aside as she touched her thighs.

Zhang Yue had been looking for little mistakes to dump Jiang Yan...Jiang Yan had long figured out his plan but she couldn't just let him dump her she had to keep blackmailing and manipulating him.

She knew Zhang Yue's weakest point was her thighs...while in college Zhang Yue had accidentally injured Jiang Yan which led to a big scar that was how she began manipulating him till they ended up together. Zhang Yue had volunteered to pay for a surgery to help remove the scar but she refused.


"Help me its hot....its really hot.." Jia spoke pulling Wei Sihan then kissing him aggressively.

"Dont blame me tomorrow." He replied returning her kisses.

"I love the bold you..." He spoke...Jia tore his shirt away then kissed every inch of his body...."I promise you will regret this tomorrow..." He spoke silently.


"Is she awake?" Old Master wei asked.

"Not yet..."

"What might be the problem?"

"I dont know old man..." Wei Sihan asked it was already 6:00 in the evening yet Jia was still asleep he had called the family doctor.... every 30minutes to check on her and each time he said she was still asleep which frustrated him as time went by.

"Why dont you call her friend and confirm." Old Master Wei suggested.

"Good idea old man." Wei Sihan took out Jia's phone then called Xiaobai.

"Hello Jia."

"Its me Wei Sihan.." He spoke with a deep voice.

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