Love In Bargain/C4 Chapter 4
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Love In Bargain/C4 Chapter 4
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C4 Chapter 4

Minutes after Stacy left, Gina woke up again and drank from the cup that Stacy left for her, then she noticed the note.

"Gina get well soon, you don't have to come in to work today, if I see anyone that knows you at work, I'll let them know you're not feeling too good, Okay? Take care of yourself I love you, and you breakfast is in the kitchen, you can microwave it before eating, Love You!* After reading the note, Gina put down the paper then slowly got off the bed


Stacy got to the company but stood outside admiring how huge it was, then some caught her eyes in a distance, she was sure the person she just saw looked like the man she spent the night with because she had taken a quick glance at him before she fled.

Shoving the possibilities out of her head, she finally stepped into the building.

Not knowing exactly where to go or where to go or what to do, she began looking around and almost walked past the Receptionist. "Excuse me miss, how may I help you?" She said loud enough for Stacy to hear.

"I'm soo sorry, I... 'm Stacy, Stacy Bennet I'm here for the interview".

"The one for janitors or cafeteria cook?" The Receptionist said with a smug look on her face.

"The one for the Secretary position" Stacy said cooly, ignoring the fact that the Receptionist was indirectly making fun of her.

The Receptionist looked at Stacy with scrutiny and disgust which Stacy didn't even pay attention to.

"Do you have an appointment?"

"An appointment?

Seeing Stacy's genuinely confused face she let out a scoff "do you think the position of being the CEO's personal secretary is so cheap and easy for you to not need an interview?"

"But I wasn't told that...

"Just leave already! Your presence is a nuisance here, leave!"

Stacy began feeling embarrassed, she looked around to see the company employees staring at her, some with pity and some with the same look as the receptionist, she then turned to the receptionist,

"there really isn't a way for me to go for the interview without an appointment, you see the thing is my friend who works here referred me, she asked me to come". She said with hope's that the

receptionist would help her now.

"What is your friend's name?" A different voice said beside her, then she turned and saw an unfamiliar face staring at her waiting for her reply, she kept staring and didn't realize it until the Receptionist spoke again.

"Ah! Sir she...she's irrelevant, she doesn't even have an appointment, you see I was about calling security to get her out, oh sir pay no attention to her" she said then hurriedly picked up the company phone to make a call, Stacy had visible panic and fear all over her face seeing that the man here had said nothing else.

"'I’m still waiting for your answer" he said not even paying attention to the secretary.

"Gina! Her name is Aegina Jason, sh... she works here".

"Oh, it's Miss Jason, alright come on let's go".

The person who had come to Stacy's aid was none other than Brian's driver and close friend, Ryan.

The receptionist who was confidently insulting Stacy had dropped the call she was going to make and was now shaking in her pants, everyone at the company knew how much Ryan adores Aegina except for her, which made every female employee envious of her because of how close Ryan is to Brian, and just as expected everyone began their side talks after Ryan and Stacy left,

"Look at her, I'm sure she's shocked to her bones now.

"She dared to mess with a friend of Aegina, tsk".

"I bet five dollars she will get a suspension".

"Brian cares for Ryan way too much, 20 dollars she's getting fired".

"Haha deal!"

The staffs said many other things, even predicting the receptionist's fate, none knowing the real reason Ryan came to Stacy's aid is because he recognized her as the girl his boss helped the previous night

"Your name?" Ryan said while walking with Stacy.

"Ah... it's Stacy.... Stacy Bennet I.

"Gina isn't at work today?"

"Yes, she woke up sick".

"You two live together?" He asked then came to a stop in front of the elevator.

"Yes, we do, she'll come in to work tomorrow, please don't punish her for not informing anyone first"

Stacy said looking down at her feet.

"Punish her?" Ryan said in his head. Not replying to her he pushed the buttons and stepped in but noticed Stacy still standing outside.

"Aren't you coming in?"

"Oh yes yes, she answered then hurriedly stepped in.

"Punish her, who does she think I am?" Ryan thought to himself on the elevator ride.

"I am not the company's CEO, I can't punish Gina" he said to her then watched as her face dropped in obvious disappointment, then it quickly disappeared.

"About the interview?"

She asked slowly looking up at Ryan.

"About the interview, yes, The CEO will personally interview you, because it's a very crucial position and he doesn't want someone who would be like the one that got fired".


The elevator stopped the finally opened, Ryan then straightens his suit before he stepped out.

"Why did the previous secretary get fired?"

Stacy asked following behind Ryan, then he came to a stop causing her to bump into his back.

"Why do you have so many questions?" he asked looking at her with an unreadable expression.

"Because these questions are in and would help me if I eventually get hired."

"If?" He asks with a raised brow.

"If" she said without looking up.

"She got fired because she fell in love with the CEO" He said then continued walking, causing Stacy to increase her pace behind him.

"just that, really?"

"Isn't that enough reason to get fired?"

" it's not, your CEO must be really petty to fire his secretary because she fell for him."

"She not only fell in love, she began making passes at him even went as far as drugging his morning


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