Loving Rex Angelo/C2 getting a new job
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Loving Rex Angelo/C2 getting a new job
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C2 getting a new job

Love is amazing, anyone can find love. But how is it possible to love someone you've never met? tricky isn't.

Love is a new kind of feeling that makes you stronger or weak. Your choice on how it starts or how it will end matters the most. Welcome to the new life...


Cherry rolled on her small torn bed that had pieces of crumbled biscuits scattered over the old sheets she used almost every day. She woke up with a bright smile on her slightly pale face that nearly reached her eyes, Cherry sighed in contentment as the sun peeking through the curtains warmed her skin. She rose with the same smile on her lips that seems to lit up the entire room and a few stretches with her arms raised above.

“What a lovely day isn't it? I slept soundly last night and my first interview starts in...” She grabbed the small android phone she managed to save up months ago and checked the time. “In ten minutes. Yeah, ten more minutes... I still have time to take a nap and still be there in...” Cherry lazily yawned and laid back on the bed. “Just ten more MINUTES!” She told herself, then she realizes the time and sprang up instantly from the bed, her eyes bulging impossibly bigger from its sockets.

“Oh no, no, no, no what in the world!” She exclaimed in fright as anxiety washed through her form. Cherry mentally smacked herself for being careless and succumbing to sleep. She immediately jumped out of bed and took a quick shower, brushed her teeth, and did a super dress-up wearing the first thing her hand touched, from the pile of clothes laid out on her tiny drawers she picked up a scarf and jacket. And to complete her outfit, Cherry picked out a black flat shoe and an old handbag she bought at a flea market.

Cherry packed her phone, diary, and a pen into her handbag, she made one final search in the room in case she might be forgetting something and walked back to the small living room. “Dolly I’ll be back in an hour or so, don't go to the garbage sink!” She called out to the sleeping dog, napping quietly on the worn-out couch. Dolly didn’t respond, Cherry took that as a yes and closed the door behind her, before reaching out into the keyhole using a dull key to lock it.


Cherry stood at the bus stop, waiting for the bus to arrive. It was very unusual that the bus took longer and Cherry was beginning to worry her bad luck was having a tea party at her failure.

“Where are they when you need them.” She complained but started to hum music notes to distract herself from the time and anxiety building inside of her. Lightly, Cherry impatiently tapped her foot on the concrete sidewalk looking left to right for her bus. Finally, a bus came and parked at the bus stop. Cherry had to push her way through other passengers who were eager to get to their various destinations and sat at the back of the bus away from the world.

Not long after everyone was seated the bus started to move. “Come on!” She urged the bus to increase it speed because of how late she was. Cherry kept muttering prayers all through the ride hoping she didn’t miss this great opportunity. This kind of opportunity was rare and not to talk about the other interviews she was going to have in a few hour’s time. Without warning the bus suddenly came to a halt in the middle of the road, and everyone began to worry, staring at one another in confusion.

“We have a flat tire!” The driver announced.

“Oh no, no, this is not happening to me it’s too early for this to happen.” Cherry panicked.

Cherry got out of the bus without anything in mind and traced her way to the G stark company where she was to have her interview. She was determined to go even though there was a slim chance of getting the job, Cherry wasn't known to sit idle if something didn't work, she rather try, making it happen than sit down losing it. The more risk you take, the better the experience.

Finally she made it, sweat beads formed on her forehead dripping down on her slim shoulders, she felt her armpits were also sticky, but refused the urge to smell it. 'I really need to shave after this interview.' She reminds herself.

“Cherry Gilles reporting for duty.” She told the receptionist behind the glass counter while letting out the brightest smile she could form. Cherry expected little kindness from the woman but was welcomed with the receptionist’s bored look, judging her appearance.

“You’re late and you are here for a job interview not reporting for duty.” The rude receptionist spoke to Cherry giving her a mean look. “Like you will ever get the job.” She scoffed visibly and eyed Cherry from head to foot, washing her with her eyes. Cherry ignored the receptionist remark as if it was nothing, it wasn't the first time someone would treat her in such a way, in fact, she has been treated worse.

“I know I am but I kin-“ The rude woman cut her sharply.

“Interview is held upstairs floor 5 down the hall room six. Here is your seat number.” She carelessly tossed a tag at Cherry and continued typing whatever she was typing on the computer system totally ignoring Cherry’s presence. In other not to make her mood bad and disappointing Cherry took the tag and quietly walked to the elevator, she hits the button to floor 5 while playing 'oh la la' by Britany spears in her mind to keep her occupied. Singing and humming help her relax and think properly when she felt distressed.

The elevator door dinged opened, and she stepped out. She looked left to right remembering the directions of the mean receptionist and followed through even though she had the urge to put the mean woman in her place.

As Cherry opened the door and all eyes were on her in an instant. That very awkward moment people just stare at you without saying a word, just judging you with their eyes. A pin could drop and be heard from the amount of silence in the room. Cautiously she stepped into the room filled with many, many men and women all dressed up in corporate clothing. Cherry felt small and stupid among them only wearing a yellow sundress and an old jean jacket.

She quietly and shyly searched for her tag number among the empty chairs arranged in other. She found it and sat down waiting for the interview to start just like the others. Cherry secretly assessed the candidates, from their confident clothes she knew they were well-educated young people with a diploma and high certification while she herself was barely a high school graduate.

“The interview starts in five minutes please take your seat.” A woman's voice could be heard from the speakers. Cherry Gilles sat along with other thousands of men and women eager to get the job of working with the famous billionaire, she knew she was no match for the job as most of the candidates here had higher qualifications and standards compared to her, but that didn’t shake Cherry or caused her to back out she was willing to take the risk no matter the cost even though she had to beg for it.

They all have been sitting there for about twenty minutes, and the woman repeatedly said the interview will begin in five minutes. Cherry got confused because it was the same thing she had been saying all over again.

'was it a voice recording?' she wonders.

One by one the candidates began to exit the hall without returning. Cherry watched them leave and checked her watch just to be sure her watch was reading the same as the rich people’s time, she sat there, her butt hurting badly from sitting too long. Cherry wished to God this interview would start on time so she would be able to leave as she has other interviews to attend should in case this one didn’t work out. One extra hour later the interview was still yet to begin, Cherry heard some candidates grumble while some left, too tired of waiting for almost two hours, some even cursed at the rich man and his company before leaving.

Cherry felt tempted to leave but held her ground. 'I am going nowhere until I see the end of this interview' she assured herself but wondered why a rich man would call out a vacancy at his company while keeping everyone waiting like they had nothing else doing which was rude and unfair.

Half an hour later of waiting Cherry was about dozing off when she heard squealing sounds of leather shoes on the polished floor, she looked up to see a very tall attractive man wearing a dark blue suit, his hands were tucked in his pocket his jaw strong and his face set straight. He was staring at her intently she also noticed two other people by his sides and thought about who they were.

“You here for the interview?” He asked Cherry, she straightened up and stood in front of him.

“Yes sir.” She quickly responded.

“Good, follow me.” He told her and turned back to the entrance. She followed them outside but not letting her guards down, they all walked into the elevator and the man pressed a button that took the elevator up, not long after they stepped out and she found out this was the last floor, a very beautiful decorated hallway greeted them.

“Fill in this form.” He pointed to the piece of paper on the table, Cherry went to fill in the form and placed the paper back on the table.

“I’m done.” Cherry announced.

“Great.” He looked to the two people by his side and then to her. “Resume tomorrow nine-thirty sharp. Lateness is prohibited.” Cherry stood there baffled too perplexed to do anything.

“What’s going on here?” She asked still trying to wrap her mind with the information she received.

“You are hired .” Was all he said.

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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